Pollution Prevention and Environmental Studies

Prepared by Andrew Duncan, NPPC Research Assistant. The following materials are available to faculty who are incorporating pollution prevention concepts and tools into their courses. We have attempted to make this list as comprehensive as possible; please contact us if you can identify gaps and assist us in filling them with quality resource materials. This list includes resources available through the NPPC (); the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse, Washington, D.C., 202/260-1023 or ( small EPA logo); and the Center for Environmental Research Information, Cincinnati, Ohio, 513/569-7562 (±). All materials listed here are described in this compendium's annotated bibliography.

Key Documents

l. Introduction to Pollution Prevention

ll. Understanding Pollution Prevention Through Life-Cycle Impact Assessment lll. Managing Pollution Prevention lV. Pollution Prevention Applications V. Educational Resources Vl. Faculty Involved in P2 Education


Key Documents

Curran, Mary Ann. "Broad-Based Environmental Life Cycle Assessment." Environmental Science and Technology 27, no. 3 (1993): 430-436.

Habicht, F. Henry II. EPA Definition of "Pollution Prevention" (internal memo to all EPA personnel). 28 May 1992.  small EPA logo

Hirschhorn, Joel S., and Kirsten U. Oldenburg. Prosperity Without Pollution: The Prevention Strategy for Industry and Consumers. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991. Available for $19.95 by calling 1-800-926-2665.

Jamieson, Dale, and Klasina VanderWerf. Cultural Barriers to Behavioral Change: General Recommendations and Resources for State Pollution Prevention Programs. Boulder: Center for Values and Social Policy, July 1993. To obtain a copy, contact the CVSP, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0332.

Miller, G. Tyler Jr., ed. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions, 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1994. 701+ pp.

Smith, Emily T., David Woodruff, and Fleur Templeton. "Growth vs. Environment: In Rio Next Month, a Push for Sustainable Development." Business Week (11 May 1992): 66-70, 72-75.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Communication, Education, and Public Affairs. EPA Journal-special issue on pollution prevention. Vol. 19, no. 3 (July 1993). 50 pp. (To obtain a free copy, the EPA Public Information Center at 202/260-7751.)

____, Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances. 1993 Reference Guide to Pollution Prevention Resources. Washington: EPA, February 1993.  small EPA logo

Wise, John. "Challenges for the Future." In 1993 Spring Conference: Connections for Pollution Prevention, pp. 54-62; proceedings of the National Roundtable of State Pollution Prevention Programs, San Diego, CA, 28 April 1993.

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I. Introduction to Pollution Prevention

A. Preamble:
Sustainability and Pollution Prevention

Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet. Boulder: EarthPress, 1993.

Goodland, Robert. "The Case That the World Has Reached Limits. " In Population, Technology, and Lifestyle: The Transition to Sustainability, edited by Robert Goodland, Herman E. Daly, and Salah El Sarafey, 3-22. Washington: Island Press, 1992.

Gore, Al. Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Larson, Eric D., Marc H. Ross, and Robert H. Williams. "Beyond the Era of Materials." Scientific American 254, no. 6 (June 1986): 34-41.

Lave, Lester B., Chris Hendrickson, and Francis C. McMichael. "Recycling Decisions and Green Design. " Environmental Science and Technology 28, no. 1 (January 1994): 18A-24A. Peet, John. Energy and the Ecological Economics of Sustainability. Washington: Island Press, 1992.

Tolba, Mostafa K., and Osama A. El-Kholy, eds. The World Environment 1972-1992: Two Decades of Challenge. 884 pp. London: Chapman and Hall (on behalf of United Nations Environment Program), 1992.

World Resources Institute and Institute for Environment and Development. World Resources 1994-1995. New York: Basic Books, 1994.

Wynne, Brian. "Uncertainty and Environmental Learning: Reconceiving Science and Policy in the Preventive Paradigm. " Global Environmental Change 2, no. 2 (June 1992): 111-127.

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B. History of Pollution Prevention

Conn, David W. "Waste Reduction-Issues and Policies." Resources Policy 3 (March 1977): 23+.

Rathje, William L. "Rubbish!" The Atlantic Monthly 264 (December 1989): 99-109.

C. Pollution Prevention Policy

Andrews, Richard. "Heading Off Potential Problems." EPA Journal 18, no. 2 (May 1992): 40-45.

Baucus, Max. "Environmental Technology and the Economy." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 36-37.

Byers, R. Lee. "Regulatory Barriers to Pollution Prevention." Air and Waste (Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association) 41, no. 4 (April 1991): 418-422.

Casler, Stephen D. "Budget Reallocation and the Peace Dividend: Energy and Pollution Tradeoffs." Energy Policy 19 (September 1991): 666-669.

Commoner, Barry. Making Peace With the Planet. New York: The New Press, 1992.

Freeman, Harry, Teresa Harten, Johnny Springer, Paul Randall, Mary Ann Curran, and Kenneth Stone. "Industrial Pollution Prevention: A Critical Review." Air and Waste (Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association) 42, no. 5 (May 1992): 618-656.

Hayes, Dennis. "Energy, Environment, and Architecture." Keynote speech, American Institute of Architects, Committee on the Environment. Atlanta, Georgia, 6 December 1991. Available from the AIA, 1735 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006.

Hileman, Bette. "UN Environment Program Pushes for Cleaner Production." Chemical and Engineering News 70, no. 48 (30 November 1992): 17-21.

"How to Get Industry to Clean Up on its Own." Business Week (7 July 1993): 122.

Lieberman, Joseph I. "Why Not Require Pollution Prevention Planning?" EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 34-35.

Lis, James, and Kenneth Chilton. "Limits to Pollution Prevention." Society 30, no. 3 (1993): 49-55.

Lovins, Amory B. "Abating Air Pollution at Negative Cost Via Energy Efficiency." Environmental Professional 12 (April 1990): 164-168.

National Research Council, Committee on Institutional Considerations in Reducing the Generation of Hazardous Industrial Wastes. Reducing Hazardous Waste Generation: An Evaluation and a Call for Action. Washington: National Academy Press, 1985.

Ophuls, William, and A. Stephen Boyan, Jr. Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity Revisited: The Unraveling of the American Dream. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1992.

President's Commission on Environmental Quality, Quality Environmental Management Committee. Total Quality Management: A Framework for Pollution Prevention. Washington, 1993. To request a copy, contact PCEQ at 202/395-5750.

Rabe, Barry G. "From Pollution Control to Pollution Prevention: The Gradual Transformation of American Environmental Regulatory Policy." Environmental and Planning Law Journal (September 1991): 226-231.

Roy, Manik. "Environmental Law: Pollution Prevention, Organizational Culture, and Social Learning." Environmental Law 22 (1991): 189-225.

U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious Reduction of Hazardous Waste: For Pollution Prevention and Industrial Efficiency. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1986. (Out of print, but available in many libraries. Not copyright protected.)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Pollution Prevention Strategy." Federal Register 56, no. 38 (1991): 7849-7864.  small EPA logo

____, Science Advisory Board. Reducing Risk: Setting Priorities and Strategies for Environmental Protection. Washington: EPA, 1990.

World Conservation Union (IUCN), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/UNEP/WWF (Earthscan Edition), 1991.

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II. Understanding Pollution Prevention Through Life-Cycle Impact Assessment

A. The Big Picture: Holistic Analysis

Dake, Karl. "Myths of Nature: Culture and the Social Construction of Risk." Journal of Social Issues 48, no. 4 (1992): 21-37.

Frankenfeld, Philip J. "Simple Gifts: Complex Environmental Hazards and the Responsibility to Leave a Controllable World." Futures 25, no. 1 (1993): 32-52.

Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, and Jorgen Randers. Beyond the Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future. Post Mills, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1992.

Mitsch, William J. "Ecological Engineering." Environmental Science and Technology 27, no. 3 (1993): 438-445.

Mitsch, William J., and Sven Erik Jorgensen, eds. Ecological Engineering: An Introduction to Ecotechnology. Somerset, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1989. 472 pp.

Orr, David. "The Campus and the Biosphere." Journal of Conservation Biology 3, no. 2 (June 1989): 33+.

Tibbs, Hardin B. C. "Industrial Ecology: An Environmental Agenda for Industry." Whole Earth Review 77 (December 1992): 4-19.

U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment. GPO# 052-003-01303-7. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992.

Uusitalo, Licsa. Environmental Impacts of Consumption Patterns. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.

Wann, David. Biologic: Environmental Protection by Design. Boulder: Johnson Books, 1990.

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B. Life-Cycle Impact Assessment Framework

Hocking, Martin B. "Paper Versus Polystyrene: A Complex Choice." Science 251 (1991): 504-505.

Keoleian, Gregory A., and Dan Menerey. Life Cycle Design Guidance Manual: Environmental Requirements and the Product System. EPA/600/R-92/226. Cincinnati: EPA, Office of Research and Development, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, January 1993. ±

___. "Sustainable Development by Design: Review of Life Cycle Design and Related Approaches." Air & Waste (Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association) 44 (May 1994): 645-668.

Nash, Jennifer, and Mark D. Stoughton. "Learning to Live With Life Cycle Assessment." Environmental Science and Technology 28, no. 5 (1994): 236A-237A.

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Guidelines for Life-Cycle Assessment: A Code of Practice. SETAC workshop, Sesimbra, Portugal, 31 March--3 April 1993. Cost: $25 for non-members, $15 for members. Write to SETAC, 1010 N. 12th Ave., Pensacola, FL 32501; call 904/469-1500; or fax 904/469-9778.

Walley, Darlene, Karen Blumenfeld, Nancy Kolodny, and Nasir Ali. "Case Study: A Product Life-Cycle Assessment of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda." Pollution Prevention Review 3, no. 1 (December 1992): 51-64.

White, Allen L., and Karen Shapiro. "Life Cycle Assessment: A Second Opinion." Environmental Science & Technology 27, no. 6 (June 1993): 1016-1017.

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C. Controversial Issues in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment

Crossen, Cynthia. "How 'Tactical Research' Muddied Diaper Debate." Wall Street Journal (17 May 1994): B1, B8.

Koshland Jr., Daniel F. "The Dirty Air Act" (editorial). Science 249 (28 September 1990): 1481.

Lifset, Reid. "Greener Than Thou Wars-Raising the Ante for Life Cycle Analyses." Biocycle 32 (April 1991): 76-77.

Portney, Paul R. "The Price Is Right: Making Use of Life Cycle Analyses." Issues in Science and Technology 10, no. 2 (December 1993): 69-75.

Stipp, David. "Life-Cycle Analysis Measures Greenness, But Results May Not Be Black and White." Wall Street Journal (28 February 1991): B1, B5.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Videotapes: Less Is More: Pollution Prevention is Good Business (1986; 23 minutes) and Beyond Business as Usual: Meeting the Challenge of Hazardous Waste (28 minutes). To obtain either video, call Mary Ann Welch, Region VIII Office of Environmental Education, at 303/294-1123 and arrange to send in a blank tape.

Wang, Michael Q. "Life Cycle Assessments." Environmental Science & Technology 27, no. 13 (December 1993): 2658-2661.

Wells, Henry A., Neil McCubbin, Red Cavaney, Bonnie Camo, and M. B. Hocking. "Paper Versus Polystyrene: Environmental Impact." Science 252, no. 7 (June 1991): 1361-1363.

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III. Managing Pollution Prevention

A. Business Management

Carson, Patrick, and Julia Moulden. Green Is Gold: Business Talking to Business About the Environmental Revolution. Toronto: HarperBusiness, HarperCollins, 1991.

Cebon, Peter. "Corporate Obstacles to Pollution Prevention." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 20-22.

Conway, R. A., John H. Frick, David J. Warner, Calton C. Wiles, and E. Joseph Duckett. Waste Minimization Practices. Baltimore: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1989.

Cook, James. "The Ghosts of Christmas Yet To Come." Forbes (22 June 1992): 92-95.

Dorfman, Mark H., Warren R. Muir, and Catherine G. Miller. Environmental Dividends: Cutting More Chemical Wastes. New York: INFORM, Inc., 1992. Available for $75 (plus $3 S/H) from INFORM, Inc., 120 Wall Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10005 (phone: 212/361-2400).

Dyllick, Thomas. "Ecological Marketing Strategy for Toni Yogurts in Switzerland." Journal of Business Ethics 8 (August 1989): 657-662.

Forester, William S., and John H. Skinner. Waste Minimization and Clean Technology: Waste Management Strategies for the Future. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 1992.

Garfield, Bob. "Beware: Green Overkill." Advertising Age (25 January 1991): 26.

Geiser, Ken. "The Greening of Industry." Technology Review 94 (August 1991): 64-72.

Goldstein, Nora. "Marketing Strategy for Green Products." In Business 12, no. 3 (May 1990): 38-39.

Hawken, Paul. "A Declaration of Sustainability." Utne Reader 59 (September 1993): 54-61.

Henion, Karl E., and Thomas C. Kinnear, eds. The Conserver Society. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1979.

Maxwell, James, Lola Matysiak, Jennifer Nash, and John Ehrenfeld. "Case Study: Preventing Waste Beyond Company Walls: P&G's Response to the Need for Environmental Quality." Pollution Prevention Review 3, no. 3 (June 1993): 317-333.

McDonald's Corporation and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Waste Reduction Task Force: Final Report. 1991. McDonald's, Environmental Affairs Department, McDonald's Plaza, Oak Brook, IL 60521.

McMurray, Scott. "Chemical Firms Find That It Pays to Reduce Pollution at Source." Wall Street Journal (11 June 1991): A1, A6.

Piasecki, Bruce, and Peter Asmus. In Search of Environmental Excellence: Moving Beyond Blame. New York: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1990.

Pojasek, Robert B. "For Pollution Prevention: Be Descriptive Not Prescriptive." Chemical Engineering 98 (September 1991): 136-139.

___. "Pollution Prevention Progress." In Environmental Risk Management-A Desk Reference, pp. 503-519. Eric B. Rothenberg and Dean Jeffrey Telego, eds. Alexandria, VA: RTM Communications, Inc., 1991.

Post, James E. "Managing As If the Earth Mattered." Business Horizons 34, no. 4 (July 1991): 32-38.

Robins, Nick, and Alex Trisoglio. "Restructuring Industry for Sustainable Development." In Making Development Sustainable: Redefining Institutions, Policy, and Economics, pp. 157-194. Johan Holmberg, ed. Washington: Island Press, 1992.

Schmidheiny, Stephan, with the Business Council for Sustainable Development. Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and the Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992.

Sheridan, John H. "Pollution Prevention Picks Up Steam." Industry Week 241 (17 February 1992): 36+.

Smart, Bruce, ed. Beyond Compliance: A New Industry View of the Environment. Washington: World Resources Institute, April 1992.

Underwood, Joanna D. "Going Green for Profit." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 9-13.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pollution Prevention. Pollution Prevention 1991: Progress on Reducing Industrial Pollutants. Washington: EPA, 1991. small EPA logo

____, Office of Research and Development. Facility Pollution Prevention Guide. EPA/600/R-92/088. Washington: EPA, 1992. ±

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B. Governmental Management

Browner, Carol M. "Pollution Prevention Takes Center Stage." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 6-8.

Kling, David J., and Eric Schaeffer. "EPA's Flagship Programs." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 26-30.

Lewis, Eleanor J., and Eric Weltman. Forty Ways to Make Government Purchasing Green. Washington: Center for the Study of Responsive Law, 1992. To obtain a copy, contact the CSRL, P.O. Box 19367, Washington, D.C. 20036.

"A Paper Tale. . ." (Washington Report). The Office 117 (February 1993): 14.

U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Changing by Degrees: Steps to Reduce Greenhouse Gases. (OTA-O-482) Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Regulatory Innovations Staff. Promoting Source Reduction and Recyclability in the Marketplace: A Study of Consumer and Industry Response to Promotion of Source Reduced, Recycled, and Recyclable Products and Packaging. Washington: EPA, 1989.

____, Office of Pollution Prevention. Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Local Governments and Pollution Prevention. Washington: EPA, 1991.  small EPA

____, Office of Pollution Prevention. Report on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Pollution Prevention Program. Washington: EPA, 1991.  small EPA logo

____, Office of Research and Development, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory. Pollution Prevention Case Studies Compendium. Cincinnati: EPA, 1992. ±

U.S. General Accounting Office. Pollution Prevention: EPA Should Reexamine the Objectives and Sustainability of State Programs, Washington: U.S. General Accounting Office, January 1994. Available from the GAO, P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20884-6015; request doc. #GAO/PEMD-94-8.

U. S. President. Executive Order 12856, August 3, 1993. "Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements." Federal Register 58, no. 150 (6 August 1993): 41981-41987. small EPA logo

___. Executive Order 12873, October 20, 1993. "Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention." Federal Register 58, no. 203 (22 October 1993): 54911-54919. small EPA logo

___. Executive Order 12902, March 8, 1994. "Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities." Federal Register 59, no. 47 (10 March 1994): 11463-11471.

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C. The Role of Individuals and Society

"Are You A Green Consumer?" Consumer Reports 57, no. 11 (November 1992): 704-707.

Caplan, Ruth and the staff of Environmental Action. Our Earth, Our Selves: The Action Oriented Guide to Help You Protect and Preserve Our Planet. New York: Bantam Books, 1990.

Conn, David W., ed. Energy and Material Resources: Attitudes, Values, and Public Policy. AAAS Selected Symposium 75. Boulder: Westview Press, 1983.

De Young, Raymond. "Changing Behavior and Making it Stick: The Conceptualization and Management of Conservation Behavior." Environment and Behavior 25, no. 4 (July 1993): 485-505.

___. "Some Psychological Aspects of Living Lightly: Desired Lifestyle Patterns and Conservation Behavior." Journal of Environmental Systems 20 (1991): 215-227.

Durning, Alan T. How Much Is Enough? The Consumer Society and the Future of the Earth. New York: W.W. Norton, 1992.

EarthWorks Group. 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth. Berkeley: Earthworks Press, 1989.

___. The Student Environmental Action Guide: 25 Things We Can Do. Berkeley: Earthworks Press, 1991.

Elkington, John, Julia Hailes, and Joel Makower. The Green Consumer. New York: Penguin, 1990.

Harris, Mark D. Embracing the Earth: Choices for Environmentally Sound Living. Chicago: The Noble Press, 1991.

Kane, Hal. "Put It on My Carbon Tab." World Watch 6, no. 3 (1993): 38-39.

Kenworthy, Lauren, and Eric Schaeffer. Preventing Industrial Toxic Hazards. New York: INFORM, Inc., 1993. Available for $25 (plus $3 S/H) from INFORM, Inc., 120 Wall Street, 16th floor, New York, NY 10005 (phone: 212/361-2400).

Lai, On-Kwok. "Making Sense of the Greening of Consumption and Production." Journal of Cleaner Production 1, no. 1 (1993): 43-47.

Lotter, Donald W. EarthScore: Your Personal Environmental Audit & Guide. Lafayette, CA: Morning Sun Press, 1993.

Moos, Shawna. "Pollution-Prevention Power to the People." Technology Review 95 (October 1992): 15-16.

National Research Council, Commission on the Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change. Global Environmental Change: Understanding the Human Dimensions. Paul C. Stern, Oran R. Young, and Daniel Druckman, eds. Washington: National Academy Press, 1992.

Schwepker, C. H., and T. B. Cornwell. "An Examination of Ecologically Concerned Consumers and Their Intention to Purchase Ecologically Packaged Products." Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 10, no. 2 (September 1991): 77-101.

"Selling Green." Consumer Reports 56, no. 10 (October 1991): 687-692.

Seymour, John, and Herbert Girardet. Blueprint for a Green Planet. New York: Prentice Hall, 1987.

Stern, Paul C. "Psychological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change." Annual Review of Psychology 43 (1992): 269-302.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation. You Can Make a Difference. EPA/903/M-90/001. Washington, January 1990.  small EPA logo

____, Office of Solid Waste. The Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste. EPA/530-K-92-003. Washington: EPA, August 1992. Available free of charge by calling the RCRA Hotline (800/424-9346).

Vargish, Thomas. "Why the Person Sitting Next to You Hates Limits to Growth." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 16 (1980): 179-189.

Wang, Penelope. "One Family's Finances: It's Not Easy Being Green." Money 19, no. 4 (April 1990): pp. 100 +.

Winett, Richard A., and Peter Ester. "Behavioral Science and Energy Conservation: Conceptualizations, Strategies, Outcomes, Energy Policy Applications." Journal of Economic Psychology 3 (1983): 203-229.

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IV. Pollution Prevention Applications

(arranged alphabetically by topic)

Agriculture and Food Production

Holmes, Hannah. "Eating Low on the Food Chain." Garbage 4, no. 1 (January 1992): 32-37.

Hume, Scott. "The Green Revolution: McDonalds." Advertising Age 62, no. 5 (29 January 1991): 32.

Lefferts, Lisa Y., and Roger Blobaum. "Eating as if the Earth Mattered." E Magazine 3, no. 1 (January 1992): 30-37.

Moore, W. Kent, and David L. Scott. "Beverage Container Deposit Laws: Survey of the Issues and Results." Journal of Consumer Affairs 17, no. 1 (1983): 57-80.

Robbins, John. "Can Earth Survive the Big Mac Attack?" E Magazine 3, no. 1 (January 1992): 38+.

Where Our Food Comes From (videos by students at Oberlin and Hendrix colleges). Hour-long videos can be rented for the cost of shipping; shorter video is free of charge. Contact Meadowcreek, Box 100, Fox, AK 72051 (phone: 501/363-4500).


McGraw, Jack W. "The Denver Airport: Pollution Prevention by Design." EPA Journal 18, no. 2 (May 1992): 18-19.

Scholand, Michael. "Building for the Future." World Watch 6, no. 6 (November 1993): 36-38.

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Carpi, John. "Green Batteries: Powering Innovation." E Magazine 5, no. 2 (March 1994): 46-47, 67.

Gasbarro, Ron. "Getting Rid of Batteries." Garbage 3, no. 5 (September 1991): 42-43.

Cleaning and Cleaning Products

Harris, Mark. "Bright Makes Blight." E Magazine 4, no. 6 (November 1993): 51-52.

Rose, Julian. "And the Detergent 'Eco-label' Goes to. . ." Environmental Science and Technology 28, no. 4 (1994): 179A.

Consumer Products

Holmes, Hannah, and Patricia Poore. "Packaging in the ྖs." Garbage 4, no. 6 (January 1993): 24-31.

Kleiner, Art. "Compact Packaging for the Compact Disk." Garbage 3, no. 6 (November 1991): 50-51.


Arthur D. Little, consultants. Disposable Versus Reusable Diapers: Health, Environmental and Economic Comparisons. Cambridge, MA: Arthur D. Little, 1990.

"The Green Revolution: Procter & Gamble." Advertising Age 62, no. 5 (29 January 1991): 16, 34.

Holusha, John. "Diaper Debate: Cloth or Disposable?" New York Times (14 July 1990) Section 1, p. 46, col. 1.

Lehrburger, Carl. Diapers in the Waste Stream: A Review of Waste Management and Public Policy Issues. 1989. To obtain a copy, contact the author at P.O. Box 580, Sheffield, MA 01257.

Poore, Patricia. "Disposable Diapers are OK." Garbage 4, no. 5 (October 1992): 26-31.

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Energy Production and Conservation

Rocky Mountain Institute and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII. Negawatts-A Goldmine of Opportunity (video). 1991. 20 minutes. Available for $20 from the RMI, 1739 Snowmass Creek Rd., Snowmass, CO 81654-9199 (phone: 303/927-3851).

Roodman, David Malin. "Power Brokers: Managing Demand for Electricity." World Watch 6, no. 6 (November 1993): 22-29.

Tracey, Jim. "Green Lights for Home and Business."" Garbage 4, no. 5 (October 1992): 49+.

Industrial P2

Metal Industries-Metal Finishing, Manufacturing (fact sheets). Compiled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Prevention, Pesticides & Toxic Substances. Washington: EPA, 1993. small EPA logo

Moberg, David. "Sunset for Chlorine?" E Magazine 4, no. 4 (July 1993): 26-31.


Automotive Repair, Maintenance, Salvage Yards, Painting, Radiators (fact sheets). Compiled by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse. Washington: EPA, 1993.  small EPA logo

Ayers, Ed. "Breaking Away." World Watch 6, no. 1 (January 1993): 10-18.

Baldwin, J. "Green Cars." Garbage 5, no. 3 (June/July 1993): 24-29.

Flavin, Christopher. "Jump Start: New Automotive Revolution.&34 World Watch 6, no. 4 (July 1993): 27-33.

Holmes, Hannah. "Telecommuting." Garbage 5, no. 2 (April/May 1993): 32-37.

Rocky Mountain Institute and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII. Transportation 2000-Moving Beyond Auto America (video). 1991. 30 minutes. Available for $30 from the RMI, 1739 Snowmass Creek Rd., Snowmass, CO 81654-9199 (phone: 303/927-3851).

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Water Pollution and Conservation

Postel, Sandra. "Water Tight." World Watch 6, no. 1 (January 1993): 19-25.

U.S. EPA, Region I. Turning the Tide: Keeping Pollution at Bay (video). 1991. 31 minutes. Available to buy for $25 prepaid (or borrow for $15 prepaid) from the New England Interstate Environmental Training Center, 2 Fort Road, South Portland, ME 04106 (phone: 207/767-2539).


Bernards, Neal, ed. The Environmental Crisis: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1991.

Betts, Kellyn S. "The Coming Green Computers." E Magazine 5, no. 2 (March 1994): 28-35.

Keoleian, Gregory A., and Dan Menerey. "Disposable vs. Reusable Systems-Two Source Reduction Case Studies." Journal of Environmental Systems 20 (1991): 343-357.

___. "Packaging and Process Improvements: Three Source Reduction Case Studies." Journal of Environmental Systems 21, no. 1 (1992): 21-37.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory. Running a Conference as a Clean Product. EPA/600/2/91/026. Cincinnati: EPA, June 1991. 40 pp. Available for $17.50 hardcover or $9 microfiche (plus $4 S&H) from National Technical Information Services; call 800/553-6847 and request NTIS #PB92-109-99.

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V. Educational Resources

A. Syllabi and Course Materials

Allen, David T., Nandkamur Bakshani, and Kirsten S. Rosselot. Pollution Prevention: Homework & Design Problems for Engineering Curricula. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Institute for Pollution Prevention, Center for Waste Reduction Technologies, 1992. 155 pp. $35. To order, call AIChE customer service at 800/242-4363.

Cohen, Mark A. Management 5596: Management of Environmental Issues (syllabus). Vanderbilt University, Nashville, March 1993.

De Young, Raymond. NR561/NR361: Conservation Behavior (syllabus). University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1993.

Design for Recycling Team. Teaching Environmentally Responsible Design. Shirley T. Fleischman, ed. Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI, 22 October 1992.

Duncan, Andrew. "Pollution Prevention and Environmental Studies Bibliographic Teaching Outline."

____. "Pollution Prevention and Environmental Studies Suggested Course Structures."

Fleischman, Marvin. Pollution Prevention, Waste Treatment, and Disposal (syllabus). University of Louisville, Kentucky, March 1993.

Hanlon, Deborah, and Julie Bartenstein. Teaching Those Humans to Learn: Creative Approaches to Pollution Prevention Training. Washington: EPA, August 1992.  small EPA logo

Kidd, David. Industrial Waste Reduction: A Three-Credit University Curriculum for Environmental Engineering. Alaska Health Project, Anchorage, October 1991.

Procter and Gamble, Inc. Decision: Earth. An Environmental Teaching Unit for Grades 7-12. 1993. Available from Procter & Gamble Educational Services, P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati, OH 45201.

Rathje, William. Anthropology 337: Modern Material Culture Studies (syllabus). University of Arizona, 1993.

Tchudi, Stephen. "A Lesson Plan in Pollution Prevention." EPA Journal [see "Key Documents"]: 42-43.

Washington State Department of Ecology, Social and Economic Sciences Research Center, Washington State University, and the Waste Reduction Institute for Training and Applications Research (WRITAR). Incorporating Pollution Prevention Concepts in Higher Education Curricula. 1991. Available for $30 from WRITAR, 1313 Fifth Street SE, Suite 327, Minneapolis, MN 55414-4502 (phone: 612/379-5995; fax: 612/379-5996).

Yust, Becky. DHA 1001: Introduction to the Designed Environment (syllabus). University of Minnesota, September 1991.

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B. Other Educational Resources

Amato, Ivan. "The Slow Birth of Green Chemistry." Science 259 (12 March 1993): 1538-1541.

Bakshani, Nandkumar, and David T. Allen. "In the States: Pollution Prevention Education at Universities in the United States." Pollution Prevention Review 3, no. 1 (December 1992): 97-105.

Corporate Conservation Council, National Wildlife Federation. Gaining Ground: Environmental Education in Business Schools. Final Report of the Curriculum Development Project, National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C., June 1992. Available free by calling 202/797-6878.

National Research Council, Commission on Life Sciences, Committee on the Applications of Ecological Theory to Environmental Problems. Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem-Solving: Concepts and Case Studies. Washington: National Academy Press, 1986.

Orr, David W. Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to the Postmodern World. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Purcell, Arthur H. "Invited Comments." Air & Waste (Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association) 42 (1992): 1169-1170.

Washington State University, Social and Economic Sciences Research Center. Incorporating Waste Reduction Concepts in Higher Education Curricula. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, March 1991.

to the top

Vl. Faculty Involved in P2 Education

Richard Andrews
Department of Environmental Sciences & Engineering
School of Public Health
University of North Carolina
CB #7400, Rosenau Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400
phone: 919/966-2359
fax: 919/966-7911

Nicholas Ashford
Ctr. for Technology, Policy & Industrial Development
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
phone: 617/253-1664
fax: 617/253-7140

Terence Ball
Social Sciences
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
phone: 612/634-0083
fax: 612/626-7599

Lisa Bardwell
School of Natural Resources and Environment
University of Michigan
Dana Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1115
phone: 313/747-4708
fax: 313/936-2195

Richard Bright
Education and Training
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, GA 30314
phone: 404/880-8515
fax: 404/880-8522

Curtis Bryant
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
phone: 602/621-2266
fax: 602/621-2550

William Budd
Environmental Sciences and Regional Planning
Washington State University
Troy Hall 305
Pullman, WA 99164-4430
phone: 509/335-8536
fax: 509/335-7636

John E. Carroll
Natural Resources
University of New Hampshire
221 James Hall
Durham, NH 03824-3591
phone: 603/862-1020
fax: 603/862-4976

David Conn
Ctr. for Environmental & Hazardous Materials Studies
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0113
phone: 703/231-7508
fax: 703/231-3367

Noellette Conway-Schempf
Green Design Initiative
GSIA 224
Carnegie-Mellon University
Shenley Park
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
phone: 412/268-2299
fax: 412/268-6837

Nancy Coppola
Department of Humanities
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102
phone: 201/596-5726
fax: 201/565-0586

Anthony Cortese
Second Nature
17 Msgr. O'Brien Highway
PO Box 410350
East Cambridge, MA 02141-0004
phone: 617/227-8888
fax: 617/227-0104

George Criner
Department of Economics and Policy
University of Maine
5782 Winslow Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5782
phone: 207/581-3157
fax: 207/581-4278

Faye Duchin
Director, Institute for Economic Analysis
New York University
269 Mercer St. Second Floor
New York, NY 10003
phone: 212/998-7480
fax: 212.995-4165

David Eagan
Institute for Environmental Studies
70 Science Hall
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 N. Park St.
Madison, WI 53706

John R. Ehrenfeld
Ctr. for Technology, Policy & Industrial Development
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Room E40-241
Cambridge, MA 02139
phone: 617/253-1694
fax: 617/253-7140

O. Homer Erekson
Economics Department
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056
phone: 513/529-2836
fax: 513/529-6992

Shirley Fleischmann
Grand Valley State University
301 West Fulton, Suite 618
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
phone: 616/771-6762
fax: 616/771-6642

Robert L. Ford
Director, Center for Energy & Environmental Studies
Southern University at Baton Rouge
Cottage #8, P.O. Box 9764
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
phone: 504/771-4723
fax: 504/771-4722

Robert A. Frosch
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Center for Science and International Affairs
Harvard University
79 J.F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
phone: 617/495-8132
fax: 617/495-8963

Robert Gottlieb
Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning
University of California-Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90024
phone: 310/825-1067

Gerald Groenwold
Director, Energy and Environmental Research Center
University of North Dakota
15 North 23rd St.
P.O. Box 9018
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9018
phone: 701/777-5131
fax: 701/777-5181

Denise Guerin
Design, Housing and Apparel
240 McNeal Hall
University of Minnesota
1985 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
phone: 612/624-1257
fax: 612/624-2750

Steven Hamburg
Environmental Ombudsman's Office
University of Kansas
Haworth Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045-2016
phone: 913/ 864-3208
fax: 913/ 864-5321

Ellen Harrison
Waste Management Institute
Center for the Environment
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
phone: 607/ 255-8576
fax: 607/ 255-8207

Linda Ashman Hicks
Assoc. Dir. Pollution Prevention Ed. and Rsch. Ctr.
University of California-Los Angeles
7440 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90024
phone: 310/206-2098
fax: 310/ 206-3907

Joel S. Hirschhorn
Hirschhorn & Associates
4221 Forbes Blvd., Suite 240
Lanham, MD 20706-4325
phone: 301/ 731-4095
fax: 301/ 731-4099

Dale Jamieson
Center for Values and Social Policy
Campus Box 232
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
phone: 303/492-6964

Tim Jones
Dept. of Anthropology (Archaeology subgroup)
University of Arizona
Bldg. #30
Tucson, AZ 85721
phone: 602/621-6299
fax: 602/621-9608

Diana Liverman
Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
phone: 814/863-7004
fax: 814/863-8017

Todd MacFadden
Cooperative Extension Service
Montana State University
Taylor Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717
phone: 406/994-3451

Robert L. Myers
Agronomy Department
210 Waters Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
phone: 314/882-0317
fax: 314/882-1467
e-mail: agrmyers@umcvbm

Gayla Neumeyer
W1013 Engineering Building
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
phone: 314/882-8366

David Orr
Environmental Studies
Rice Hall
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074
phone: 216/ 775-8312

Susan Powers
Haz. Waste & Toxic Substance Rsch. & Mgmt. Ctr.
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699-5715
phone: 315/ 268-6542
fax: 315/268-7636

Marilyn Raphael
Geography Department
Bunche Hall
University of California-Los Angeles
405 Hilgard
Los Angeles, CA 90024
phone: 310/206-4590

Lisa Riedle
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Plattville
1 University Plaza
Plattville, WI 53818
phone: 608/ 342-1539
fax: 608/ 342-1566

Yuriko Saito
Philosophy Department
Rhode Island School of Design
2 College St.
Providence, RI 02903-2784
phone: 401/ 454-6578
fax: 401/ 454-6157

Brett Smith
5300 Irving Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55419
phone: 612/ 920-9569
fax: 612/ 929-0903

Joel Tarr
Carnegie-Mellon University
Shenley Park
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
phone: 412/ 268-2609
fax: 412/ 268-1019

Janet Vail
Waste Reduction & Management Program
Water Resources Institute
Grand Valley State University
One Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
phone: 616/895-3749
fax: 616/ 895-3864

Harold Ward
Center for Environmental Studies
Brown University
P.O. Box 1943
135 Angell Street
Providence, RI 02912
phone: 401/ 863-3449
fax: 401/ 863-3503

Becky Yust
Design, Housing and Apparel
240 McNeal Hall
University of Minnesota
1985 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
phone: 612/ 624-4904
fax: 612/ 624-2750

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last revised: September 5,1997.