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2006 Season - Live Scoring
Feb. 17, 2006 v. New Hampshire

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Coverage of our contest will begin approximately at 7:42 pm. Feel free to leave comments on our guestbook in the meantime.

7:08pm We're Live!! Hi everyone!! We're live from Crisler Arena. I was delayed in Atlanta and just arrived in Detroit 30 minutes ago. Lineups will be posted in just a moment.
7:19pm Lineups Posted Lineups are posted. Lindsay Bourdon (ankle - out for the season), Becky Bernard (injured foot), and Clare Flannery will not compete tonight for the Wolverines. Huneth Lor and Megan Moore will make exhibition performances tonight.
7:24pm Coaches Care Challenge

Tonight is the Coaches Care Challenge, a benefit to support the Coach Carr Cancer Fund. Coach Carr and his family are in attendance.

7:29pm Shout Out Hi to all the family and friends watching the meet online! GO BLUE!
7:30pm Welcome Back Beth! Beth (Amelkovich) Aparo (1996-1999) is here tonight with her team and her family. Beth is an Assistant Coach at New Hampshire.
7:35pm March Out The Wildcats are being introduced to the crowd.
7:36pm Meet Update We will alternate routines tonight for all four events.
7:38pm Meet Update The Wolverines are now being introduced to the crowd.

Name Score  Comments
Carol McNamara 9.800 Yurchenko full (one step back)
Lindsey Bruck 9.775 Yurchenko full (small hop)
Jenny Deiley 9.800 Yurchenko full (one step back)
Katie Lieberman 9.875 Yurchenko full (stuck) - great job Liebs!!!
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.800 Yurchenko full (hop back)
Lauren Mirkovich 9.600 Handspring front pike 1/2 (chest down, step forward) good attempt Lauren!!


Name Score  Comments
Beth Bronson 9.775 hecht mount; geinger; bounce on high bar to a back double twist (?) dismount...never seen that dismount before.
Lindsay Berrios 9.650 geinger (form break); double tuck dismount (step back)
Katelyn Schenkel 8.900 reverse hecht (fall); double layout dismount (step forward)
Rebekah Porter 9.675 hecht mount; reverse hecht; double twisting flyaway dismount
Amanda Hall 9.325 toe up to high; piked jaeger; reverse hecht; double layout dismount (short - almost a face plant) too bad - it was a beautiful routine up until that point.
Mariana Pena-Trestini 9.800 toe up to high; piked jaeger; full-twisting double back dismount
Jamie deMello (exh) 9.600 toe up to high; reverse hecht; double tuck dismount (step forward)
  48.225  <<< UNH BARS TOTAL
8:11pm Scoring Update After one rotation, Michigan leads New Hampshire 49.050 to 48.225.
8:15pm Injury One of New Hampshire's vaulters just had a scary vault warm-up and is currently being evaluated by medical staff. There will be a slight delay in starting the second rotation.
8:40pm Meet Update Given the delay in the second rotation, we'll be competing non-alternating in the third and fourth rotation. New Hampshire has a meet scheduled tomorrow against MSU.

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.800 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant, giant 1/1, Tkatchev, straddle back HS, ---dismount double layout (step back)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.800 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2, front giant 1/1, overshoot to HS, toe up to HB, geinger ---dismount double layout (small hop)
Lindsey Bruck 9.900 hecht over LB mount, cast HS, giant 1/2 turn, piked jaeger (pretty), kip cast HS 1/2, straddle back HS, …dismount double layout (small hop)
Jenny Deiley 9.800 uprise HS, stalder to HS, giant 1/2, straddle jaeger, kip cast HS 1/2, straddle back HS,…full twisting double back dismount (small step)
Lauren Mirkovich 9.850 giant hop 1/2, [kinda arched over, so covered it with extra swing and didn't connect the hop half and the hop full directly, but that's ok] giant hop 1/1, geinger, straddle back HS, toe up to HB, …full twisting double layout dismount (one small step back)
Katie Lieberman 9.275 hecht over LB mount, reverse hecht (fall);…...giant 1/2 (blind), double front dismount (small step forward)


Name Score  Comments
Melissa Cesar 9.150 Yurchenko arabian (sat down)
Beth Bronson 9.575 missed vault, sorry
Jen Jones 9.425 Yurchenko arabian (low, I think she touched her hands)
Justine Turner 9.200 Yurcheno full (fall)
Amanda Hall 9.875 Yurchenko full (stuck) - nice job Amanda
  47.225  <<< UNH VAULT TOTAL
8:51pm Scoring Update After two rotations, Michigan leads UNH 98.200 to 95.450.

Name Score  Comments
Carol McNamara 9.150 mount, bhs-layout, Front tuck (fall), Straddle jump- Straddle jump 3/4, Double full dismount (step)
Jenny Deiley 9.700 mount Tuck front-beat jump, FHS, BHS-layout (wobble), beat jump-sheep jump (wobble), full turn, switch leap-straddle jump, gainer layout full dismount
Nellie Kippley 9.750 mount Pike front (wobble), full turn, kick over front-wolf jump, switch leap-straddle jump-beat jump, FF-layout to a -layout full dismount (stuck)
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.850 mount, full turn, layout-bhs, switch leap-straddle jump, side somi, split jump-tuck 3/4, RO double back tuck dismount (small hop) - WAY TO GO TACHI!!!! CLUTCH PERFORMANCE!
Becca Clauson 9.050 mount, bhs-layout-layout (wobble), beat jump popa (fall), front tuck, switch leap-straddle jump, front full dismount off side (SV 9.9)

Lindsey Bruck

9.850 mount step on switch leap miller, bhs-layout, full turn, sissone- full twisting BHS swing down, front HS, straddle jump- shushanova, front 1/1 off the side (Nice job Bruck!)
Huneth Lor (exh) 9.675 mount press HS, bhs-layout-bhs, beat jump-tuck jump 1/1, front tuck, 1/1 turn, straddle jump-straight jump 1/1, round off double full dismount (good job Hun!)
Megan Moore (exh) 8.325 mount, straddle jump-tuck 3/4 (wobble),bhs-layout, full turn, beat jump-tuck 1/1 (fall), punch front tuck (fall), switch side leap, gainer pike off the end (SV 9.8)


Name Score  Comments
Lindsay Kovary 7.900 rudi (bounced back out of it); double pike (fall, out of bounds);fell on third pass
Fairen Plummer 8.825 double pike (fall); missed second pass; rudi (SV 9.9)
Lindsay Berrios 9.650 double pike; front full-front layout; front full-front layout (good job Lindsay!)
Justine Turner 9.475 full-in (out of bounds); whip 1/2 -front layout; double pike (chest a bit forward)
Mariana Pena-Trestini 9.725 double pike (knees bent on landing); front layout-front full; whip-double twist (nice routine)
Amanda Hall 9.750 double pike; front double twist; front layout-front full (slight stumble back) GREAT ROUTINE!
  47.425  <<< UNH FLOOR TOTAL
9:17pm Scoring Update After three rotations, Michigan is leading New Hampshire 146.50 to 142.875.

Name Score  Comments
Nellie Kippley 9.800 Double pike; rudi; tor jete 1/2-popa-wolf 1/1; front 1/1-front layout
Carol McNamara 9.850 full in (great job!), front layout-front 1/1, switch side leap-popa; double tuck
Lindsey Bruck 9.900 Double pike; front 1/1-front layout; wolf full-popanova, wolf 1-1/2-stag jump; whip 1/2-front 1/1
Jenny Deiley 9.600 Double pike; rudi-shushanova; tor jete 1/2-popa; front 1/1-front layout (short landing, had to squat to stay on feet, but didn't fall) [for some reason, one judge has jenny's SV at a 9.8]
Tatjana Thuener-Rego 9.850 whip-to a double pike; front layout-front 1/1, switch ring leap-tor jete 1/2- 2/1 stag jump, tor jete 1/1-split ½; double tuck [good meet tonight Tachi!]
Becca Clauson 9.700 double pike; front 1/1-front tuck; switch side leap-popa, wolf 1-1/2-2/1 stag jump; double tuck (chest forward, step forward)
Katie Lieberman (exh) 9.800 double pike; front full-front tuck; front tuck to double twist (i think...) Good job Katie!
Huneth Lor (exh)   double pike, rudi, cat leap 2/1, 2/1 turn-tuck jump 2/1; front 1/1-front layout (Good job Hun!!)


Name Score  Comments
Beth Bronson 9.725 missed routine, sorry
Jen Jones 9.750 missed routine, sorry
Lindsay Berrios 9.075 missed routine, sorry (SV 9.9)
Amanda Hall 9.675 missed routine, sorry
Justine Turner 9.075 missed routine, sorry
Mariana Pena-Trestini 9.750 missed routine, sorry
  47.975  <<< UNH BEAM TOTAL
9:48pm Meet Update Given the circumstances tonight, I think both teams did a great job.
9:53pm Event Winners  

1. Amanda Hall (UNH) & Katie (9.875); 3. Tachi, Jenny, Carol (9.80)

  Bars 1.Lindsey (9.90); 2. Lauren (9.85); 3. Mariana Pena-Trestini (UNH), Jenny, Tachi & Nellie (9.80)
  Beam 1. Lindsey & Tachi (9.850); 3. Jen Jones (UNH), Mariana Pena-Trestini (UNH) & Nellie (9.75)
  Floor 1. Lindsey (9.90); 2. Tachi & Carol (9.85)

1. Lindsey (39.425); 2. Tachi (39.300); 3. Jenny (38.900)

  Team Totals 1. Michigan 195.60; 2. New Hampshire 190.85
10:02pm Thank You Thank you to everyone for following the meet on Please sign our guestbook and give us feedback. GO BLUE!

Team Vault Bars Beam Floor TOTAL
UNH 47.225 48.225 47.975 47.425 190.850
Michigan 49.050 49.150 48.300 49.100 195.600

* Please check out for official results after the game!

For season statistical leaders and additional scores per athlete, please check out the statistics section.



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