Shining Light on Black Holes Workshop

September 21-25, 2009

University of Michigan
West Hall Room 340
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1040


Confirmed Invited Participants:

Evgeny Babichev APC Paris
Jacob Bekenstein Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Martin Bojowald Penn State University
Ramy Brustein Ben-Gurion University
Geoffrey Compere University of California
Cedric Deffayet APC (CNRS, Paris, France)
Antonio Dobado Universidad Complutense
Alexander Dolgov University of Ferrara, INFN, and ITEP
Sergei Dubovsky Stanford University
Andrei Frolov
Simon Fraser University
Valeri Frolov University of Alberta
David Garfinkle
Oakland University
Andrei Gruzinov New York University CCPP
Sean Hartnoll Harvard University
Luis Lehner Perimeter Institute/Univ of Guelph
Cole Miller
University of Maryland
Slava Mukhanov LMU, Munich
Shinji Mukohyama IPMU, University of Tokyo
Oriol Pujolas
CERN, Switzerland
Ivo Sachs LMU Munich
Ignacy Sawicki CCPP, New York University
Sergei Sibiryakov EPFL
Peter Tinyakov Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Tanmay  Vachaspati
Case Western Reserve Univ./IAS
Gabriele  Veneziano
College de France & CERN

Registered Participants


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