MVS 402

Lab Plan 3

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Introduce Assignment P3 - Digital Videos

- explain by reading over the assignment

- what they need to do in lab - create and trim digital videos

- what they need to do outside of lab - nothing

- what they need to turn in - before they leave lab and next week

- point out links in the assignment that contain directions for using FusionRecorder and MoviePlayer


Review directions for using FusionRecorder and MoviePlayer

After reviewing these directions as a class the island stations and classroom stations are available for digitizing their videos. Once they have digitized their videos and saved the untrimmed QuickTime movies to their ZIP disk they need to allow the next group to use the digitizing station. Trimming MUST be done on a non-digitizing station. Remember, each of your teams needs to consult with you before trimming their movies in MoviePlayer.
- facilitators need to discuss start and end points of movements to be used for trimming QuickTime movies in MoviePlayer with each team. Make sure start and stop frames make sense.
- check each group's digitized video fro jumps, sticks, and slips.
- make sure a full movement cycle is included in each video.

- make sure files are saved in SELF-CONTAINED format. You can tell if they haven't done this by looking at the movies file size. Click once on the movies icon in the finder and select "Get Info" from the "File" menu. If the file size is less than 100k it is NOT saved in self-contained format.

- do not edit movies in FusionRecorder. "mova" and "movb", saved from FusionRecorder, should be their raw or untrimmed data which they could return to if needed. "atrim" and "btrim", trimmed and saved from MoviePlayer, are their working files. If these are trimmed incorrectly, they can always fall back to "mova" and "movb" without having to re-digitize.

Make backup copies at end of lab 

- make sure each team backs up their work:

- copy contents of most up-to-date ZIP disk to each member's disk

- emphasize importance of making backups each time they work

- remind them of the "click of death"




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.