
  1. Anobile, Richard J. ed. Frankenstein. New York: Universe Books, 1974.

               Used as a source for the cell of James Whale's Frankenstein.

  2. Auerbach, Nina. Our Vampires, Ourselves. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995.

               The text investigates the portrayal of vampires, particularly in literature, as perspectives

               change over the last hundred plus years.

  3. Bann, Stephen. ed. Frankenstein, Creation and Monstrosity. London: Reaktion Books, 1994.

               An excellent collection of eight essays on biographical insight, the book, movie, and beyond.

  4. Baumgold, Julie. "A Graveyard Smash." Esquire. 1-95: 118-120.

  5. Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment. New York: Knopf, 1976.

               Fairytales and other fantasy stories are the targets of Bettelheim's analysis. He

               proposes that these children's stories reflect deep emotions and societal issues of

               which children are not consciously aware.

  6. Bingham, Dennis. Acting Male. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP., 1994.

               Bingham concentrates on how male actors in films reflect men's place in society and

               other gender issues. One chapter is devoted to Jack Nicholson.

  7. Brosnan, John. The Horror People. NY: St. Martin's, 1976.

               This is a collection of profiles of influential people affiliated with horror films that includes

                behind-the-scenes commentary and social contexts.

  8. "The Cabinet of Dr. Casey: The Horror Webpage." <>

                (Nov. 1999).

               This web site offered poster images and movie information used in the research and

               presentation of the material.

  9. Cantor, Joanne, and Mary Beth Oliver. "Developmental Differences in Responses to Horror."

              Horror Films. Ed. James B.Weaver, III, and Ron Tamborini. MahWah, NJ: Lawrence

              Erlbaum, 1996.

               This article within a book develops the connections between children's cognitive development

               and their fears. It focuses on how children react to horrific stimuli.

  10. Castile, Raymond. "1960s Wing." The Gallery of Monster Toys.1996.

       . (23 Nov.1999).

                This must be the most comprehensive site of monster toys. It displays pictures and

                descriptions of monster memorabilia from the 1960s to the present.

  11. "Class Act Poster List & Images." <> (Nov. 1999).

               This web site offered poster images used in the research and presentation of the material.

  12. Clover, Carol J. "Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film." Representations, No. 20,

               Special Issue: Misogyny, Misandry, and Misanthropy. Autumn 1987. An extensive article

               that identifies gender roles in slasher films. Clover proposes that slasher films present a

               misogynistic attitude in many ways, most blatantly by preferring female victims.

  13. Clynes, Manfred E. and Nathan S. Kline. "Cyborgs and Space." Ed. Chris Hables Gray.

                New York: Routledge, 1995. (29-33)
                The original article that spawned the word cyborg.

  14. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)." Monster Theory: Reading Culture.

               Ed. Jeffrey Cohen. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1996.

  15. Cornell, Charles E. "Language and Culture: Monsters that Lurk in Our Traditional Rhymes and

                Folktales." Instructor. 9-93: 40-6.

                This article urges teachers to beware of teaching traditional texts to young children.

                Cornell argues that the underlying themes can be too harmful and frightening for children.

  16. Crane, Jonathan Lake. Terror and Everyday Life. Thousand Oaks:  Sage, 1994.

  17. Creature from the Black Lagoon Trivia."<>

              (Nov. 1999).

              This site offers graphics and plot summaries of the three Gill-man films.

  18. Crowley, Dave. "Lightning Gallery."<> (29 Nov. 1999).

              The lightning drawn on the navigation page was modeled on images found here.

  19. "Darwin, Charles." Encarta Encyclopedia. (23 Nov. 1999).

              Encarta provided the publication date of The Origin of Species for the Creature's timeline.

  20. Dawson, Dr. Michael R.W., and David A.Medler. "Piaget's Stage Theory of Development."  

              The University of Alberta's Cognitive Science Dictionary (23 Nov. 1999).

              A brief overview of Piaget's theory.

  21. Derry, Charles. "Dark Dreams." New York: A.S. Barnes and Company (19 Nov. 1999)
               An examination of early horror films and their impact upon American society.

  22. Dyson, Jeremy; "Bright Darkness;" London, England: Cassell Publications (21 Nov. 1999)

                The supernatural as represented by the medium of film.

  23. Ebert, Roger. "Metropolis." <> (Dec. 1999)

               An overview and history of the movie and its influences.

  24. "Faces of Godzilla."<> (Nov. 1999).

              This site is an interesting gallery of movie monster pictures.

  25. French, Sean. The Terminator. London: British Film Inst., 1996.

              The only book specific to the terminator movies.

  26. Sigmund Freud. "Totem and Taboo." Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Trans. and Ed. A.A.

              Brill. New York:  The Modern Library, 1938.

              A classic work that discusses taboos in 'primitive' cultures. It was this essay that made

              'taboo' a common term in English.

  27. Gehring, Wes. "Frankenstein and friends: A pre-Halloween roundup." USA Today; New York;

              Volume: 128 Issue: 2652 Pgs:

              68-73. Sep. 1999. Gehring's article framed several points I had already envisioned for this        


  28. Gjovaag, Laura. "2.1 What is his origin? Where can I read it?"

              <> in The Aquaman FAQ. (23 Nov. 1999).

               I was curious about the time relation between the Creature and Aquaman and  I found the

               publication date for my timeline at this site.

  29. "Graphic Expectations: the Store." <> (Nov. 1999).

               This is a retail site that contains movie poster images.

  30. "Hammer Film Posters." <> (Nov. 1999).

               This retail site contained poster images used in the research and presentation.

  31. Hampel, Paul. "Scary thought: teens love horror books." Everyday Magazine, St. Louis Post

               Dispatch. 23 February 1994: 1F.

               Stephen King and his popularity amongst teenagers is the focus of this article.

  32. Haraway, Donna J. "Cyborgs and Symbionts: Living Together in the New World Order."

                Ed. Chris Hables Gray. New York: Routledge, 1995. (xi-xx)

                An intelligent introduction into the subject of cyborgs.

  33. Hawkins, Erica. "Fritz Lang and Metropolis: The First Science Fiction Film."

                <> (Dec. 1999)

                An review and interpretation of the film.

  34. Haynes, Roslynn D. From Faust to Strangelove, Representations of the Scientist in

                Western Literature.
    Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1994.

                A monograph dealing with the artistic response to negative perceptions of scientists.

  35. Holmes, Ronald M., and James DeBurger. Serial Murder. Newbury Park (Ca.): Sage, 1988.

               This psychological book details the mentality of the serial murderer and also provides

               statistical information on various aspects of the history of serial murder in the United

               States. "Horror Vault."

  36. < (Nov. 1999).

              Universal maintains an online magazine of horror movies and this issue treated the Creature

               to attention.

  37. Hyles, Vermon.  "Freaks: The Grotesque as Metaphor in the Works of Stephen King." The Gothic

               World of Stephen King. 1Ed. Gary Hoppenstand and Ray B. Browne. Bowling Green:

                Bowling Green UP, 1987.

  38. IMDb. "Internet Movie Data Base". (Nov. 1999).

               The IMDB was invaluable as a source of dates, personal, and images in researching films.

  39. Jancovich, Mark. Rational Fears: American Horror in the 1950s. NY: Manchester University, 1996.

              Jancovich provided explicated summaries of the Creature movies and framed the argument

              of the monster as an instrument of conflict in maturity and gender roles.

  40. <> (Oct 1999).

              Joe's site is an homage to Tod Browning's Freaks (1932). This is the site for information

              on that film and on sideshow freaks in general. It contains some incredible pictures, a few

              of which were used on our site.

  41. Joseph, M. K. ed. Introduction. Mary Shelley. Frankenstein. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1969 (xiii-xx)

               A good edition with biographical information and critical interpretation.

  42. Kearns, Tammy. "Horror Haven Movie Archive."<>

              (Nov. 1999).

              This retail site contained poster images used in the research and presentation.

  43. Konigsberg, Ira. "How Many Draculas Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb?" Play it Again, Sam:

              Retakes on Remakes. ed. by Andrew Horton and Stuart Y. McDougal. Berkeley:

              U of California, 1998.

              This article compares incarnations of Dracula in film, specifically addressing four essential

              portrayals of Dracula (Schrech, Lugosi, Lee, and Oldman).

  44. Krouse, Mauri. "Classic Universal Monsters."<>

             (Nov. 1999).

              This web site contains some interesting black and white stills.

  45. Library of Congress. "Online Catalog." (Nov. 1999).

              I accessed this catalog as a means of gauging the size of the subject of vampires.

  46. Lynch, Jack. "Attempting Galvanic Reanimation of the Dead."

               <> (Nov. 1999)

               The source for Loui Figuier's engraving "Dr. Ure galvanizing the body of the murderer

               Clydsdale" 1867. The site also contains more information on galvanism.

  47. Miller, Michele. "Reading spooky, fun for kids." Pasco Times. 30 July 1999: C4.

              This article supports the reading of "Goosebump" books as an entertaining pastime for

              older children.

  48. Modleski, Tania. "Rape vs. Manslaughter: Blackmail." Perspectives of Alfred Hitchcock.

               Ed. David Boyd. New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan, 1995.

  49. Monster Theory: Reading Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Cohen. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota

               Press, 1996.
               This anthology contains several post-structuralists essays that reflect on theories of

               the body and monstrosity. Cohen's introduction is the most compelling writing. Some

               of the arguments in other essays are contentious.
  50. Mueller, Virginia. A Halloween Mask for Monster. Niles, Ill.: A. Whitman, 1986.

  51. Newhouse, Tom. "A Blind Date with Disaster: Adolescent Revolt in the Fiction of Stephen King."

                The Gothic World of Stephen King. Ed. Gary Hoppenstand and Ray B. Browne.

                Bowling Green: Bowling Green UP, 1987.

                This article focuses on Carrie and Apt Pupil.

  52. Newmark, Judith. "Beastly burden: the hero of the Disney Classic works to transform ugliness into

                universal appeal." Everyday Magazine, St. Louis Dispatch. 4 June 1994: 1F.

  53. OED. "Oxford English Dictionary." 2nd Ed. <> (Nov. 1999).

                The OED was a critical resource in identifying the origins of the monsters and in helping

                shape the name of the categories into which they were  later sorted.

  54. Paul, William. "Laughing Screaming." New York: Columbia UP, (Dec. 1999)

                 The mixing in Hollywood of horror and comedy.

  55. Pender, Stephen. "No Monsters at the Resurrection": Inside Some Conjoined Twins."   Monster
    Reading Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Cohen. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota

                Press, 1996. 143-167.

                Pender discusses the role of monsters in Renaissance Europe. His analysis of Lorenzo-

                Johannes, the 17th century Italian conjoined twin, is a fascinating look at early modern


  56. Piercy, Marge. He, She, and It. NY: Fawcett Crest, 1991.

                The novel, read during the course of the project, asks questions about what is human and

                what is not: a central theme to our research.

  57. Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Philosophy of Composition." The Norton Anthology of American

                 Literature (Third ed. Vol. 1). eds. Nina Baym, Ronald Gottesman, et. al. NY:

                 Norton, 1989.

                 Poe, as a literary critic, expresses a value system for judging texts based on their emotional

                 effects on the audience; horror films also must create emotional effects.

  58. "Posteritati Movie Posters."<> (Oct. 1999).

                 This retail site contained poster  images used in the research and presentation.

  59. Price, Vincent and V.B. Price. Monsters. New York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1981.

               This excellent source includes chapters on specific types of monsters, ranging from animal

               and supernatural to technological and human. It covers classical monsters and more.

  60. "Rick's"<> (Oct. 1999).

               This retail site contained poster images used in the research and presentation.

  61. Robinson, Spencer and Knox Wilson. The Encyclopaedia of Myths and Legends of All Nations.

               Kaye and Ward: London, 1962.

  62. Sarafino, Edward. The Fears of Childhood. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1986.

              Sarafino follows the cognitive development of children's fears. Written from a psychological

              standpoint, this book is more scientific than a guide for parents.

  63. Schachter, Robert, and Carole Spearin McCauley. When Your Child is Afraid. New York:

               Simon and Schuster, 1988.

               This book is directed to parents that are having troubles understanding and dealing with

               their children's fears.

  64. Sena, Joe, ed. Horror Online. Universal Studios. (Nov. 1999).

               Universal Studios hosts this fan  magazine which addresses classic and contemporary issues

               of the genre.

  65. Seltzer, Meyer. Hide-and-Go-Shriek Monster Riddles. Niles, Ill.: A. Whitman, 1990.

  66. Schelde, Per. Androids, Humanoids, and Other Science Fiction Monsters: Science and Soul
                 in Science Fiction Films. New York: New York UP, 1993.

                 A good study of what science fiction films attempt to reveal about scientists and their creations.

                 Generally based on the theory that these new stories function as a retelling of older folktales.

  67. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

                Shelley's book with a nice introduction by M. K. Joseph.

  68. Spoto, David. The Art of Alfred Hitchcock. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

  69. Stine, R.L. The Girl Who Cried Monster. New York : Scholastic Inc., 1993.

  70. Stine, R.L. "Lurking in the Dark." Newsweek. 11-2-98: 66.

                A brief article about Stine's views on  horror and how it functions in his novels.

  71. Stine, R.L. Monster Blood. New York : Scholastic Inc., 1992. Stoner, Richard. "Monster Mayhem."

             <> (Nov. 1999).

              This retail site contained images used in the research and presentation.

  72. "Timeline" Universal Studios Archives & Collections <>.

               (Nov. 1999). Universal provides a time line and research guidance.

  73. Tropp, Martin. Mary Shelley's Monster: The Story of Frankenstein. Boston: Houghton, 1976.

               A good exploration of the original text and movie depictions.

  74. Twitchell, James B. "Dreadful Pleasures." New York: Oxford University Press. (17 Nov. 1999)

                An examination of the cultural stimuli behind modern horror films.

  75. "Vandal's Horror Posters."<> (Oct. 1999). This retail site

               contained poster images used in the research and presentation.

  76. Williams, Linda. "When the Woman Looks." Re-vision: Essays in Feminist Criticism. Ed. Mary

               Ann Doane, Patricia Mellancamp, and Linda Williams. The American Film Institute

              Monograph Series: 3. Frederick, MD: U Publications of America, 1984.

  77. Williams, Tony. "Hearths of Darkness." New York: Oxford University Press. (23 Nov. 1999)

                 An examination of American domestic life and the horror film.

  78. Willis, F. Roy. Western Civilization: A Brief Introduction. NY: Macmillan, 1987.

              Willis's textbook helped me contextualize the Creature films of the mid-50s.

  79. Wolf, Leonard. Horror: A Connoisseur's Guide to Literature and Film. New York: Facts on

               File, 1989. This encyclopedic book lists summaries of books and films.

  80. Yolen, Jane, and Heidi E.Y. Stemple. Meet the Monsters. New York: Walker and Co., 1996.

              Traditional monsters from folk tales are coupled with poems in this children's book.