Archive: forth/pfe/complex

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This code uses C99 functions from math.h and fenv.h.
The files here are intended to be the same as their most recent counterparts at the dnw/pfe-33/ branch of Guido Draheim's pfe svn site. They may occasionally be more up to date, especially when only cosmetic changes have been made. See PFEFromSVN for an installation guide.
complex-ext.c 20Sep10 12:18:23EDT 37K svn
complex-ext.h 20Sep10 12:18:23EDT 12K svn
complex-dll.c 20Sep10 12:18:23EDT 129 svn
complex-ext.log 21Sep10 10:58:57EDT 8.2K svn

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Files in this directory under the GNU LGPL typically have a POLITENESS request.