Additional Homework Problems


The free-radical polymerization reaction discussed in Professional Reference Section R7.1.2.1 for a batch reactor is to be carried out in a CSTR and a PFR.
(a)  Plot the effluent initiator and monomer concentrations as a function of the space-time .
(b)  Compare your results for two equal-sized CSTRs in series with one CSTR. The total volume is the same in both cases.
(c)  Vary the parameter values (i.e., k0, kp) and discuss your results.

      Additional information:

M0=3 mol/dm3      I20= 0.01 mol/dm3

k0= 10-3s-1      kp=10 dm3/mol*s      kt= 5 X 107 dm3/mol*s