Differential Equations

The concentration of venom in the bite compartment:

d(Cvt)/d(t) = -Ktb*Cvt

The concentration of venom in the blood

d(Cvb)/d(t) = .1*Ktb*Cvt - Kel*Cvb -krec*Cvb*Ca

The concentration of Factor X in the blood

d(Cx)/d(t) = -r1 +.0001*(170-Cx)

The concentration of activated complex XA in the blood

d(Cxa)/d(t) = r1-r2

The Concentration of Fibrin in the blood

d(Cf)/d(t) = r3

The concentration of Fibrinogen in the bllod

d(Cfib)/d(t) = 3 -kfib*Cxa*Cfib

The fraction of free sites in the kidneys

d(fs)/d(t) = -kdep*Cf*fs

The Concentration of antivenom in the blood

d(Ca)/d(t) = -krec*Cvb*Ca -Kela*Ca

The concentration of urea in the blood

d(Cu)/d(t) = .035 - .014*fs*Cu

the concentration of FDP in the blood

d(Cfdp)/d(t) = 1.155*Cf -.001*Cfdp

Explicit Equations

r1 = kx* Cx*Cvb

r2 = kixa*Cxa

r3 = .006*kfib*Cxa*Cfib - kdep*Cf*fs - kfdp*Cfdp*Cf

Kel = .14 min-1

kx = .002

kixa = 4.5

kfdp = .0000005 nmol/l*min

kfib = .18 nmol/l*min

kdep = .00015

Kbt = .029 min-1

Ktb = .01 min-1

Fibrinogen = Cfib*(10^(-9))*340000

Venom = Cvb*105 mg

krec = .1 nmol/l*min

Kela = .006 min-1

Urea = Cu*6 mg/dl

Fdp = Cfdp*.1 ug/ml