Film Bibliography

1 Michael Benson, Vintage Science Fiction Films (1896-1949),
McFarland & Co., Inc., Pub.; Jefferson, NC: 1985; p.2.

2 (10/13/97 at 2:21pm)

3 John Baxter, Science Fiction in the Cinema (1895-1970),
The Tantivy Press, London, 1979; p.22.

4 J.P. Telotte, Replications,
U of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1995; p.93, 97.

5 Jeff Rovin, Aliens, Robots and Spaceships,
Facts on File, Inc., NY, 1995.

6 Per Schelde, Androids, Humanoids, and other Science Fiction Monsters,
New York University Press, NY, 1993.