Related Web Sites
Applegate Partnership is a community-based project involving industry, conservation groups, natural resource agencies, and residents cooperating to encourage and facilitate the use of natural resource principles that promote ecosystem health and diversity.
Malpai Borderlands Group is a non-profit volunteer group founded by ranchers in southern Arizona and New Mexico dedicated to maintaining or increasing the health of their rangeland, and to preserving the ranching way of life.
Henry Fork Watershed Council is a grassroots community forum that uses a non- adversarial, consensus-based approach to problem solving and conflict resolution among citizens, scientists, and agencies with varied perspectives.
Quincy Library Group is made up of timber people from northern Sierra Nevada, local environmentalists, citizens and local governmental officials. This partnership has been one of the most controversial on a national scale.
Minnesota Forest Resources Council is charged with several duties by the Sustainable Forest Resources Act. This partnership's membership is composed of a broad array of interests that helps to ensure the long-term sustainable management of Minnesota's forest resources.
Washtenaw County Solid Waste Planning Committee A broad array of stakeholder brought together to update county's solid waste plan.
Chicago Wilderness is a large collaborative partnership set up to preserve, protect and manage some of the last remaining areas of open space in the greater Chicago area.
EPA Surf Your Watershed A service to help you locate, use, and share environmental information about your place.
Watershed Projects Inventory Listing of watershed projects focusing mainly on California.
Watershed Groups in the Kalamath Bioregion. Information may be limited. The minimum that will be listed will be contact information.
The Watershed Management Council A non-profit educational organization dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of watershed management.
California Watershed Projects Inventory. A cooperative project to improve access to information on watershed protection projects and associated data in California.
Watershed News in California. A listing and links to several watershed groups in California.
Watershed News in Oregon. A listing and links to several watershed groups in Oregon.
Watershed News in Washington. A listing and links to several watershed groups in Washington.
Montana Water A service of the Montana University system includes information regarding Montana's watersheds.
River Network. River Network's mission is to help people organize to protect and restore rivers and watersheds.
President Clinton's Clean Water Action Plan. Cinton's plan call for increased watershed based management programs including watershed councils.
Idaho Resource Advisory Councils. This site contains general information, links, and contacts for the three Idaho RACs. (Lower Snake River, Upper Snake River and Upper Columbia-Salmon Clearwater District RAC).
California Resource Adivisory Councils. This site contain information, contacts and links to the four regional RACs in California.
Utah Resource Advisory Councils. This site contains general information, and contacts for the RAC in Utah.
CONCUR specializes in combining environmental policy analysis with facilitation and mediation skills to resolve complex disputes involving scarce or limited natural resources.
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy is developing a new program in environmental conflict resolution through the Morris K. Udall Foundation.
Colorado Center for Environmental Problem Solving provides access to several bibliographies, case studies of conflicts, and information regarding their efforts.
ConflictNet is an index of conflict resolution sites that offer parallel gopher pages for each listing.
Environmental Dispute Resolution Another way to solve environmental disputes. Offers mediation and arbitration services.
Natural Resources Leadership Institute. The goal of the North Carolina Natural Resources Leadership Institute is to develop leaders who can build consensus around contentious issues and move beyond conflict to find solutions.
Institute for Environment and Natural Resources Collaborative Decision Making Program (U of WY).
EnviroLink NGO List is a huge listing of environmental organizations.
EcoNet includes a directory of environmental organizations and other related resources.
Resource Policy and Administration This web site includes great links to environmental, governmental, and other policy sites. It was set up for NRE 562, a required class for policy students at the School of Natural Resources and Environment in the University of Michigan.
Environmental Information Resources. A site developed as a project of the GW Green University Initiative and a unique public-private partnership between the US EPA and GWU.
Partnerships Sourcebook. Search for numerous groups through this web site.
Sustainable Communities Network. Linking citizens to resources and one another to create healthy, vital, sustainable communities. Includes case studies, sections on protecting natural resources, events and list of upcoming events.
Community-Based Environmental Protection An EPA site based upon their CBEP program that integrates environmental management with uman needs, considers long-term ecosystem health and highlights the positive correlations between economic prosperity and environmental well-being. Includes a large list of case-studies with more links
Coordinated Resource Management. So, just what the heck is CRM? Site includes a brief introduction to CRM's, contacts, and guidelines.
California Coordinated Resource Management and Planning Handbook. Includes introduction, history and other important information regarding CRMP.
Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program. Includes a description, biological scope, and list of stakeholders.
Community-Based Approaches to Ecosystem Management. American Forests Organization statement.
Hope on the Range. Transcript from a PBS piece by Elizabeth Farnsworth from February 13, 1996 documenting the Malpai Borderlands Group.
High Country News. HCN is a great source for Western natural resource issue and has written extensively about collaborative partnerships.