Bibliographies and Databases

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

Ambrosiana Archive University of Notre Dame

Inventory and catalogue of the drawings in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan. ItalNet has suspended access to the image files until further notice.
http://www.nd.edu:80/~ italnet/AMBROS/

American Native Press Archives

A bigbliography of Native American Authors inteded to add to the body of knowledge concerned with Native American culture and history.

Annual Egyptological Bibliography

Published by the International Association of Egyptologists in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for the Near East. Contents of the most recent volumes, AEB 1992-1995, are available for on-line browsing. Lists of newly published books and articles can be viewed as well.
http://www.leidenuniv.nl/ nino/aeb.html

Archives of American Art

Tthe largest source in the world of primary documentation on the visual arts in America. Collections include letters, diaries, sketches and sketchbooks, photographs, exhibition catalogs, scrapbooks, business records, art periodicals, and other types of documents, over three thousand interviews done for AAA's oral history program, and nearly one thousand photographs in AAA's Photographs of Artists Collections. Site provides an online catalog and plenty more.
http://www. si.edu/organiza/offices/archart/start.htm

Argos Limited Area Search Engine of the Ancient World

A peer-reviewed, limited area search engine (LASE) covering the ancient and medieval worlds. Quality is controlled by a system of indices managed by the Associate Editors of the project. Nice to use if you don't want 10,000 search results.

Clearinghouse for Asian Studies & Social Sciences Subject-Oriented Bibliographies

The major clearinghouse for online bibiliographies covering a wide variety of subjects. The quality of the bibliographies widely varies depending upon who compiled it. Anyone can donate a bibliography on any appropriate subject.
http:// coombs.anu.edu.au/CoombswebPages/BiblioClear.html

eserver: collections in the arts and humanities

The English Server is a student-run cooperative, out of the English Department at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy. It has been publishing humanities texts online since 1990, and distributes over eighteen thousand works representing a wide range of topics in the arts and humanities including anthropology, sociology, gender studies, feminism, literary criticism, history and psychoanalysis.


Although the Getty Information Institute closed on June 30, 1999, many of its resources are still available. Check out the many projects including the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) (a thesaurus of art-historical terminology), Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) (a database of artists' and architects' names in both standard and variant forms), Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), (a database of geographic place names organized into hierarchical clusters), and A Guide to the Description of Architectural Drawings (guidelines for describing architectural drawings and archives). The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, RILA, and the Pronenance Index Sales Catalogues are available online via subscription.
http://www. getty.edu/

Medieval Feminist Index

The Medieval Feminist Index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Compiled by librarians and scholars since July 1996 (books written by a single author are not indexed in MFI), and maintained by the Haverford College Library.

NOEMA: The Collaborative Bibliography of Women in Philosophy

A database of more than 16,000 records representing the work of over 5,000 women. From the Philosophy Dept., Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana.
http://billyboy.ius.indiana.edu/WomeninPhilosophy/WomeninPhilo. html

Perseus Project

Located in the Department of the Classics at Tufts University, The Perseus Project is an evolving digital library of resources for the study of the ancient world. Includes online primary texts, images and object info from a variety of museum collections, tools for word searches, resources for teaching, and plenty more. Ever wondered just what the Objective Genitive really was? Check out Allen and Greenough Latin Grammar. This is an amazing site!

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

Presents selected articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. By Charles W. Bailey, Jr., University Libraries, University of Houston.
http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb /sepb.html


The massive journal article database (over 17,000 periodicals) compiled by CARL

Women's Studies Database

Begun in September 1992, the University of Maryland Women's Studies Database serves interests in the women's studies profession and in general women's issues. Contains conference announcements, calls for papers, arts and humanities links, employment opportunities, as well as a picture gallery (of uncredited photos), and a significant number of government documents. A really great resource!
http://www. inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies


Libraries and Library Sites

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites


The information service of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands
http://www.konbib.nl/ welcome-eng.html

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Catalogues, online exhibitions, and an excellent index of internet-accesible resources.

Bodleian Library, University of Oxford

Includes a selection of images, a readers guide and other library info.

British Library

Includes links to the British Library Document Supply Centre, CERL--The Consortium of European Research Libraries, Gabriel--Gateway to Europe's National Libraries, and the Portico Search Service.

Detroit Institute of Art Research Library

Info about the library and access the holdings via telnet.
http://www.dia.org/library/index. html

Hargrett Library Special Collection

Consists of rare and unusual manuscripts, books, and materials that are maintained by the University of Georgia Libraries. Includes some online images.
http:// scarlett.libs.uga.edu/darchive/hargrett.html

Hill Monastic Manuscript Library

With microfilm, facsimile and original manuscript holdings, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML) represents one of the largest and most comprehensive archives of medieval and Renaissance sources in the world. Site includes index lists of collections, in addition to some high quality online images.

History of Art Virtual Library

The WWW Virtual Library is one of the oldest attempts at classifying and collecting major sites according to subject area. Well worth a look.
http://www.hart.bbk .ac.uk/VirtualLibrary.html

International Directory of Art Libraries

A listing from the International Federation of Library Associates. Provides a means to access over 3,000 libraries and library departments with specialized holdings in art, architecture, and archaeology throughout the world.

Library of Congress

This is it, the great one online. You can also search LOCIS (Library of Congress Information System) via Telnet or using a new Z39.50 fill-in form, LC MARVEL (the Library's Gopher-based Campus-Wide Information System), the POW/MIA database, and others.

Library of Congress Soviet Archives

Shortly after defeating the attempted coup of August 1991, a group from the victorious democratic resistance led by the chief archivist of Russia, Rudolph Pikhoia, took over the previously top secret archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and began the process of both consolidating democratic control over all archives in Russia and attempting to make them available for the first time for public study. This exhibit is a milestone in this process the first public display of the hitherto highly secret internal record of Soviet Communist rule.


A comprehensive list of library information servers on the Web organized by countries and continents.
http://www.ibiblio.org/pjones/russian/Soviet_Archive_Introduction. html


The University of Michigan Library catalog
http:// www.lib.umich.edu/libhome/mirlyn/mirlynpage.html

New York Public Library

Information about and access to the collections of the varioius research and other libraries that make up this increadible resource. See especially the The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

OCLC, the Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., is a not-for-profit computer library service and research organization. Provides online reference systems for both librarians and end-users, distributes online electronic journals, and operates cataloguing resources for libraries.
http://ora.rsch.oclc .org/oclc/menu/home1.htm

Trinity Library, University of Dublin

The Library houses over three million books, many of which are older than the University itself (founded in 1592). Trinity's Library, like its counterparts in Cambridge and Oxford, is a Copyright Library, and as such is entitled to a copy of every book and periodical published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The catalogue is available online. The Library's greatest treasure is the Book of Kells, an early ninth-century illuminated Gospel.

University of Michigan University Library

The University of Michigan University Library is the central system of general and specialized libraries located on the Ann Arbor campus. The Ann Arbor campus is also the home of four Regental or independent libraries (Kresge Business Administration Library, Law Library, Clements Library, and the Bentley Historical Library), and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
http://www.lib.umich. edu/libhome/index.html


Books: Reference

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites


An encyclopedic webpage where you can find unique information about artists from many different art periods.

ARTFL Project: French-English Dictionary

Online foreign language dictionaries, thesauri, and more. A Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language, at the University of Chicago.
http://humanities .uchicago.edu/ARTFL/ARTFL.html

Electronic Reference Shelf

Dictionaries, thesauri, and encyclopedias from the University of Michigan Digital Library Program.
http://www.lib.umich.edu/ refshelf/

Free Online Dictionary of Computing

Ever wondered what DTD, SGRAM, or Electing a Pope means? Check it out here. Use the Random look-up if you want to see what you don't know.
http://foldoc.doc.ic .ac.uk/foldoc/index.html

Humanities Text Initiative

A project at the University of Michigan, includes the Oxford English Dictionary in addition to a variety of text and image collections.

Internet Public Library

A great resource designed like a library with information applicable for all ages and needs.

On-line Books Page

An index of hundreds of on-line books, and for common repositories of on-line books and other documents.
http://digital.library. upenn.edu/books/

Oxford Early Printed Books Project

An inventory of early books in Oxford (non-Bodleian) libraries.

Virtual Reference Desk

At Purdue university Libraries, provides online reference sources.
http:// thorplus.lib.purdue.edu/reference/index.html


Books: Asia

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

Asian Rare Books

A commercial site that has been providing difficult-to-find and remaindered books in addition to the actual antiques for many years.

Chinese literature classics

Online, in mulitple languages.
http://www.chinapage.com/ classic1.html

Digital Chinese Library: Center for Chinese Studies Library at the University of California

Provides information about the Center for Chinese Studies Library, bibliographies, reference materials and other resources of use for students and scholars of China, online library catalogs for selected collections around the world and online newspapers, magazines, and other publications about China.
http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ CCSL/


Books: European and American

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

AS@UVA Hypertexts

Produced by students at The University of Virginia, in The American Studies Program and the American Studies Group. Provides free access to three kinds of texts: Classic texts, Lost Textsand Full Hypertexts.
http://xroads. virginia.edu/~HYPER/about_hyper.html

Cassiodorus in Electronic Format

Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator, born c. 490, d. c. 585, was by turns statesman and monk, leaving behind a substantial and varied body of literary work. The standard treatment of his life and work is James J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979). The full text is now available on this server.
http://ccat.sas. upenn.edu/jod/cassiodorus.html

The Charrette Project

A complex, scholarly, multi-media electronic archive containing a medieval manuscript tradition--that of Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la Charrette (Lancelot, ca. 1180). Developed and maintained by the Department of Romance Languages, Princeton University.
http://www.princeton.edu/~ lancelot/

Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Research Archive

An experiment in Hypermedia that has gained a great deal of attention within the circles of adepts. Also has great pictures and texts for those who hang out in other circles.
http ://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/rossetti/rossetti.html

Creating an Electronic Archive of Piers Plowman

An experiment in creating an archive consisting of several examples of the same text in different places. It includes images of the texts in Cambridge, Oxford, Huntington, and Bodleian. Eventually will have manuscript and liguistic descriptions of each example along with critical text and facsimilies.
http:/ /jefferson.village.virginia.edu/piers/tcontents.html

Electronic Archives for Teaching the American Literatures

Contain essays, syllabi, bibliographies, and other resources for teaching the multiple literatures of the United States. Designed as a complementary resource to the electronic discussion list, T-AMLIT. Created and maintained by the Center for Electronic Projects in American Culture Studies (CEPACS) at Georgetown University's American Studies Program, and sponsored by Georgetown University and the D.C. Heath Publishing Company.
http://www. georgetown.edu/tamlit/tamlit-home.html

Indigenous Peoples Literature

An e-text archive of Indigenous Literatures, developed by Glenn Welker.
http://www. whitestareagle.com/natlit/natlit.htm

Internet Classics Archive

Bringing the wisdom of the classics to the Internet since 1994. Sponsored in part by the MIT Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies.
http://the-tech.mit.edu/ Classics/

Marx/Engels WWW Archive

A full-scale archive with letters, writings, history, and much more information including the full text of Marx's 1865 speech "Value, Price, and Profit."
http://csf.Colorado.EDU:80/ psn/marx/


The Bard's Complete Works, searchable, with related links.
http://the-tech. mit.edu/Shakespeare/works.html


Books: Islam

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

Islamic Texts and Resources Metapage

A service of MSA @ University at Buffalo and Wings, this site is an attempt to provide a 'springboard' for exploring texts and resources on Islam and Islamic thought, ideas, and related issues. Includes sections on Scriptures and Prophetic Traditions, booksellers, and Language and Art Resources.
http ://wings.buffalo.edu/student-life/sa/muslim/isl/isl.html


Journals, Print & Electronic

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites


Artists loose on the web with technology.

American Art

Published by the National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/ journal/

Architronic: The Electronic Journal of Architecture

A scholarly refereed journal, exploring the new ranges of architectural communication available through digital media. Out of the School of Architecture and Environmental Design at Kent State University.
http://arcrs4.saed.kent. edu/Architronic/

Bulletin of the Asia Institute

Presents studies in the art, archaeology, numismatics, history, and languages of ancient Iran, Mesopotamia, and Central Asia and connections with China and Japan along the Silk Route.
http://www. bulletinasiainstitute.org/

Chronicle of Higher Education

News from academe. Includes job listings.


A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Site includes preprint essays.
http://www.clas.ufl. edu/english/exemplaria/

Journal of Contemporary Art

Interviews (both new and old), portfolios, online projects.


A fully searchable, web-accessible electronic database of archived journals. There are currently over 100 participating journals in African-American Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Finance, History, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Sociology, and Statistics.

Lingua Franca: The Review of Academic Life

A magazine for anyone with an intellectual, or a morbid, curiosity about academic goings-on. Includes jobs.

n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal

Includes a list of Women's Art Organisations Worldwide, articles, and a great collection of related international links.
http://web.ukonline.co.uk/n .paradoxa/

Other Voices: The (e)journal of Cultural Citicism

An electronic journal of cultural criticism from the University of Pennsylvania, regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts and humanities; covering philosophy, literature, visual art, music, and theory in a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms.
http://dept.english.upenn.edu/ ~ov/

Postmodern Culture

An electronic magazine on what else, postmodern culture. Published by Johns Hopkins University Press with support from the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
http: //jefferson.village.virginia.edu/pmc/contents.all.html


A quarterly journal in the humanities and interpretive social sciences published by the University of California Press.

The Sleeping Dog

The Sleeping Dog is a periodical review of visual and verbal art designed specifically for the (electronic) page.
http:// cuboulder.colorado.edu/FineArt/FineArts.html



Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

American Native Press Archives

An archive of the products of the Native press and materials related to Native press history, and the works of Native writers. Also provides a bibliography to Native writing and publishing.

Mercury Center Home Page

San Jose (CA) Mercury News online.

The Nando Times

An online newspaper with the major wire stories.

Newspaper Association of America: Newspapers Online

Search for your newspaper online by state.


Publishers and Presses

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites


The Association of American University Presses Online Catalog currently lists over 75,000 book titles from over 60 presses. Includes a searchable catalog and links to members and other presses.

Cambridge University Press

Books, catalogs, etc.

Paragon Books

Books on asian arts and asian studies.
http://www.webart.com/ paragonbook/

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

Presents selected articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. By Charles W. Bailey, Jr., University Libraries, University of Houston.
http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb /sepb.html

University of Michigan Press

Scholarly titles, journals, digital projects.


Linguistic Sites

Bibliographies and Databases | Libraries and Library Sites | Books: Reference | Books: Asia | Books: European/American | Books: Islam | Journals: Print & Electric | Newspapers | Publishers and Presses | Linguistic Sites

Chinese Language Information Page

Provides links to, for example, courses, Chinese language-related FTP sites, information about programming Chinese language software, and sources of Chinese text files.
http://www. webcom.com/~bamboo/chinese/chinese.html

Foreign Language Resources on the Web

A starting point for mining the WWW for foreign language/culture specific resources. Created by Steve Thorne at the UC Berkeley Instructional Technology Program.
http:// www.itp.berkeley.edu/~thorne/HumanResources.html

Latin Grammar

Ever wanted to know just what the Objective Genitive really was? Then check this site. Part of the Perseus Project at Tufts University.

Non-English Fonts for Macs and Windows

A list of fonts for Macs and/or Windows for non-English languages. A good source for free or cheap fonts that include all of those strange characters and diacritics that are not in your normal ASCII. http://babel.uoregon. edu/Yamada/fonts.html

Sumerian Text Archive

A growing collection of transliterated Sumerian texts, using only characters from the ASCII alphabet so that the text files can be used on every type of computer. Housed at the Library of the State University of Leiden.
http://oasis.leidenuniv .nl/ub/sta/sta.htm

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If you have any suggestions, corrections, or additions contact Patrick Young: patyoung@umich.eduThanks!