Detroit AGO Theater Organ Workshop

"An Introduction to the Theater Organ"

At the Detroit Theater Organ Society's

Senate Theater
Saturday, November 4th, 2006, 9am


Featuring the 34 rank Mighty Wurlitzer, Opus 1953 from the Fisher Theater

6424 Michigan Ave (one block west of Livernois)
Detroit, MI 48210

Map to Theater

Parking available in enclosed lot off of Gilbert Street.

Our November event is a short workshop intended to give the classical or church organist and the enthusiast an introduction to the Theater Organ and its music. It will be hosted by four presenters who play the theater organ professionally and who have unique perspectives to offer on the instrument. It will also be a chance to experience the large and extremely unique Wurlitzer built for the Fisher Theater. Please come and experience this important part of American Organ Culture and History!


Tentative Schedule

9:00 Coffee and refreshments
9:30 "The Theater Organ and its Construction" Stephen Warner
Power Point and Chamber Tour

10:15 "Arranging Music for the Theater Organ" Scott Smith
Open Console

11:15 "Applications of Theater Organ Technique to Service Playing"
Lance Luce

11:45 "Scoring a Silent Film" Steve Ball
Film scoring demonstration

12:30 Finish

Cost: $20, Free to DTOS members

Please RSVP with Stephen Warner
(734) 945-1783 or at <>


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