Sarah C. Koch

Department of Mathematics
University of Michigan
East Hall, 530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

office: 3855 East Hall
email: kochsc at


I am an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the math department at the University of Michigan.


I work primarily in complex analysis, Teichmüller theory, and complex dynamics (in one and several variables).
Here is my CV, and here are my papers.


I am teaching Math 296 in Winter 2025.
I am a faculty advisor for Math Club, and I help organize Bagel Sundays - stop by!
I am also a faculty advisor for the student group FEMMES - check out all of the awesome things they are doing!
I also organize Math Mondays in Ypsi, where a bunch of us do math with students at Ypsi Community Middle School on Monday mornings. Our visits to the middle school have been temporarily replaced by virtual Super Saturdays. If you are interested in joining us, please email me!
Stephen and I organize Michigan Math Circle and Washtenaw and Wayne County Math Teachers' Circle! Check them out!

Math Corps:

I am proud to be the Director of the Math Corps at U(M), a summer camp for middle schoolers and high school mentors from Ypsilanti and Detroit. We faithfully follow the educational and mentoring practices of the Math Corps, a phenomenal program that started at Wayne State University in 1992. (Watch the video or the clip!).
Purchase a Michigan Math hoodie to help support the Math Corps! Be sure to check in with our hoodie store frequently as we will often change our colors up!

Upcoming talks and travel(?) :

I was very excited to help organize the Marjorie Lee Browne Colloquium on MLK Day 2023!! Check out the recording!!
I am serving on an NSF panel in January 2025.
I am giving some talks as part of a Distinguished Lecture Series at Indiana University in March 2025.
I am giving a plenary talk at the Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, which will be held at Indiana University in April 2025.
I am giving the George Kitchen Memorial Lecture at Kalamazoo College in April 2025.
I am headed to Washington DC for an AMS committee meeting in May 2025.
I am helping to organize Dynamical Developments: Degenerations of Flat Surfaces and Rational Maps, a conference that celebrates JHH80 (!!) in Toulouse in June 2025.


this week
Complex Analysis, Dynamics, and Geometry Seminar
Geometry Seminar
RTG Working Group
Topology Seminar
accouplements de polynômes, by Arnaud Chéritat.
one of my favorite stories
my favorite solution to (72) from this file.
splitting the bill