Further Up and Further In

University Christian Outreach Alumni Association

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Volume 3, Issue 2

A Challenge Worth Living

Summer 2003

in the midst of UCO -- "my people" as Luc says. 
Sarah has spent several years in UCO, following in the footsteps of UCO stalwart older siblings. She is always willing to fill the needs she has a knack for seeing, be they inconvenient or humble. Their stories are a testament to the Lord's work in their lives, and to the place that He has entrusted to UCO in this work important.
One of the songs we sing frequently in UCO says in part:
Servants of the Lord, ours the upward call, to lay down our lives, and to give our all.
Thankfully, as Luc and Sarah both show, we have been able to move beyond simply singing the words to actually living them out in our daily lives as fully as we can.
-Brian Laba
UCO Co-Chapter Director

You will find this newsletter a bit more testimonial then usual. It is a witness to where the Lord has directed and where UCO has in turn invested that both Luc-Philippe Tshiboyi and Sarah Flanagan's articles center on servanthood. Guiding students towards life long radical discipleship is what UCO is about. Being a disciple necessitates service, for after all as Jesus taught, the first among the disciples must become as though he is the lowest, and be the servant of all. This attitude of sacrificial service was one of the first things I noticed upon meeting UCO, and it is what UCO still strives to show new comers. Christ Himself is our example of service, the active and true outcome of Christian love.
Luc's family is Congolese, he grew up in Belgium, and moved to Ann Arbor during high school. Though uprooted geographically and culturally he is firmly founded on the rock of Christ. He has also found a firm spiritual foundation

Catherine in the House

advice and teachings I received. I was able to open up to people, sharing my life and faith. One of my favorite events was our weekly soccer game and BBQ. Every week I served by making spicy Belgian style burgers for the house and men we invited from soccer.
The last week of household was one of the best. We set aside extra time for seeking the Lord and growing in discipleship, providing another opportunity for me to apply the many lessons I had learned. It was a fun and intense week filled with prayer, worship, focused meditations, and the sharing of God's abundant blessing with each other. I am thankful to all the brothers I lived with for being such a great source of inspiration on a daily basis, for the acceptance shown to me, and for helping me grow as a person and as a Christian. This summer I grew in practical household things, built solid relationships, and increased my love for the Lord. Being in household was a great privilege, and I thank God for the many blessings he gave to us this summer.
-Luc-Philippe Tshiboyi   

Luc is tremendously joyful and adds great vibrancy and mirth to UCO life.

John 13:12-17 (Jesus washing the disciple's feet) was the pivotal passage for this summer's household program. Our theme, Being a Servant, was central to all our activities, fellowship times, meditations, and prayer sessions. We focused on three ways of being a servant: in worship, to each other, and in the world (classes work, etc.).
Worship really came alive for me through the first area. I was encouraged to study the bible more, and increase my love for the Lord. I think of time spent in prayer, worship, and sharing of blessings during men's group as well spent. Waking up at 6:30am for daily morning prayer (aided by my extra loud alarm) actually became a highlight.
Learning about serving each other improved my communication with the other guys in the house. We were like a band of brothers, helping each other in various ways (chores, prayers requests, cooking, etc.). My growth in this area is also due to the Christian Personal Relations course UCO went put on this summer at the Birk's home (parents of staffer Amy Birk). The teachings helped me grow in proper speech, service, and handling conflict.
Focusing on being a servant in the world provided a great opportunity to reach out to other people and use all the

Luc-Philippe sporting his characteristic broad Belgian smile.

  • If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.
  • John 13:14-15 (RSV)

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