Holden Pipe Organ Company

923 Gardendale, Ferndale, MI

(248) 398-7832




Tuning, Service, Restoration

Specializing in Skinner Pipe Organs

Caretakers of the legendary 1925 Skinner Pipe Organ at Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church

Ken Holden, Owner

(Photo courtesy of Kerry Campbell)

Stephen Warner, Assistant


Ken Holden's Resume


Pipework for Sale!


Some Recent Projects


Currently in Collaboration on Skinner Rebuild/Renovation (Opus 751)

First Congregationl Church, Saginaw, MI

with Scott Smith Pipe Organs


Releathered Swell Primary

Skinner/Moller Organ

Grace Episcopal Church, Port Huron


Releathered and Interfaced the Moller Pipe Organ at

First Baptist Church, Birmingham, Michigan


Detroit Theater Organ Society's Senate Theater

Ongoing restoration of the 4-34 WurliTzer's original relay


Central Woodward Christian Church, Troy, Michigan

Wiring Allen Interface with Casavant


Detroit Institute of the Arts

Emergency Restoration of Blower Room Plenum for the 1927 Casavant


St. Florian Roman Catholic Church, Hamtramck,

Tonal Restoration, 1927 Austin


Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Blower Reservior

E.M. Skinner


St. Thomas, Battle Creek, Restoration of Echo

E. M. Skinner


First Presbyterian Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Rebuilding Austin/Balcom and Vaughan


Peoples Community Church, Detroit

1938 Möller Swell Shade Restoration



Trinity Switches

Ken Troubleshooting the couplers at Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit


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