4.Identify and Name:

  1. Relative Theories and Equations
  2. Differential Form of PFR equation: 

    see derivation of PFR equation
  3. Systems
  4. Volume of PFR

  5. Dependent and Independent Variables
  6. Independent: VPFR, FA0, FB0, T

    Dependent: conversion (X)

  7. Knowns and Unknowns
  8. Knowns: VPFR, vA0, vB0, FA0, FB0, T, X

    see values of knowns
    Unknowns: Specific reaction rate constant, k

  9. Inputs and Outputs
  10. In: FA0, FB0

    Out: FA, FB

Isothermal: no temperature change

No volume change on mixing

6. Specifications
This problem is overspecified: heat capacity, viscosity and boiling point of the components.
Mole Balance on the PFR: 
evaluate liquid phase PFR equation
Rate Law:

Stoichiometry: Equal Molar thetaB = 1

step through stoichiometry to arrive at ...


step through combination of equations

rearrange to solve for k

evaluate k

Forward to Part 2 : CSTR & PFR

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