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D-Town Disciples

helps me meet practical needs like eating (dinner at courses), helping me find balance (contrary to popular belief one does not need to study every night), and providing me with events to fill up my social calendar. UCO also provides spiritual needs: prayer meetings, courses, and small groups.  UCO is for me a lifestyle; a way to live out my Christian calling in college. In a world which offers identity in many forms, Christ offers us an identity in Him. Despite the challenge, and at times inexperience, the Lord calls us to build his kingdom.
I am grateful to him for UCO Missions which made my service in Detroit possible. As I return to campus this Fall I hope to apply what I learned in Detroit to the outreach mission in UCO.
-Christina Quillan

It is a privilege for UCO to help young disciples like Christina make radical decisions for Christ, truly running the race so as to win the prize.

This summer, after my second year studying Nursing at U of M, I had the privilege of serving as an intern for the Youthworks-Detroit sponsored program Detroit Summer Outreach (DSO). UCO encouraged me to participate in this kingdom-building mission. I arrived in Detroit full of excitement; some of my best friends were serving alongside me and I knew serving together with them would be a blast. There are many words to describe the experience of being a DSO intern, but I think the best is "challenging". On occasion our Scottish DSO director, Steve Jordan, recited (in appropriate Eric Liddle accent) this popular line spoken in the film Chariots of Fire, "God made me for a purpose… And when I run I feel his pleasure." Liddle faced many challenges as a runner. My challenges in Detroit were no less dynamic (or perhaps even Olympic).
Jalisa, a 6th grader participating in the Youthworks sponsored Bezalel project, seemed to be a kid with whom I did not share much in common. I would pray quietly to myself, especially on the days of origami frog making, "Lord, I can't make an origami frog, I feel as if I don't know how

to relate with these kids, please show me how." It took some courage on my part to initiate conversations with Jalisa, but after sometime, we came to realize we shared a common interest: running. So, I took the opportunity during rec-time to go over to the Wayne State University track with Jalisa and some of the other girls. While running with Jalisa I realized that God has a purpose for her life. Many times, I personally take comfort in the scripture Jeremiah 29:11, but now I can take comfort in it for her sake. Jalisa's life mission may or may not include an Olympic career, but I know the Lord delights in her welfare.
Towards the end of the program, Jalisa performed as the moon in Bezalel's production of
El Shaddai. In the performance, as in the Bible, God looks at the moon and all his creation with approval. It is our challenging mission as Christians to guide others, like Jalisa, toward finding their true identity in Christ.
As a participant in UCO Ann Arbor, I appreciate how UCO

Liz Crabtree and Christina Quillan, two women with hearts for serving the kingdom.

Ainhoa Aldea and Kike Guajardo, of Spain and Mexico, added some Latin spice to UCO this past year.

Prayer Requests

Wanna help? All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Gifts can be sent to the address below; checks should be made payable to UCO-UM. Address or name changes can be sent to Brian Laba at the same address or via e-mail (

I want to thank you for faithfully praying with us for UCO. The work we do on campus is shared by all of you as well. Please continue to pray for us because it really makes a difference.
Evangelistic Course: We're inviting students to a 'Life in the Spirit' series Friday nights over pizza, so we need to especially ask the Lord to guide us in that. We also want to pray for our fall evangelism, including the opening party and random evangelism contacts.
Serving High School: A few

UCOers will be involved in high school outreach this year. This youth group has been growing and they are now looking to start reaching out with the Gospel to their peers. Please pray for the UCO students who will help give some energetic leadership to this group of young disciples as they meet regularly and put on some retreats.
Leadership: Oki Varona, all the way from Miami, joins the Brians, Dan Keating, and Sue Cummins on staff this year. We all ask your prayers for protection, guidance, and

grace from the Lord to keep us faithful in this service.
UCO Common Life: Lift up our households, which include the new house of men at Lawrence Street and the new cast of women at good old 323 John Street. We hope that their lives together will be ones of prayer and light, and that the Lord Jesus himself would be present and at the center of all they do.
-Brian LaLonde
UCO Co-Chapter Director

University Christian Outreach Alumni Association

716 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1506

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