Biomechanics of Human Movement 

MVS 330

Assignment P1: Storyboard

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The purpose of this assignment is to visualize your data collection session. Here's what you need to do: 

1. Draw three squares. Using a pencil, draw three squares of equal size in a row and imagine that each of them is a camera view.

2. Draw the start, midpoint, and end of both of your movements in the three squares. Decide how you believe your movement is going to look at the start, midpoint, and end. Draw a stick figure depicting the start in the first square, a stick figure depicting the midpoint in the second square, and a stick figure depicting the endpoint in the third square. If you are planning to use an exercise machine, draw it in the squares too.

3. Add your reference markers to each of your three squares. The movement you choose should occur between the two reference markers.

4. Indicate your marker placement. On each of your stick figures, draw circles at the joints where you plan place markers. " 

5. Provide additional information within each of the 3 squares.

- In the first square, provide the age and sex of your subject

- In the second square, label each of your joint markers with the anatomical names of the joints.

- In the third square, indicate the two joints and the joint segment you intend to study.

Your final product should resemble the pictures below. Repeat this process for your second movement.





Melissa Gross , Ph.D. - 
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology 

Revised 8/00
©1996 Melissa Gross