Professional Reference Shelf

R9.4 Approach to Steady State in a CSTR: Unsteady Mole Balance


The unsteady-state mole balance is given by Equation (4-46)

image 09eq14.gif

where we use shorthand notation:

image 09eq15.gif

A typical plot of CA vs. T for steady-state operation (i.e., MB = 0) is shown in Figure R9.4-1. For example, if the reaction is first-order and irreversible, the equation for the "MB = 0 curve" would be


Using the mole balance (MB = 0) to divide the phase plane

Figure R9.4-1
Regions of the Phase Plane

image 09eq16.gif

This curve (i.e., MB = 0) divides the phase plane into two regions:


image 9eq17.gifwhere concentration increases with time, and
image 09eq18.gifwhere concentration decreases with time.


We now consider the relative magnitude of two positive terms, When image 09eq20.gif is positive and concentration increases with time. When(i.e. image 09eq18.gif), the derivative is negative and the concentration decreases with time.


To continue our analysis of the approach to steady state we need to consider the energy balance next. For operation of a CSTR withimage 09eq22.gif, the unsteady energy balance, Equation (9-11), can be rearranged in the form




image 09eq23.gif




Figure R9.4-2 shows a typical plot of CA vs.T for EB = 0. For an irreversible first-order reaction, the equation for the "EB = 0 curve" would be

image 09eq25.gif

This curve divides the phase plane into two regions:

1. image 09eq26.gifwhere temperature increases with time, and
2. where temperature decreases with time.

Using the
energy balance (EB = 0) to divide the phase plane


Figure R9.4-2
Regions of the Phase Plane

Temperature can either decrease or increase with time depending on the relative magnitudes of and.


Next we combine Figures R9.4-1 and R9.4-2 to yield Figure R9.4-3, which shows the curve for MB = 0 and EB = 0 for a particular set of parameter values (e.g.,image 09eq30.gif).


(Note that other parameter values will give a different set of intersections of MB = 0 and EB = 0). The steady-state value is, of course, the intersection of the MBand EBcurves. We can divide the phase plane into four quadrants:


Figure R9.4-3
Regions of the Phase Plane

image 09eq31.gif


Figure R9.4-4
Quadrants of the phase plane.


The dashed square around the steady state in Figure R9.4-3 is expanded and shown in Figure R9.4-4 identifying the various quadrants. Temperature is increasing in quadrants I and II and decreasing in quadrants III and IV, while the concentration of species A is increasing in quadrants I and IV and decreasing in II and III. With this information we may make qualitative sketches of the temperature-concentration pathways or trajectories.

Figure R9.4-4 shows a sketch of two different approaches to the steady state that result from starting the reactor up at the same initial temperature, Ti but at two different initial concentrations. Starting at Ti and CA = 0 in quadrant IV, we know that CA, will increase and T will decrease until we cross the solid line of the EB = 0 curve into quadrant I, where both CA and T increase until we cross the MB = 0 curve into quadrant II, where CA decreases and T increases. The CA vs.T phase-plot trajectory continues its spiral approach to the steady state(CAs,Ts) as it crosses into quadrant III, where both CA and T decreases and then it reenters quadrant IV. This trajectory is shown in Figure R9.4-5. A similar type of reasoning can be used to trace out the trajectory starting at Ti and CAi.


Figure R9.4-5
Approach to the steady state.


Example CD9-1
Startup of a CSTR
Example CD9-2
Falling Off the Steady State
Example CD9-3
Proportional-Integral (PI) Control