
1. Wikipedia, s.v. "1736," (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1736)

2. Daunton, M.J. Progress and Poverty: An Economic and Social History of Britain 1700-
. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 574-5

3. Waller, Maureen. 1700: Scenes from London Life. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2000. 61

4. Price, Richard. British Society 1680-1880. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 293-5

5. Ashton, T.S. An Economic History of England: The 18th Century. London: Methuen &Co. LTD, 1955. 22

6. Ashton 18-9

7. Daunton 197-8

8. Price 295

9. Smith, N.J. Poverty in England 1601-1936. London: David and Charles Limited, 1972. 22

10. Hans, Nicholas. New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited, 1951. 182

11. Hans 184

12. Martin, Christopher. A Short History of English Schools. East Sussex: Wayland Publishers Limited, 1979. 2-4

13. Hans 78

14. Hans 63, 70, 107

15. Martin 7-9

16. Hans 210-211

17. Daunton 276

18. Waller 28

19. Daunton 66-7

20. Daunton 69

21. Daunton 67-8

22. Daunton 408

23. Price 39-41

24. Price 42

25. Daunton 429

26. Smith 17

27. Smith 22

28. Ashton 221

29. Ashton 220

30. Daunton 77

31. Ashton 36

32. Ashton 34

33. Price 242-4

34. Ashton 37-8, 46

35. Daunton 242, 245

36. Daunton 243-4

37. Ashton 27-8

38. Daunton 66

39. Leake, Stephen Martin. An historical account of English money, from the conquest, to the present time; including those of Scotland, from the union of the two Kingdoms in King James I. London: W. Meadows, 1745. 474

40. Nationmaster, s.v. "Isaac Newton," accessed on 12/2003. (nationmaster.com/encyclopedia)

41. Nationmaster, s.v. "Pounds-sterling."

42. Nationmaster, s.v. "British-coinage."

43. Clarke, William. The connexion of the Roman, Saxon and English Coins, deduced from observations on the Saxon weights and money. London: William Bowyer, 1767. 437

44. Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings. Edited by V. Carretta. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 2003. xxxiii-xxxiv

45. Ashton, 167-168

46. Ashton, 167

47. Ashton, 169

48. Ashton, 169-171

49. Ashton, 174

50. Elks, Ken. "The Coinage of Britain," 2000. (Accessed on 11/2003. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~kenelks/index2.htm)

51. Ashton, 174

52. Elks, "Provincial Token Coins."

53. Elks, "Provincial Token Coins."

54. Ashton, 178

55. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, "A History of Banking," 2003. Accessed on 11/2003. (http://www.rbs.co.uk/Group_Information/Memory_Bank/Our_History/A_History_Of_Banking/)

56. Ashton, 179

57. Cottrell, Phil. "Banking and Finanace," Electronic Atlas of Industrializing Britain, 2003. (http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugfa173/contents.html)

58. Price, 52

59. Ashton, 179

60. Georgian Index, "Banking in England," 2003. Accessed on 11/2003. (http://www.georgianindex.net/banking_economics/banking.html)

61.Bank of England, The "Over Three Hundred Years of the of England," 2003. Accessed on 12/2003. (http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/threehundred.htm)

62. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, "A History of Banking."

63. Ashton, 179

64. Ashton, 183

65. Georgian Index, "Banking in England"

66. Waller 163-5

67. Waller 164

68. Waller 194


Story Image Credits

1. Waller 45

2. Smith 13

3. Martin iii

4. Martin ii

5. Waller 15

6. Waller 259

7. Smith 16

8. Smith 19

9. http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/vg/houses.html

10. http://www.rodmarton-manor.co.uk

11. http://www.cornwall-calling.co.uk/mines.htm

12. http://www.collectweb.nl/default_en.asp


Store Credits


Period Items Images

Whalebone Stays: http://cabinet.editthispage.com/2000/02/14
Breeches: http://www.jastown.com/mens18/mens18.htm
Silk Breeches: http://www.kipar.demon.co.uk/male_rococo7_body.html
Nice Gloves: http://www.ageofelegance.dabsol.co.uk/gloves1.htm
Cloth Coat: http://dept.kent.edu/museum/exhibit/menswear/third_quater.htm
Wig: http://www.costumes.org/history/100pages/18THHAIR.HTM
Sword: http://www.liongate-armsandarmour.com/ew208.htm
Watch: http://www.antique-watch.com
Suit: http://www.vam.ac.uk/

Site Credits

Background and Navbar Coins: Elks, Ken. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~kenelks/index2.htm