MVS 402

Lab Plan 2

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UM librarian will conduct MedSearch training session for first 45 minutes of lab

- emphasize the importance of becoming an informed and skilled user of MedSearch

- show students link to MedSearch on assignment P2

- introduce UM lirarian


Introduce Assignment P2 - Introduction

- explain what they need to do in lab

- explain what they need to do outside of lab

- explain what they need to turn in

- explain what parts of the Project Requirements document they need to use


Review Hints for Successful Videotaping

- use examples from the website to demonstrate right and wrong ways of filming their movements

- facilitators need to discuss the video plan with each team

- Hints for Successful Videotaping is linked to assignment P2 under the Review the Videography Tutorial section.


Introduce videography tutorial

- demonstrate how to find, launch, use, and quit the videography tutorial
- instructions for this are linked to assignment P2 under the Review the Videography Tutorial section.

- have teams go through the videography tutorial (10 minutes)


Discuss content of Introduction section

- see Project Requirements document

- must cite reference

-give and example of what might go in an introduction section

Discuss format of Title page and References section

- explain how to count characters in title (all characters count - including blank spaces!)

- explain formatting of references 

- title should explain study in 56 characters or less

Review organization of ZIP disks and make backup copies at end of lab

- check for "project plan" and "video plan" documents in "text" folder

- make backups of these files to your ZIP disk. There should be a team folder for each of your teams and named according to team name. You will need the project plan document when you go to create the team pages.

- write the team name and owner uniqname on ZIP disk labels and ZIP case labels

- ZIP disk name, as it appears on the desktop, should be the owners uniqname.




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross