Volume 2, Issue 1

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Ears to Hear and Eyes to See

My name is Jeffrey Doyle and I'm a junior studying Engineering at UofM. I went to UCO my first year but stopped going second term because I didn't think it was for me. Earlier this year my roommate invited me to join him at the Essentials Course for UCO. At this point in time I was questioning my relationship with God and looking for answers. 
I decided to attend and UCO welcomed me with open arms. I saw people there that I had not seen since my freshman year. Dan

Keating gave a talk about The Prodigal Son and turning back toward God. This was the beginning of a time that really opened my eyes to God.
Since that night I really feel like my life has turned around. A few weeks later we had a dedication night where I decided to give my life fully to God. I have become a very active member in UCO and have been happier over the past 4 months than I

have ever been in my life. I thank UCO for this. I have met and become good friends with many people over the past few months.  UCO has helped me to open my eyes and realize how to serve God better.
-Jeff Doyle
Jeff coming back to UCO this year has been a great blessing for the chapter.

Jeff Doyle having a good time on  Saturday afternoon at the WR.

E-Team: Regular or Decaf

This September, eight students became part of UCO's E-team. This eclectic bunch was faced with an oh-so daunting task - Evangelism on campus. We began by meeting people through surveys on the diag, a table at festifall, talking to classmates, and even parties. This was the easy part. 
Once we met people we worked on getting to know them. The idea was that once we knew some people, sharing the Gospel (by talking and promoting the awesome Essentials Course) would come naturally. I have to admit I was skeptical of this last part, but I got to know a lot of new people, and Essentials certainly did have a small crowd attending each week! 

Towards the middle of the semester we began a project called UCOffee... UCO and coffee, kind of smooshed together. We meet at a bus stop armed with coffee, tea, and hot cocoa, and give it away to people on their way to class every Monday morning. It brightens people's day, and it's also a great way to meet people and have the chance to share the Gospel! Not only does this happen at coffee, but our friends walk by and then later at dinner or in class say "What were you guys DOING this morning?  That was FREE?? I don't get it." This gives us even more of a chance to evangelize!
Personally, I've never been involved in any evangelism efforts before last semester with

the E-team, and I was intimidated (if not scared out of my mind) from day one. It was  a comfort knowing that, despite my imperfect efforts, God does great things. The less I knew what I was supposed to be doing, the more He was doing. It ended up being a really fun experience. We got to talk to people, make new friends, give out free coffee, and share the Gospel... what could be better??
-Kate Golski
Kate, along with an infectious laugh, is blessed with matchless enthusiasm that makes her a joy to have in UCO.

Christina Urbanowicz and Marlo  Valencia at the WR. Guess which one is Polish!

Prayer Requests

Wanna help? All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Gifts can be sent to the address below; checks should be made payable to UCO-UM. Address or name changes can be sent to Brian Laba at the same address or via e-mail (blaba@umich.edu)

The past term went very well. Our college-aged brothers and sisters continue to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to me! We tried many new things on the evangelism front, which I think bore some modest fruit. Our worship life as a chapter has steadily matured over the course of the term. Our staff times were refreshing and life-giving. Many thanks for your prayers and support! Perhaps I might mention a few things you could lift up in prayer in the coming weeks:
Heidi Fenton:  Our main UCO woman staff worker was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease (a form of lymph node cancer) and began treatment in late November. Please

pray for her speedy recovery and for her family in this challenging time.
:  We're hoping to recruit many of our students for our various summer programs (summer households, Summer Internship Program or SIP, and Detroit Summer Outreach or DSO.) Please pray that many of them would be willing to stay in town or set aside the summer for SIP/DSO and that all the practical questions related to making that decision would be answered.
Discipleship:  This term we are doing a 9-part series entitled "Equipped for the Road" (ER, if you like acronyms...). It's

meant to help our students wrestle with what it means to be a Christian student at a modern university. In many ways we're hoping to "equip" them for the life-long road of radical discipleship that lays ahead of them. Please pray that this endeavor will be successful.
Small Groups
: We continue to invest much of our staff time and relationships into our men's and women's groups. Please pray for growth, stability and protection in our personal relationships.
-Nico Angleys
UCO Chapter Director

University Christian Outreach Alumni Association

716 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1506

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