Thailand is one of the few countries in the Third World where
economic and social development has been accompanied by a power shift
toward democracy. Modern changes in Thai society which began in the late
19th century have been accelerated since early 1960s when economic and
social development was consciously singled out as the most important goal
of the country. The direct foreign investment since 1986 has also had
effect on expanding the GNP and GDP in manufacturing or industry sectors.
Although these economic and social development has succeeded, it is true
that the development strategy have contributed to broaden the regional
imbalance. In a word, Thailand has failed to narrow the widening gap
between the rural and urban income.
Rural-urban gaps are most obvious when comparison is made between
the predominantly rural Northeast region and Bangkok, the capital and
mega-city of Thailand. The bigger the gap, the more people come to urban
areas, especially to Bangkok. The problems caused by urbanization
transition are varied. It causes not only environmental problems such as
air and water pollution, traffic congestion or the urban poor but also the
serious social problems in both rural and urban areas.
This paper seeks to illustrate the various kinds of human
resource, environmental, social and economical problems caused by the
urbanization transition from rural to urban area. I will also deal with
Thai governmental strategy which tries to decrease the regional imbalance.
The analysis is developed with the data from World Resource 1996-97
Database Diskette, Atlas GIS and National Migration Survey Thailand 1995.
This paper is closed by suggesting that an essential plan for decreasing
the regional imbalance exists in rising the public attention and in
encouraging the regional, governmental and non governmental organizations.
Land and Climate
Thailand occupies the territory of the Indo-Chinese peninsula of
Southeast Asia which lies between longitude 97
E and 106
E; its southern and northern limits are latitude 5
N and 21
N, respectively. The length from north to south is 1,684 kilometers and
its greatest width is about 780 kilometers. The coastlines command
roughly 2,875 kilometers of the Gulf of Thailand and about 740 kilometers
on the Indian Ocean. Listed clockwise, countries bordering Thailand are
Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) and Democratic Kampchea (Cambodia)
on the north and the east, Malaysia on the south, and the Socialist
Republic of the Union of Burma (Myanmar or Burma) on the northwest and the
The country is divided into four geographic regions: the central
region which includes the capital city of Bangkok, the northern region,
the northeastern region and the southern region. The central region is
relatively more prosperous and densely populated than others, whereas the
northeastern region is the largest land-locked area but the least
economically developed. The total land area of Thailand is about 513,115
square kilometers. Administratively, the country is divided into 72
provinces, 784 districts, 7,003 tambons and around 63,110 village.
Bangkok Metropolitan Region if the capital and also the principal port of
Thailand. (Ministry of Public Health Thailand, 1991)
Thailand is a tropical country, with rather high temperature and
humidity. The climate of most of the country is dominated by monsoons.
In most areas, there are three seasons: rainy (June to October), cool
(November to February) and hot (March to May). Rainfall varies, but is
generally heaviest in the southern portion of the country. (Shin, 1996)
The rapid economic expansion over the past two decades in Thailand
was accompanied by an equally rapid population increase. As shown in
Figure 2, during the period of 1965-1990, the Thai population nearly
doubled, growing at an average annual rate of 2.8 per cent, from about 26
million to about 51 million. However, the annual rate of population
growth has declined from 3.5 per cent during the period of 1961-1966 to
about 1.8 per cent in 1984. (Population Policy Background Paper, 1986) It
is obvious that the population growth in urban areas is greater than that
of rural areas in Figure 3 and the difference is the biggest in 1995.
When looking at Figure 1, the rural population growth rate has been
declining since 1965 and in 2005, t will be below zero. This is a
critical indication that the urbanization in Thailand is the serious
social phenomenon.
The 1990 census shows that Thailand's population is 54.5 million
with a growth of approximately 1.4 per cent annually. This trend in
population growth indicates that the country is growing more urbanized and
is experiencing and increase in the population of working age and old age
adults and a decrease in the dependency ratio.
Figure 1. Urban and Rural Population Growth
Figure 2. Population Growth in Thailand.
Figure 3. Growth of Total Urban and Rural
Figure 4. Industrialized Country, Thailand.
Inequalities in the Distribution of Gross Regional Domestic
Product, per capita by region, 1978-88.
Map. GDP in Agriculture in Mainland of SEA
Map. GDP in Industry in Mainland of SEA
As shown in Map of GDP in Agriculture and in Industry in Mainland
of Southeast Asia, 1990, Thailand is obviously not an agricultural country
any more. Since 1986, Thailand has experienced economic growth, which has
transformed the country from an agricultural into industrial economy. In
1986, agriculture, fisheries and forestry products accounted for 41 per
cent of the total value of exports and manufactured products accounted for
55 per cent. In 1991, manufactured goods formed 75 per cent of all
exports, and basic agricultural, fishery and forestry products accounted
21 per cent. Over the past years, the GDP has risen by an average of over
11 per cent per year in absolute terms. (Far Eastern Economic Review,
1992) However, Figure 4 tells us that this industrialization has been
occurring only in Bangkok and its surrounded areas. An important
indication o this figure is the very slow increase in productivity of
agricultural labor. This can be compared to the fact that the Bangkok
Metropolitan Region accounted 77 per cent, and the BMR plus the Central
Region for 89 per cent of the nation's value added in manufacturing in
1987. This uneven pattern indicates that the combination of industrial
boom brought by direct foreign investments since 1986 and faltering
agriculture has led unmistakably to widening income disparities, with the
largest decline in income shares affecting the poorest 20 per cent of the
Definition of Urban Areas
In Thailand, there is no official definition of the urban
population. "A municipal area" has long been formally used to demote a
non rural area by the Ministry of Interior. This has long been reported
as equivalent to an urban in all censuses.
The municipal area (or Mas) are established for administrative
purposes under the Municipal Act of 1953. There are three classes of
municipalities: nakhon (city); muang (town); and tambon (small town). An
area which has a total of 50,000 or more inhabitants, with a population
density of not less than 3,000 inhabitants per square kilometer, can
achieve the status of nakhon municipality. The muang municipality
requires a minimum of 10,000 inhabitants and the same population density
as a nakhon municipality. But a place which is the seat of the provincial
administration, regardless of whether it has a population size or density
larger than the minimum requires for muang municipality, is required by
law to be a muang municipality. The status of tambon municipality has no
specific numerical criteria. It is established wherever it is considered
appropriate through official decrees prepared by the Ministry of Interior.
(Kritaya, 1983)
In addition to these municipalities, there are urban sanitary
district, rural sanitary district and village. Sanitary districts (SDs)
are usually treated as rural, though many sanitary districts have archived
the urban characteristics to qualify as municipality.
Figure 5: Urban Hierarchy in Thailand
(Only Bangkok has been designated as a metropolis since 1972)
(Places with population of at least 50,000 and
population density of at least 3,000 per square kilometer)
(Places with population of at least 10,000 and
population density of at least 3,000 per square kilometer)
(No specific numerical criterion)
(SDs with population more than 5,000)
(SDs with population not more than 5,000)
*Urban and rural SDs are terms used by the National Statistical Office in
the 1980 census report.
Bangkok has been termed a primate city, which heads a single city
in a country in which is found a disproportionately large of concentration
of the administrative, economic, educational, service activities and
wealth of the country along with large of the total urbanized population.
Even though there are other urban areas other than Bangkok as mentioned
above, I would like to discuss the urbanization transition to Bangkok
Metropolitan Region from other areas to make my ideas clear.
Characteristics of Urbanization in Thailand
There is no doubt that, beginning of the mid-1980's, Thailand
entered a new era of economic development that highly depends on direct
foreign investments and worldwide markets for manufactured exports.
Exports of textiles, electric goods and other labor intensive manufactured
goods accelerated from 1986 onwards and have been the major factor
propelling national economic growth. Much of the push for export oriented
industrialization has come from rapid structural changes in the economies
into labor intensive production in ASEAN countries.
During the three years from 1987 to 1989, Thailand was the primary
recipient of direct foreign investment among the four 'next generation'
manufacturing exports of Asia (the ASEAN 4 of Thailand, the Philippines,
Malaysia and Indonesia). With approximately three-quarters of this
investment coming from Japan and Asia NICs, the $17 billion in direct
investment during those years is significant not only as it reflects the
high level of investment and rate of increase but also for what it says
the new position of the Thai economy as a host for labor intensive export
industries being shed from the higher income economies of Asia.
The very rapid growth of manufactured exports following from
direct foreign investments in Thailand has been accompanied by substantial
increase in employment in manufacturing and related service sectors. As
many as 500,000 jobs may have been directly associated with the growth of
manufactured exports between 1985 and 1989. With the entire labor force
growing by 3.8 million workers over this period, these figures imply that
exports directly absorbed the equivalent of somewhat between 11 and 17 per
cent of the additions to the Thai labor force.
Needless to say, these direct foreign investments based
industrialization have contributed to the concentration of urban
population. Thailand has been long known for its high spatial
concentration of urban population, urban-based manufacturing and
industrial activities and urban amenities.
Part of the explanation for this is geographical. Few other
cities in Asia so solidly occupy the center of gravity of the national
economy and its link with the outside world. The only significant
challenge to Bangkok is Eastern Seaboard, which in fact is part of the
emerging Bangkok mega-urban region. I will discuss Eastern Seaboard
Project in later section.
A second important contributing source of urban concentration has
been the very narrow increase in productivity of agricultural labor. This
can be set against the fact that Bangkok Metropolitan Region accounted 77
per cent, and this region plus the Central Region for 89 per cent, of the
nation's value added on manufacturing in 1987. (McGee and Robinson, 1995)
Tourism and Vietnam War
The continuing expansion of tourism over the decade fueled
substantial growth in the services in Bangkok's economy, despite the lack
of direct coordination-ordination by government, giving rise to further
growth in the entertainment and hotel districts of Silom-Suriwong and
Ploenchit. The number of hotel rooms in Bangkok increased from 2,041 in
1964 to 8,763 in 1970, giving rise to claims that there were too many
hotels in the city.
U.S. military aid to Thailand grew as the conflict in Indo-China
escalated, reaching peak levels in 1962-1967. The presence of United
States military personnel, both permanent and those on Rest and Recreation
leave, provided and added boost to Bangkok's services sector, particularly
the accommodation and entertainment sector. Bangkok's red light district
of Patpong areas is a product of this period. Originally as extension of
the Silom business districts, this through-way between Silom and Sathorn
became a lucrative investment for the family of Udom Patpong during the
Vietnam War years. The New Petchaburi Road extension was a district of
clubs and bars relying on the custom of American Servicemen. It is worth
nothing that overseas tourism was booming during the Vietnam War years,
with tourists outnumbering R & R servicemen by 10 to 1 in 1970, although
servicemen probably had a lot more disposable income during their stays in
Bangkok. But R & R visits dropped drastically in 1972 with U.S.
disengagement from Vietnam, while overseas tourism registered a 28 per
cent increase. Nevertheless, the R & R program had provided much of the
infrastructure for the investing tourism; and another legacy of the war
period: ex-servicemen were among the groups investing in the bars and
clubs the multiplied in the later 1970s and early 1980s in Patpong,
Sukhumvit and Pattaya.
This expansion of service sectors in Bangkok have also contributed
to the growth of urban population, especially the number of the women and
children who would like to get heir jobs in the entertainment industry.
The Middle Class and Education
While Bangkok was becoming a center for western consumer spending
with a retailing and entertainment industry expanding according to
cosmopolitan tastes, the growing city was also the center of consumption
for burgeoning Thai middle-class. The education expansion program of the
later 1950s, boosted by overseas scholarship schemes, had produced an
educated and well paid processional strum. By virtue of the historical
concentration of administration and business in Bangkok compounded by ten
years of urban biases development, three quarters of Thailand's university
graduates resisted in the metropolis. In 1970, the level of concentration
of this group was higher than it had been 20 years earlier.
The establishment of new universities in Bangkok added to the
process of attraction which drew students from the provinces to Bangkok.
This served to concentrate consumption power in the metropolis. The
growing disparities in per capita income between the Bangkok Metropolitan
Regions and the other regions of Thailand was clear enough indication of
this trend. Between 1960 and 1970 per capita income in the Bangkok
Metropolitan Region grew at a rate higher than Thailand's average, with
income for the metropolis 11,234 Bhat in 1970 compared with 3,849 for
Thailand as a whole. (Marc, 1993)
Among studies of rural-urban migration in developed countries, the most
generally accepted behavioral assumption is that movements is motivated by
the search for a better material standard of living, and therefore results
from inequalities of material welfare between rural and urban areas.
Generally greater inequalities cause greater volumes of migration.
(Theodore, Peerasit, Paul and Sawaeng, 1983)
Reasons for Migration and Data
Figure 6: Reasons for Migration by Type and Stream of Migration and Gender
Place of Current Residence
Bangkok MAs Rural
Single Repeat Single Repeat Single Repeat
Move Move Move Move Move Move
Reason for Migration from Last Place of Residence
Work 50 69 48 53 51 58
Family 22 9 28 28 37 29
Education 10 3 6 4 1 3
Problem 17 18 13 11 11 8
Other 0 0 4 5 1 3
Total 99 99 99 101 101 101
Work 40 39 52 42 26 48
Family 34 40 28 40 58 40
Education 5 4 4 2 3 1
Problem 21 16 15 14 11 11
Other 0 0 1 2 1 0
Total 100 99 100 100 99 100
Reason for Migration to Current Place of Residence
Work 35 55 33 44 16 17
Family 60 44 54 55 83 81
Education 5 1 6 1 1 2
Problem 0 0 2 0 1 0
Other 0 0 4 0 0 0
Total 100 100 99 100 101 100
Work 36 43 37 29 14 17
Family 64 56 61 60 86 82
Education 1 1 1 7 1 1
Problem 0 0 0 2 0 0
Other 0 0 1 2 0 0
Total 101 100 100 100 101 100
As shown in Figure 6, reasons for moving from the first place of
residents varied both by gender and by the region of destination. In
Bangkok, males are more likely to seem that they have repeat movers and
single movers. Both repeat and single movers have a high percentage of a
problem with their previous residence. Women are more likely than men to
move for family reasons. Female migrants to Bangkok moves almost equally
for family or for work reasons. In municipal areas, single movers are
nearly twice as likely to move for work reasons than for family reasons.
The opposite trend is observed for female single movers in rural areas: 26
per cent of work reasons while 58 per cent for family reasons.
In regards to their current residence, the majority of both men
and women move for family reasons in nearly all locations. Slightly more
than Bangkok move for work reasons compared to family reasons. This
indicates that even though economic factors are the main reasons for
migrating to a particular location, familial networks remain important.
While rural networks are particularly likely to chose their location based
on family reasons, there is little difference by gender for moving to the
current destination.
Impact on Environmental Conditions
Air Pollution
Air pollution is presently most serious, to the point of being
critical, for people living in Bangkok. Over the past few years, the air
quality has been rated "dangerous" throughout much of the time, with the
annual average air quality index nearing 300 - the maximum acceptable rate
being 100.
Figure 7: The Number of Motor Vehicles in Bangkok 1990-94
Type of Car 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Sedan 899,161 918,595 987,999 1,091,836 1,214,927
Van/Pick Up 268,598 156,136 217,336 272,190 323,902
Taxi/ServiceCar 31,643 32,247 37,081 55,053 64,869
Motorcycle 728,679 887,289 1,006,302 1,105,084 1,233,503
Tractor 9,955 11,993 12,792 13,265 13,860
Farm Vehicle 33 69 69
Others 4,676 2,658 2,792 2,956 3,293
Total 1,942,712 2,008,918 2,264,335 2,540,453 2,854,423
The major air pollution sources in Thailand are transportation,
fuel combustion from stationary sources, industrial processes and solid
wastes. Large quantities for toxic gases and particulate matter are
discharged into air by motor-vehicles and factories. (Figure 7) The number
of the cars in Bangkok has been keeping increasing. Six air pollutant
measured to indicate air quality: carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide,
suspended particulate, nitrogen dioxide and lead. Reports from the
National Environmental Board shows that Bangkok, Samut Prakan, Chiang Mai,
Chonburi, Khon Kaen and Hat Yai, have polluted with smoke churned out by
hundred of industries and the lead-contaminated exhaust fumes emitted from
over one million cars and some 660,000 motorcycles caught in the endless
lines of congested traffic. As bad as the situation is at present, the
prospects for the future are that it will get even worse. While dust
causes irritations and allergies, carbon monoxide can build up to harmful
level and cause headaches, impairment of mortal function, impairment of
fetal development and death in the case of very high concentrations.
(Suntree, 1993)
Traffic Congestion
Traffic congestion is one of the most obvious problems of the
Bangkok Metropolitan Regions. Many areas in the metropolis are
"super-blocked" where real estate is booming. Patches of empty land can
be found in between major developments because of speculation. Also, the
existing transit system is inadequate, forcing people to use private cars,
thereby increasing traffic congestion and the demand for road use.
Culturally, Thai people like to show off their wealthy so that having a
private car can be an explicit indication of their being affluent. A few
hours of congestion and traffic jams each day and loose concern for safe
fuel consumption can cause air pollution as mentioned in last chapter.
Public bus service is very poor and control in granting licenses
to an incensing number of private vehicles in going worsen the problem of
traffic jams. The rate of increase of vehicles in the metropolis is
estimated at about 5.7 per cent annually and if allowed to continue, by
the next decade, the number of vehicles will be doubled.
Although a number of subdivisions in the suburbs have built their
own road networks, there is no integrated master plan to guide and link
one subdivision to next. The result is a patchwork of fragmented and
disconnected roads that could otherwise serve as diversion roads. At
present, a number of gigantic projects have been identified in order to
cope with the problem, especially expressway and a mass rapid transit
system such as monorail and subways. However, these mega projects could
be used if there are not enough secondary and feeder road networks to link
them. It is believed that land acquisitions are the main constraint.
Construction of the mass rapid transit system has been delayed,
leaving only the inadequate bus service of the Bangkok Mass Transit
Authority to meet transportation on the metropolis. At the same time,
ongoing road repairs and construction works at many significant points in
the city have caused heavy traffic jams. On bad days, traffic jams have
been known to stand still hours.
Water Pollution
Water pollution is another product of Bangkok's growth, and here
private industry and households are equally blamed. Traditionally,
Bangkok has been a city with a pot of crisscrossing canals (klong), and
its residents have relied on canals and rivers for bathing, traveling,
drinking and waste disposal. Before industrialization, water pollutants
went through the usual process of purification by bacteria interacting
with dissolved oxygen which broke down these wastes into works, because
the tremendous quantities of waste discharged into the water is greater
than the available oxygen can cope with. Further more, some types of
industrial waste sets off a biological process which accelerates the
depletion of oxygen. (Tawanchai, 1987)
For the majority of the residents are not served by a
piped-sewerage system, sanitary facilities range from septic to nothing at
all, especially in the slums in Bangkok. Needless to say, these slums are
composed of the migrants from other municipal districts, sanitary
districts or villages. Human waste is disposed of mainly through septic
tanks and cesspools, and the effluents are discharged into storm water
drains or klong. Inefficient drainage, together with periodic flooding
and a high water table makes water pollution a health hazard. It has been
estimated that about 50 per cent of the city's 2,500 tones of garbage
finds its way into klong daily. (Sham, 1993)
One result of an inadequate supply of decent housing in Bangkok is
the presence of slums which in the Thai context means a settlements of
low-income people occupying sub-standard housing or merely house-like
structures with no security of tenure, and with virtually no access to
public services.
According to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, there were
433 slums in Bangkok in 1982 (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, 1983)
with about 1,2 million people living there. A survey of 108 slums areas
by National Housing Authority reveals that the size of slums varied from
42 to 2,000 families, with the average slum housing 247 families.
(Paiboon) Slums occupied by workers, street vendors, unskilled labors,
lower level of government officials and others. The average family income
in slums is 3,000 Baht per month, well below the average monthly income of
Bangkok households which was 4,231 Baht per month in 1982.
The majority of the slums, 59 per cent, are found on privately
owned land, while 37 per cent are on government owned land and the
remaining four per cent are owned by the slum dwellers. Slums developed
mainly as a result of the rural poor migrants to Bangkok in search for
jobs. Without enough income or marketable skills, often having several
dependent, people were unable to afford rental housing and were forced to
set up crude houses on vacant land without the owner's permission.
Although landowners often charge rent for profit while waiting to develop
their land, the government usually does not charge rent and throw out the
poor. In both cases, there are virtually no public services such as piped
water or sewerage as mentioned in the section of water pollution, since
the slums are not viewed as permanent housing. Rather it is assumed that
slum residents will eventually the relocated elsewhere. Some slums have
been established for over ten years.
One feature that add further misery to Bangkok slum is their
location near marshy areas of the flood-prone city. Only 22 per cent of
the slums are located on dry land. (Paiboon) Much slum housing has had to
be built on sites over polluted and stagnant waters, filled with
mosquitoes and germs. An example of such slums is on the territory of the
government-run Port of Bangkok in the Klong Toey area.
Another feature id the "moving Slum". Settlements of construction
workers, living in temporary shacks around a building site until the
project is completed, move with their families to wherever the their
construction company has a project. There are no figures on the total
size of this type of slums, but given the building boom in Bangkok since
the 1960s, it would be considerable.
Impact on Social Condition
Socially, migration can have a great effect on both rural and
urban areas. In many developing countries it has been suggested that
rural migrants are drawn from two extreme types: person s sufficiently
interested and motivated to migrate in search of education or wider
opportunities in urban centers and persons who are driven by the poverty
of the village and are attracted by the opportunities in the city. In
Thailand, a number of studies of migration show consistent findings on
educational selectivity among out-migrants. Those who move out, although
not highly educated, generally have higher average education than
non-migrants. This selectivity has a negative effect on the village of
origin. The better educated out-migrants take with them the investments
made in education. Moreover, rural social and economic conditions may
shut those migrants out once they leave in that many of them cannot or do
not return to the village due to the lack of employment suitable to their
education and ability.
Another aspects of rural out-migrants which is seen as having a
negative impact is a disruption of kinship or clan ties. Increased rates
of movement of young people from villages to towns are viewed as a sign of
breakdown of family and village society. Rural out-migrants may lead to
the reduction of kinship dominance over person's behavior but it is also
argued that the extent of the impact on family and kin in the place of
origin depends on the type, permanence and distance of migration as well
as the ties retained by a migrant with the family left behind in the
On the positive side, migrants who return to their villages may
stimulate the process of change, functioning as agents for the diffusion
of the ideas and technologies. Successful rural migrant returning from
urban areas are often equipped with new ideas and skills gained during
their stay in the city which they can share with those who remained
It is not only the sending areas that are effected by migration.
Mass movements of population from rural areas affect the social structure
in the urban receiving areas, too. Migrants who moved to a city with a
different cultural background and behavioral norms can create tensions or
social confronts between migrants and urban native or among migrants
themselves. While staying in Thailand in past summer, I met a news
article mentioned that a guy from Northeast region working in Bangkok was
arrested of eating a black dog, which is culturally admitted behavior in
Northeast region in Thailand. This kind of collective violence and
conflict in the cities can result from a lack of the public information
centers or supportive institutions for migrants. There are problems of
assimilation and integration as migrants, especially recent movers, are
less prone to join with new neighbors or other formal association in the
places of destination.
Impact of Economical Condition
In general, migration from rural to urban areas is seen to be
beneficial to both urban and rural economic development. At the
micro-level, however, individuals and families migrating to Bangkok face
competition for jobs from those already resident there. Poverty and slum
residents in urban areas are associated with the problems of unemployment,
underemployment at very low wages with unfavorable working conditions that
the newcomers face.
Migration represents a transfer of both labor supply and human
capital. Lost primarily are persons 15 to 29 years of age, generally
considered the prime years of productivity in rural areas. The absence of
migrants in the prime years of economic productivity tends to increase the
dependency ratio for those remaining in the areas of out-migration,
especially in areas where the fertility level remains unchanged. This
demographic effect of out-migration can have economic consequences. In
the worst case, it may lead to changes in the economic structure of the
community. Where labor shortage is not too serious, rural families can
adapt to the situation. The adaptation may be that the women and children
who are left behind take on more responsibility for agricultural work, use
remittances receives from migrants to hire extra labor for farm work or
switch to less labor intensive crops. Where the absence of male manpower
is too great or hired labor is unavailable or too expensive, the result
may be a reduction of agricultural production or even leaving the land
uncultivated. If these situations remain unsolved in the long term, they
would not only have a strong impact on the economic situation but also
would alter social conditions in the community through the disruption of
family stricture changing the role of women, etc. (Bahssorn and Penporn,
Policy of Thai Government and Its Implementation
National Economic Social Development Plan
Thai government have tried a variety of policies intended to
achieve more equitable distribution through influencing population
movement. Policies or measurements have been initiated or adopted to
discourage migration or to direct the flows of movement away from large
cities. I will discuss the National Economic Social Development Plan,
which, I think, one of the significant policies of Thai government.
The National Economic Social Development Plan (NESDP) was
established to draw up five-year development plans in economics,
education, society and administration in 1961. In the Forth (1977-81) and
the Fifth (!982-86) Plans, it sought to control the growth of Bangkok and
achieve better balance between rural and urban development. The principal
means to accomplish this was to direct investments to a select number of
growth poles and lower-order rural centers in each of the major regions.
However, during this period, polarization in the Bangkok Metropolitan
Regions continued and rural-urban inequalities remained high.
The Fifth Plan was critical of past policy and planning efforts,
because it empathized that the major development issue was how to slow
down Bangkok's population growth and lessen its economic dominance. To
overcome those deficiencies, it outlined a comprehensive strategy for
Bangkok's development in the form of a "Structural Plan for the
Development of the Bangkok Metropolis and Vicinity Towns". The basic aim
was to decentralize economic activity and thereby diffuse growth from the
capital city to the five surrounding towns of Samut Prakan, Pathum Thani,
Nonthabuti, Nakhon Pathom and Samut Sakhon, located in the five adjoining
changwats (prefectures) of the same names.
The plan proposed that these outlying areas be developed as
planned communities with a high degree of self-sufficiency, thereby
ensuring that residents would not need to commute Bangkok for employment
or lower-level of services but only periodically for special cultural or
entertainment facilities. It also intended that agricultural land in and
around the five towns would be preserved and in order to prevent the
urbanized parts of Bangkok from spreading farther, a green belt would be
designated around the current boundary of the city. Thus, Fifth Plan,
through the 'Structural Plan', continued to advocate multi-nucleared or
polycentric metropolitan regional development of Bangkok.
Another key spatial component of the Fifth Plan was the decision
to develop the Eastern Seaboard into a major location for the basic
Although many opportunities to link rural and urban development on
a regional scale remained relatively unexpected, the Sixth Plan (1987-91)
adopted a much more clearly urban oriented view of development, which
reversed the previous position on limiting the growth of Bangkok
Metropolitan regions. According to the summery of the Sixth plan,
controlling the growth of the Bangkok metropolis remained an important
national goal. However, despite of the very clear statement of the
objective to control Bangkok's growth, a considerable amount of investment
in large-scale infrastructure projects was still being planned for a
capital city. This means that instead of trying slowing down of the
growth of Bangkok Metropolitan Regions, policies were directed towards
improving urban management through privatization. The extended Bangkok
Metropolitan Regions still represents the most important economic and
employment base in the country itself.
The regional policies of the Sixth plan have been substantially
carried over into the current Seventh Plan (1992-96), except that the new
plan does not formally recognize the extended Bangkok Metropolitan Regions
as a geographical entity for the government investment. The focus remains
on regional growth centers, and investments are to be coordinated through
the Ministry of Interior form central to provincial and municipal levels.
Local levels of government are to be strengthened to enhance planning and
The Eastern Seaboard Project
This is one of the development projects to accelerate the
provincial development with decentralization. These regions include three
prefectures which are facing to the Gulf of Thailand and aim to develop
the oil chemistry utilizing natural gas and its associated industries.
They are far from Bangkok enough to establish the individual economy and
society and close enough to keep the communication with Bangkok.
The infrastructures which Thai government developed included two
industrial areas. The one focuses on a light industry with no pollution,
the other oil and heavy industry. In addition, irrigation pipeline, new
town housing, telecommunications were established. Thai government
expects that there will be new job opportunities for about 13,000 people
and also these regions will substitute for Bangkok Metropolitan Regions.
There is a expressway between Northeastern region and the Eastern
Seaboard, which must contribute to the development of Northeastern region
and decentralization of population to Bangkok from this region.
As part of the metropolitan region, the Eastern Seaboard will
serve as the country's major industrial base and a new gateway to
industrial growth. The seaboard is seen as a countermagnet, providing
alternative investment locations to reduce congestion in the Bangkok
metropolis and its vicinity towns. It is considered that the seaboard
will be served with a regionally integrated transportation network of a
high standard, which would link the metropolis with the inner parts of the
country. m Communication networks and the new deep-sea port in the Eastern
Seaboard development will increase international contacts for the
metropolitan regions.
To accomplish these development schemes, it is necessary to speed
up expansion of major infrastructure in the seaboard, especially roads,
rail and communication systems connecting the major ports of to industrial
estates at Leam Chanbang and Map-Ta-Phut. All the major urban centers of
the seaboard must be well equipped with standard social services and
infrastructure, community environmental improvement programs and upgraded
administrative bodies. The seaboard must be connected to the rest of the
nation via new transportation and communication networks, and an improved
international communication network will be needed to maximize its role as
a new economic zone. The success of the Eastern Seaboard Project is
attribute to the multi program of Thai government and private sectors.
Metropolitan Regional Structural Plan
National Economic Social Development Seventh Plan recommends
studying how to target the metropolitan region for development by using
the Bangkok Metropolitan Regional Structural Plan to provide the region
with a proper plan of orderly growth. The Bangkok Metropolitan Region
Structural Plan emphasizes growth to the northern and southeastern parts
of the metropolis in order to link Bangkok with the Saraburi Industrial
Complex and the Eastern Seaboard. The clear direction offered for
regional growth in the plan will assist the alignment of major
infrastructure investments rather than allowing growth to sprawl in every
conceivable direction.
This plan formulates measures to relieve congestion in the
metropolis through construction of satellite cities and new towns,
controls on building construction of city core, and prevention of housing
sprawl along the main highways. The following strategies are laid out in
the plan:
-Empty and unused lands in the suburban areas will be used efficiently by
providing access roads to link them with existing main roads.
-Promotion zones will be established, with proper controls on high-rise
buildings, especially in areas directly served by rapid mass transit. The
high standard of services that these areas need could be met by requiring
relevant private entrepreneurs to participate in investment projects to
solve traffic problems, water supply and waste water treatment and other
environmental issues. In fact, a master plan for waste water treatment
and a garbage disposal system has been jointly undertaken by the Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration and a number of private firms and could
eventually serve the entire metropolitan areas.
-Urban communications will be improved and rehabilitated, provision of
more recreation areas will be encouraged, and historically and culturally
significant areas will be conserved. This last point applies particularly
to Rattanakosin Island, where it would also benefit tourism. (McGee and
Robinson, 1995)
In this Metropolitan Regional Structural Plan, the northern part
of the metropolitan region is especially considered as the industrial zone
for the Upper Central region, the center for industrial activities
relocated from Bangkok metropolis (Saraburi Industrial Complex). The
regional network of roads and rail will directly link the industrial zone
with the seaboard for transporting export commodities without having to go
through Bangkok. This direct network is important not only because it
will save time but also because it could help reduce congestion in Bangkok
as mentioned above.
This industrial zone can be divided into three areas: (1) Saraburi
as the main urban center and economic base of the Upper Central Region in
trade, transportation and support services (Saraburi Industrial Complex);
(2) Kaeng Koi as the center for cement and construction industry and other
industries relocated from Bangkok and its vicinity towns; and (3) The
Rua/The Luang as an agree-processing center for exports. (McGee and
Robinson, 1995) To make the zone function effectively and attract
industrial relocation and new factories, it is important to provide
incentives beyond the speedy provision of necessary infrastructure
services. The creation of export promotion zones is an example. (See Map
of Metropolitan Regional Structural Plan)
Success in stimulating regional development through a focus on
four or five regional cities, Eastern Seaboard or Bangkok Metropolitan
Regional Structural Plan has had only limited success over the past few
years. Whether investments were too modest or institutional frameworks
too centralized is a matter of debate, but more substantial limitations
exist within concept itself.
For the most part, even the largest provincial cities are too
small in comparison to Bangkok. A Chiang Mai study shows, for example,
that investing in municipal services and infrastructure in this city have
a marginal impact as a whole. The country site cannot provide what is
needed in a modern industrializing economy and also there is no effort has
been made to develop new business to use what is available in rural areas
of the region. Policies are needed to consider the urban-centered
approach toward rural regional development.
In regards to traffic congestion in Bangkok, the public
transportation system should be developed to reduce congestion in densely
populated areas. Current Bangkok Governor, Phichit, has been trying hard
to construct the new expressways, sky monorails and also begun to
construct the subways. It is not until the completion of these
constructions that we can debate the new suitable policies toward the
traffic problems in Bangkok. However, it is true that the traffic
congestion in Bangkok is worsen and worsen everyday, partly because of
this construction of new transport systems. I suggest that Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration should bring public attention to share the
car in the morning and evening at the time of the worst traffic condition,
speed up the constructions, and implement the water transport systems and
bus services.
In regards to the slum problems, this is directly connected urban
poor problems. Most of the urban poor from other districts in search for
jobs are struggling for put themselves in the urban framework such as
better life, giving education to their children and so on. One Japanese
NGO called SVO (Sotoshu Volunteer Organization) has been working in the
Klong Toey Slum, biggest slim in Bangkok, to help especially children
there. They are providing school education, medication, sanitary
facilities and parental education. Their activities are well known to not
only the Japanese but also people in Bangkok.
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration should recognize that the
urban poor represent potential labor power and this labor power should be
encouraged by providing training in new skills and promoting small scale
enterprise and self employment development skills in order to upgrade its
production capability. In order to accomplish this suggestion,
Administration should recommend a policy to enact specific legislation to
protect the housing rights of the urban poor in the slums.
The population problem has the effect on social and economical
development in every country. The imbalance between Bangkok Metropolitan
Regions and other municipal areas or villages is one of the most
significant inequalities in the world. Managing the future of Thailand
itself has a number of policy dimensions.
The policies in the Seventh Plan and Metropolitan Regional
Structural Plan aim to enhance the positive functions of the metropolitan
regions to create a center that can provide opportunities for higher
incomes and better services and living standards. However, we cannot
ignore the importance of the encouragement of the other municipal areas
such as Chiang Mai in North, Khon Kaen in Northeast and Songkhla/Hat Yai
in South. More specific regional plans for those areas are needed in
order to decentralize the population. These plans should focus on
providing the job opportunities with better incomes, the good educational
institutes so that the young do not have to go to Bangkok and bringing the
infrastructures to catch up with the growth of Bangkok.
From this perspectives, policies to manage the Bangkok
Metropolitan Regions and to encourage the growth of other districts will
require two aspects; first, how to continue attracting and keeping mobile
investments: and, second, how to translate them into suitable development
that closes gaps between urban and rural areas in terms of economics,
infrastructures, services an environment.
Thailand, in fact, has a unique opportunity to provide a new model
for urban and rural development that is likely to Southeast Asia. This
opportunity drives, in part, from the capacity of the Thai economy to
develop along both urban-industrial and rural-agricultural lines of
economic growth. Thailand still has a rich and diversified agricultural
base, which is expected to contribute to substantially to economic growth
in rural areas in the future. Agri-industry now accounts for more than
half of the industrial GDP for the nation, and the economies of the most
regions outside of Bangkok depend on agriculture as the basic economical
sector. A national strategy of economic growth with the imbalance and the
poverty reduction should take advantage of these various opportunities to
raise the incomes of rural people where they live and to reduce the extent
of urbanization transition. It is also necessary to enhance the power of
administrative, political and private organizations in rural areas in
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