ICLS 2000 Proceedings - Browse by Author

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Magnusson, Shirley
Investigating the Development of Understanding and Scientific Reasoning via Cycles of Guided Inquiry Instruction

Marlino, Mary
The Virtual Exploratorium: Foundational Research and Theory on the Integration of 5-D Modeling and Visualization in Undergraduate Geoscience Education

Marra, Tiffany
Implicit Cultural Templates in Software Design: Renegotiating the Norm with Girl Software

Marshall, Sue
Understanding Adoption of Software Tools: Comparative Case Studies of Teacher Beliefs About and Use of Inquiry-Support Software

Marx, Ron
The Role of Educative Curriculum Materials in Reforming Science Education

The Design and Evaluation of Classroom Supports for Seamless Integration of a Dynamic Modeling Tool

Masukawa, Hirojuki
Relation-Making to Sense-Making: Supporting College Students' Constructive Understanding with an Enriched Collaborative Note-Sharing System

Matese, Gabrielle
Understanding Adoption of Software Tools: Comparative Case Studies of Teacher Beliefs About and Use of Inquiry-Support Software

McDonald, Scott
Online Teacher Reflection as a Scaffold to Support Reform-Based Curriculum Implementation

McGee, Steven
Integrating Inquiry-Based Multimedia Learning Outcomes into Educational Accountability Systems

McKenzie, Eamon
A Hands-on Modeling Approach to Evolution: Learning about the Evolution of Cooperation and Altruism Through Multi-Agent Modeling - The EACH Project

McMillan-Culp, Katherine
Silent Negotiations: A Case Study of Roles and Functions Utilized by Students, Teachers, and Mentors in Project-based, Telementoring Relationships

Miao, Yongwu
PBL-protocols: Guiding and Controlling Problem Based Learning Processes in Virtual Learning Environments

Miller, John
Students' Searching and Evaluating with the Artemis Interface to a Digital Library

Miyake, Naomi
Relation-Making to Sense-Making: Supporting College Students' Constructive Understanding with an Enriched Collaborative Note-Sharing System

Moher, Tom
Observation-Based Inquiry in a Virtual Ambient Environment

Morley, Tom
An Analysis of Non-Integrated Engineering Education

Narayanan, N. Hari
On the Role of Animated Analogies in Algorithm Visualizations

Nix, Don
Using Speech Recognition Technology to Enhance Literacy Instruction for Emerging Readers

O'Neill, D. Kevin
Mentoring in the Open: A Strategy for Supporting Human Development in the Knowledge Society

Scaling Educational Online Communities: The Role of Volunteerism in Doing Large-Scale Educational Projects Online

Oshima, Jun
Strategic Use of Knowledge Media for Conceptual Understanding through Self-Explaining

Oshima, Ritsuko
Strategic Use of Knowledge Media for Conceptual Understanding through Self-Explaining

Palincsar, Annemarie
Investigating the Development of Understanding and Scientific Reasoning via Cycles of Guided Inquiry Instruction

Palonen, Tuire
Patterns of Interaction in Computer-supported Learning: A Social Network Analysis

Panizzon, Debra
Integrating Inquiry-Based Multimedia Learning Outcomes into Educational Accountability Systems

Pegg, John
Integrating Inquiry-Based Multimedia Learning Outcomes into Educational Accountability Systems

Perkins, Lori
Virtual Gorilla Modeling Project: Middle School Students Constructing Virtual Models for Learning

Person, Natalie K.
Designing AutoTutor to be an Effective Conversational Partner

Pinkard, Nichole
Studio Zone: Computer Support for Reflective Design

Implicit Cultural Templates in Software Design: Renegotiating the Norm with Girl Software

Polin, Linda
Individual Change and Cultural Process: Their Role in Virtual Community Building

Polman, Joseph L.
Identity Development through Participation in an Informal Setting

Potter, Clint S.
Participatory Science via the Internet

Quintana, Chris
Assessment Strategies for Learner-Centered Software

Rahikainen, Marjaana
Motivational Processes in CSILE-Based Learning

Realff, Matthew
An Analysis of Non-Integrated Engineering Education

Reiser, Brian J.
Investigating the Mutual Adaptation Process in Teachers' Design of Technology-Infused Curricula

Renninger, K. Ann
The Impact of The Math Forum's Problem(s) of the Week on Students' Mathematical Thinking

Individual Change and Cultural Process: Their Role in Virtual Community Building

Rick, Jochen
Using An Unstructured Collaboration Tool to Support Peer Interaction in Large College Classes

Robinson, Scott
Participatory Science via the Internet


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