MVS 330

Lab Personnel w99

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Lab personnel from past semesters: w99 | f98


Lab Instructor

Tom Hoogendyk

Office Hours: Mondays 8-11pm at the Angell Hall Campus Computing Site

Personal Statement: My academic and professional interests are in research and teaching. My research interests involve the integration of two fields of study: biomechanics and functional morphology. I recently completed my senior honors thesis and I am currently working on a research project where the relationship between primate wrist morphology and locomotor behavior is being investigated.


Tiffani Natalini

Office Hours: FR 9:45-11:45am, NMC classroom

Personal Statement: I am a senior movement science major. I plan on going into performing arts rehab (working with dancers and musicians) upon graduation. I am a dancer and the section leader for the flag section in the UM marching band.

I am available for general consulting with any team for lab and homework assignments.

Aparna Sukhtankar

Office Hours: W 12 - 2pm


Seth Beers

Office Hours: TH 12-2pm

Bram Spitael

Office Hours: TH 4-6pm, NMC classroom

Shelly Solem

Office Hours: FR 4-6pm, NMC classroom

Personal Statement: I am applying to physical therapy shools right now and would like to work in the field of geriatrics eventually. I am interested in doing clinical research at some point in my future.



Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.