

1:        WEEK 1 -- Monday 06jun05 - Introduction to course.

Topic: Outline of course structure 

Topic: Overview of course – Presentation: “Global Oil: Data on resources, technology and U.S. policy.”

Topic: Set up student current-events and research groups; blogs

Topic: Introduction to online resources: EIA, IEA, CIA.


1:        Wednesday 08jun05

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution | Origins of oil, conditions for liquid oil deposits

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapters 1 & 2: Overview and Origin of Oil, pp. 1-39.

Read: [Seabrook02] The Slow Lane, John Seabrook, Can anyone solve the problem of traffic?  John Seabrook, The New Yorker, Issue of 2002-09-02, Posted 2002-08-26.  See:  http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?020902fa_fact .


2:        WEEK 2 -- Monday 13jun05

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution | Origins of oil, conditions for liquid oil deposits, cont’d.

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapter 3: Oil Reservoirs and Oil Traps, pp. 40-69.

Topic: Clinton and Caspian; pre-positioning of forces in Gulf region; bombing of Iraq

Read: [Klare02]  Introduction; Chapter 1 - Wealth, Resources, and Power: The Changing Parameters of Global Security pp. ix-26.

Read: [Klare02]  Chapter 2 - Oil, Geography, and War: The Competitive Pursuit of Petroleum Plenty, pp. 27-50.

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure: Agriculture and oil

Read: [Manning04] The Oil We Eat, Richard Manning , Harper’s Magazine, 24 February 2004.  http://www.harpers.org/TheOilWeEat.html .


3:        Wednesday 15jun05

Topic: US Middle East policy history; pre-positioning of forces in Gulf region; bombing of Iraq

Read: [Klare02]  Chapter 3 - Oil Conflict in the Persian Gulf, pp. 51-80.

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The traffic problem, congestion

Read: [Budiansky00] The Physics of Gridlock, Atlantic Monthly, Stephen Budiansky, December 8, 2000.  See: http://www.drivers.com/article/359/ .


4:        WEEK 3 -- Monday 20jun05

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution | Amount, distribution of liquid deposits; Hubbert’s Peak

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapter 4: Finding It, pp. 70-112.

Topic: Clinton and Caspian; US-Russian competition

Read: [Klare02]  Chapter 4 - Energy Conflict in the Caspian Sea Basin, pp. 81-108. 

(Note: Skip [Klare02] Chapter 5 - "Oil Wars in the South China Sea," pp. 109-138; also skip Chapters 6-8 on water)

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The Information Revolution, oil and gas exploration

Read: [Rauch01] The New Old Economy:  Oil, Computers and the Reinvention of the Earth, The Atlantic Monthly (in three parts), Jonathan Rauch, January 2001.  http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/010100_atlantic_rauch01_new_old_economy.pdf .


5:        Wednesday 22jun05

Topic: Theory of “resource wars”

Read:  [Klare02]  Chapter 9 - The New Geography of Conflict; Appendix: Territorial Disputes in Areas Containing Oil and/or Natural Gas.  pp. 213-232.  (End of book)

Topic: Japanese (and German) oil problems in WWII

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 18:  Japan’s Achilles’ Heel, pp. 351-367

Topic: FDR and Saudi Arabia after the war; Rockefellers and Latin America; U.S. as “the Saudi Arabia” of the pre-1970’s world; Texas Railway Commission; The Suez Crisis—U.S. hegemony replaces British-French colonialism, Israeli role; Iran in 1950s

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 23: “Fifty-Fifty: The New Deal in Oil,” pp. 431-449.

Topic: IEA Data on Global Oil Resources, Reserves; Official Projections

Read: {NOTE: “Executive Summary” pp. 25-36, and page through the first half (1st file) of this document to become familiar with it.}  [IEA02a] IEA World Energy Outlook 2002, IEA, Paris.  See:  http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/iea/iea_2002_reports/ .


6:        WEEK 4 -- Monday 27jun05

Topic: “Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America’s Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum”

Read:  [Klare05]  “Preface” and Chapter 1 - “The Dependency Dilemma: Imported Oil and National Security,” pp. xi-25.

Topic: The Suez Crisis—U.S. hegemony vs. British-French colonialism, Israeli role; Iran in 1950s

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 24: “The Suez Crisis,” pp. 479-498.

Topic: Beginning of oil age; hydrocarbon man

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 27: “Hydrocarbon Man,” pp. 541-560.

Topic: IEA Data on Global Oil Resources, Reserves; Official Projections

Read: {NOTE: Page through the second half (2nd file) of this document to become familiar with it.}  [IEA02a] IEA World Energy Outlook 2002, IEA, Paris.  See:  http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/iea/iea_2002_reports/ .


7:        Wednesday 29jun05

Topic: “Blood and Oil”

Read:  [Klare05]  Chapter 2 – “Lethal Embrace: The American Alliance with Saudi Arabia,” pp. 26-55

Topic: Nationalizations; formation of OPEC; 1973 embargo

Read: [Yergin92] Chapters 26, 29, “OPEC and the Surge Pot,” pp. 519-540, “The Oil Weapon,” pp. 588-612.

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The Western European model; the English model

Read: E.U. Green Paper and discussions on Energy Security.  The home page options are all gathered at: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/eu/green_paper_home_page-2005.mht Look over the powerpoint brief summary of the paper.

Read: Read the final report (by consultants) for the EU.  See esp. portion on United States policy, Russian, Chinese and EU policies.


8:        WEEK 5 -- Monday 04jul05 – No Class – Holiday


9:        Wednesday 06jul05

Topic: “Blood and Oil”

Read: [Klare05]  Chapter 3 – “Choosing Dependency: The Energy Strategy of the Bush Administration” pp. 56-73.

Topic: Kissinger’s Dual Plan; Pilgrim Society Speech; the IEA within the OECD structure

Read: [Yergin92] Chapters 30, 31: “’Bidding for Our Life,’” pp. 613-632, “OPEC’s Imperium,” pp. 633-652.

Topic: Major energy producing regions

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA’s Country Briefs: Saudi Arabia.  Access Saudi Arabia report via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The Western European model; the English model

Read: E.U. White Paper (will give URL)


10:     WEEK 6 -- Monday 11jul05

Topic: “Blood and Oil”

Read: [Klare05]  Chapter 4 – “Trapped in the Gulf: “The Irresistible Lure of Bountiful Petroleum,” pp. 74-112

Topic: Iranian Revolution; Carter Doctrine; Rapid Deployment forces (late 70s, early 80s)

Read: [Yergin92] Chapters 32, 33: “The Adjustment,” pp. 653-673, “The Second Shock: The Great Panic,” pp. 674-698.

Topic: Major energy producing regions | IRAQ

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA’s Country Briefs: Iraq.  Access Iraq report via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 

Read: [Marcell03] “Iraq’s Oil Tomorrow,” Valerie Marcell and John Mitchell, The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), April 2003. See: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/iraq/iraq_oil_tomorow_marcell_mitchell_2003.pdf (see also website of Institute: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/iraq/mitchell-chatam_house.mht  )


11:     Wednesday 13jul05

Topic: Three students present overview of their research project and research directions thus far.

Topic: Iranian Revolution; Iran-Iraq War; Reagan and U.S. hegemony strategy (1980s); spot market

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 34: “’We’re Going Down,’” pp. 699-714.

Topic: Major energy producing regions

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA Country Briefs: Iran.  Access Iran report via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 

Read: See: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/iran


12:     WEEK 7-- Monday 18jul05

Topic: Three students discuss their research project and research directions thus far.

Topic:  “Blood and Oil”

Read: [Klare05]  Chapter 5 – “No Safe Haven: Oil and Conflict Beyond the Persian Gulf,”  pp. 113-145

Topic: End of 2nd shock (~1986); boom; OPEC as true cartel, 1985: secure oil supplies not high price

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 35: “’Just Another Commodity?’” pp. 714-744.

Topic: Major energy producing regions

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA Country Briefs: Algeria.  Access Algerian report via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 


13:     Wednesday 20jul05 NOTE – no class this day.  Readings are suggested so as to finish these two books on time.  Please do raise any questions on this material via e-mail &/or office hrs

Topic:  “Blood and Oil”

Read: [Klare05]  Chapter 6 – “Geopolitics Reborn: The U.S.-Russian-Chinese Struggle in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Basin,” pp.146-179.

Topic: Third oil shock; price drop; OPEC goes for higher share of market; 1985-86.

Read: [Yergin92] Chapter 36: “The Good Sweating: How low Can it Go?’” p. 745-768.

Topic: Major energy producing regions

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA Country Briefs: Russia.  Access Russia report via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 


14:     WEEK 8 -- Monday 25jul05

Topic: Three students present 2nd general overview of their research project and research directions thus far.

Topic: “Blood and Oil”

Read: [Klare05] Chapter 7 – “Escaping the Dilemma:  A Strategy for Energy Autonomy and Integrity,” pp. 179-202.Major energy producing regions

Topic: Epilog to Yergin’s “The Prize”:

Read: [Yergin92] “Epilog”: pp. 769-788.

Read: [eiacountry05] EIA Country Briefs: Venezuela and Mexico.  Access Venezuela and Mexico’s reports via the clickable map at: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/contents.html 


15:     Wednesday 27jul05 - Three students present 2nd general overview of their research project and research directions thus far. 

Topic: Presentation regarding new global economic-control institution: The International Energy Forum’s Permanent Secretariat in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Last Class)



IV. Assignments for a longer class, as alternatives to above, or for student research topics:


16:     More petrogeology detail and Hubbert’s Peak model (i.e., finish reading [Deffeyes01])

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution |  

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapter 5: Drilling Methods, pp. 70-112.

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapters 6: Size and Discoverability of Oil Fields, pp. 88-132.

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution | Energy content of oil, properties vs. other fossil fuels, alternative

Read: [Deffeyes01] Chapters 7 & 8: Hubbert Revisited and Rate Plots, pp. 113-158. [Deffeyes01] Chapters 9: The Future of Fossil Fuels, pp. 159-175

Topic: Petrogeology and resource distribution | Energy content of oil, properties vs. other fossil fuels, alternative

Read:  [Deffeyes01] Chap. 10 & 11: Alternative Energy Sources and A New Outlook, pp. 176-190.


17:     Russia

Topic: Japan-Chinese diplomatic struggle for Russian oil access

Topic: Putin, Khodorkovsky, and Yukos; political vs. economic oligarchs.  Putin’s plan for Russian energy-sector development as part of general re-development.

Topic: The Kyoto Treaty; Russian bargaining between E.U. and U.S.


18:     Global Warming

Topic: Washington’s refusal to fight Global Warming and relation ot U.S. oil-hegemony policy.

Topic: N.B.: See separate syllabus for “Energy and the Environment” 263.  Guest speakers’ power point presentations.


19:     Empire as such; theories; theoretical debates (in N. America and W. Europe especially)

Topic: D. Harvey, “The New Imperialism,” Chapter 1. (discusses “global oil spigot.”)

Topic: “Empire” Hardt and Negre, 2000

Topic: L. Panitch and S. Gindin, Socialist Register, 2004

Topic: V.I. Lenin, “Imperialism, the Highest (present?) Stage of Capital,” 1914


20:     “Peak Oil” issue and effect of possible alternatives

Topic: Matt Simmons 2004 (of Simmons International investment bank, in energy sector) criticisms, demand for “transparency” by Saudi’s, and others:

Read: talk at Hudson Institute (PDF) and/or CSPAN Video

Read: “Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy,” Matthew R. Simmons, 2005.

Topic: “Pessimists” camp of  “Peak Oil”– by retired oil-industry officials

Read: [Laherrere01]  Estimates of Oil Reserves” Jean Laherrere, Paper presented at the EMF/IEA/IEW meeting, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria - June 19, 2001.  See: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/laherrere-long_iew2001.pdf

Topic: Video of talks by M. Klare, M. Tanzier, T. O’Donnell on global oil system, from 2005 Left Forum, CUNY, New York, 2005. (from URPE)

Topic: Deffeyes’ new follow-on book on petrogeology and alternatives to oil:

Read: Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's Peak,” Kenneth S. Deffeyes, 2005

Topic: Talk/Report (ppt) by head of the USGS on Hubbert’s Peak predictions. Summarizes all extant work on the topic, catigorizes, and makes own predictions of peak timing.

Topic: “The Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas”

Read: Online newsletter administrated by ASPO Ireland and compiled by Colin J. Campbell. See: http://www.peakoil.net

Topic: Nuclear Energy Sector Today

Read: Presentations by (fmr. U.Michigan Pres.) Jas. Duderstadt on nuclear industry in U.S., France; on U.S. present policy, research. Power point presentations (see Energy & Environment, 264)


21:     Transportation infrastructure and technology:

Topic: Transportation Infrastructure | The traffic problem, costs; London and NYC congestion pricing

Read: [VTPI03] Victoria Transport Policy Institute, British Columbia, Canada, “Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis – Congestion Cost”, Revised August 29, 2003.  See: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/tca_0505_16mar04.pdf .

Read: [NYCRPA03] “An Exploration of Motor Vehicle Congestion Pricing in New York City,” Regional Plan Association (NY, NJ, CT); presented at the Eno Transportation Foundation conference on congestion pricing in New York City; November 3-4, 2003.  See:   http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/rpa_congestion_pricing_ny_2003.pdf .

Read: [NewSci01] “Whose Roads Are They Anyway,” Mick Hamer, New Scientist, June 21, 2001.  See:  http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/010621_newsci_hammer_london_pricing.txt

Read: [O’Rourke04] http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200412/orourke The Atlantic Monthly, December 2004, The Agenda: The Art of Policy, Pork With a Point, The highway bill—a translation P. J. O'Rourke 

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | Fordism and the American transportation model; the transportation lobby

Read: The Secret History of General Motors, video, by    See QuickTime movie at: http://www.interactivist.net/transportation/ride_01.html .  (Excerpted from Taken for a Ride by James Klein and Martha Olson), and the video collection at: http://www.interactivist.net/transportation/video_index.html

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The Fall of US automobile monopoly, and the Information Revolution (n.a.)

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The Chinese transformation; India

Read: Automobiles in China, MPR, Marketplace Morning Report, 2003, see: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/mpr_china_automobiles_14sep03.txt , and the Real Audio file at: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil-ns/articles/mpr_china_autos_14sep03audio.php.smi .

Topic: Fast trains and mass transit – a.  The one means of transport which breaks with fossil fuels and addresses the physics of the traffic/congestion problem

Topic: Fast trains and mass transit – b. Electricity production in mass-transit society without fossil fuels: renewables, nuclear, etc.  Problem of energy density.

Topic: Personal transportation – a.  The limits and falsity of a “hydrogen economy”

Read: American Physical Society 2004 Commission report on

Read: Princeton University group’s report on step-wise transition to hydrogen economy

Topic: Personal transportation – b. Ethanol, fuel cells, natural gas

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The pollution problem

Read: [IEA00a] The Road from Kyoto- Current CO2 and Transport Policies in the IEA.  IEA Report, 2000.  (PDF book, 155 pp.)  See: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/articles/road_from_kyoto_iea_autos_2000.pdf

Topic: Transportation & Energy Infrastructure | The air-travel capacity crisis


22:     Further topics for student research; class topics according to interest (news media articles available, etc.):

Topic:  Saudi Arabia; internal crises; 9-11

Topic: Iraq’s prospects for oil development; oil majors attitude to Iraq War; global stakeholders in Iraq pre-war: France, Russia, China, ...

Topic: Iraq War logic; the occupation strategy; pre-war plans for Iraqi oil

Topic: Post-invasion price rises;

Topic: New importance of Iran

Topic: Venezuela; Mexico and the Western Hemisphere as U.S. reserve

Topic: Russian production and development strategies

Topic: alleviating MENA social-economic crises

