OEP Algorithm

The application of the Open-Ended Problem Solving Algorithm that we provide here is based on the algorithm from the Thoughts on Problem Solving section of the site.

NOTE: This page is intended merely as an example. The algorithm is not set in stone, so not all steps will apply to a give problem, as you will see.


  1. Write an initial problem statement.

    Example Answer:

    1. What happens when you get bit by a cobra?


  2. Make sure you are proceeding to solve the real problem as opposed to the perceived problem. Carry out one or more of the following:
    1. Find out where the problem came from.
    2. Explore the problem.
    3. Apply the Duncker Diagram.
    4. Use the statement-restatement technique.
    5. Apply Problem Analysis.

    Example Answer to 2.B. 

    Base Case:

    Will you die if bitten by a cobra? How long can you wait for antivenom? What if you use antivenom first and then get bit?


  3. Generate solutions.
    1. Understand what conceptual blocks can occur so that you will be aware of them when they surface.
      1. Perceptual
      2. Emotional
      3. Cultural
      4. Environmental
      5. Intellectual
      6. Expressive

      Example Answer to 3.A.5

      Intellectual blocks -- knowledge of human physiology (everyone's different), understanding of neurotoxins and what they do


    2. Brainstorm
      1. Free association
      2. Osborn’s Check List
      3. Lateral Thinking
        1. Random Stimulation
        2. Other People's Views

      Example Answer to 3.B

      Brainstorm -- Re-explore the problem: when you get bit, how much venom is injected? How much antivenom should you use? Fiddle with the rate constants. Acutally call up experts on snake venom for more info. Check the web for sites/links about cobras and India, where cobras are more common (than in the U.S).

    3. Analogy
      1. State the problem
      2. Generate analogies
      3. Solve the analogy
      4. Transfer the analogy to the solution

      Example Answer to 3.C

      Analogy -- In this case we're treating the human body like it's a batch reactor. Could you model it some other way?


    4. Organize the ideas/solutions that have been generated
      1. Fishbone Diagram

      Example Answer to 3.D

      Organize -- group similar ideas together


    5. Cross Fertilize
      1. Draw analogies from other disciplines

      Example Answer to 3.E

      Draw analogies from other disciplines -- how would a biochemistry student solve the problem?


    6. Futuring. Today’s constraints (e.g. computing speed, communications) may be limiting the generation of a creative solutions. Think to the future when these constraints may no longer exist. Remove all possible constraints from the problem statement and solution criteria.

      Example Answer to 3.F

      Futuring -- future antivenoms may not block receptor sites, could you take antivenom like a flu shot?


    7. Incubate

      Example Answer to 3.G

      Incubate -- sleep on it, take a shower, etc.


  4. Choose best alternative from the ideas generated (chapter 5)
    1. Decision Making
      1. Musts
      2. Wants
      3. Adverse Consequences

      Example Answer to 4.A.

      1. bite victim must survive
      2. want to administer minimum amount of antivenom at the optimum time
      3. too much antivenom is almost as bad as no antivenom, or antivenom given too late


    2. Planning
      1. Potential Problem
      2. Consequences
      3. Preventative Action
      4. Contingent Action

      Example Answer to 4.A.

            1. antivenom may not be immediately available
            2. potential death of the victim
            3. have antivenom in backpack when hiking
            4. have an emergency vehicle ready to transport victims to a hospital for better treatment

  5. Follow Through
    1. Gantt Chart
    2. Deployment Chart
    3. Evaluation - Is the problem you are solving still relevant?

    Example Answer to 5

    5. follow through with a proposal for emergency services to be available in high risk snake bite areas; consider funding, location, etc.

  6. Evaluate
    1. Does the solution satisfy all the stated and implied criteria?
    2. Is the solution safe to people and property?
    3. Is the solution ethical?

    Example Answer to 6

       A. don't want people to die because of snake bites
       B. having a snake bite team is better than not having one
       C. ethical? aren't we trying to save lives?


Bloom's Taxonomy can also help you classify your problem and determine a method of attack.