Additional Homework Problems


  A heat exchanger and a controller are to be added to the ammonium nitrate reactor discussed in Problem P9-3. The reactor temperature is to be controlled by manipulating the coolant flow rate, in the heat exchanger. The ambient temperature at the time the controller is turned on is 970°R. The product of the heat-transfer coefficient and heat-exchanger area is UA = 10,000 Btu/hmiddot°F.
    The controller is to be a PI controller with an integral time, time gif of 1 h and a gain of -4.5°. A sudden upset causes the reactor temperature to rise to 1000°R, which is 25°R above the set point.
    For each of the following three cases, plot the reactor temperature and mass in the reactor, M, as a function of time. [Hint: First show that the energy balance can be written as
  image 09eq1.gif
(a) Consider Mconstant at 300 lb.
(b) Calculate M from a mass balance, that is,
image 09eq2.gif
    The set-point of the mass in the tank is 325 lb.

(c) Consider no control by setting the controller gain equal to zero (i.e., kC = 0.)
(d)Vary kCand describe what you find.
(e) Vary UA,thetaC ,time gif, and so on, and describe what you find.