Banister, Errol, "Education and Literacy in Eighteenth-Century England," 2000, <> (14 December 2001).

This web site article offers information on education and literacy, particularly in regard to women in the eighteenth century.

Barber, Giles. "Book Imports and Exports in the Eighteenth Century." Sale and Distribution of Books from 1700. Ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris. Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1982.

This article contains several important graphs on book imports and exports as well as information on who were the significant exporters and importers of the era.

Berry, W.T., Johnson, A.K., & Morrison, S. Catalogue of Specimens of Printing Types, English and Scottish, 1665-1830. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.

This book includes examples and a history of fonts used in printing from 1665-1830.

Cranfield, G.A. The Development of the Provincial Newspaper 1700-1760. London: Oxford University Press, 1962.

This book talked about how news was distributed to provincial towns, and what they contained. Since most provincial papers mainly told stories from London and took articles from London papers, this book was very comprehensive.

Curwen, Henry. A History of Booksellers, The Old and the New. London: Chatto and Windus, 1873.

This book profiles a number of the major English booksellers, including many from the eighteenth century.

Downie, J.A. and Thomas N. Corns. Telling People what to think: Early Eighteenth-Century Periodicals from The Review to The Rambler. Portland: Frank Cass & Co., Ltd., 1993.

Obviously this was helpful for my section on periodicals. It also helped to show an overview of the prevailing thought on political, social, moral, and intellectual issues that were abounding at the time.

Foot, Mirjam. "Some Bookbinders' Price Lists of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." Economics of the British Booktrade 1605-1939. Ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris. Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey, 1985.

This selection is a straightforward listing of bookbinders' price lists in the eighteenth century, which helped in providing several illustrations and charts for the site.

The Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser. London: Charles Say, July 2, 1756; The Ladies Magazine. London: Griffith, November 18, 1749; London Morning Advertiser. London: Rayner, October 2, 1741; November 1, 1742; The Spectator. London: Tonson, March 1, 1710.

All these texts are the sources for authentic images of advertisements that are used as visual aids in this site, and they also provide insight into what various advertisements were actually trying to say to the reader.

Harris, Bob. "The London Evening Post and Mid-Eighteenth-Century British Politics." The English Historical Review 439 (1995): 1132-1156.

This book was very helpful for the section on newspapers, particularly in how they were run, what political and religious connections they had, and who their readership was.

Hoe, Robert. A Short History of the Printing Press. New York: Hoe, 1902.

This book provided information on the process of printing and some of the changes in it during the eighteenth century.

Hunter, J. Paul. Before Novels. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1990.

This book was invaluable to the Genres section. I didn't find any others that were so comprehensive in scope, yet detailed and articulate.

Kernan, Alvin. Printing Technology, Letters, and Samuel Johnson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987.

This informative book provides information on the printing press of the 18th Century, Grub Street writers, and other significant details on book retail.

Maxted, Ian. "'4 rotten cornbags and some old books': The Impact of the Printed Word in Devon." Sale and Distribution of Books from 1700. Ed. Robin Myers and Michael Harris. Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1982.

This article includes valuable information of how booksellers advertised themselves in eighteenth-century England.

McIntosh, Carey. The Evolution of English Prose, 1700-1800: Style, Politeness, and Print Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

McIntosh explores the growth of English print culture in this book, highlighting issues dealing with literacy and the standardization of English through print.

Middleton, Bernard C. A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 1996.

This text offers an extensive and highly detailed account of the history of bookbinding in England, from specific material used in the paper to the process of decorating and lettering a book. Middleton's account is thoroughly informative and quite exhaustive.

Norton Anthology of English Literature. ed. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. 7th ed, vol. 1. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2000.

This Anthology was great for eighteenth-century poetry. They gave a very thorough overview of the time period, and I was able to read specific poets from the period.

Seidel, Michael. "Narrative News." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 10:2 (1993): 125-150.

This article was helpful for the newspapers and news sheets section. The author did a very good job of relating how the news of the day was connected to other eighteenth-century values and moral/political thought.

Tompkins, J.M.S. The Popular Novel in England 1770-1800. London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 1932.

Even though this book was a bit old, it was really helpful for the section on novels. It gave both a picture of the reading public and the sorts of things novels contained.

Weatherill, Lorna. Consumer Behaviour and Material Culture in Britain 1660-1760. New York: Routledge, 1988.

Weatherill's work provides extensive information on the prices of books and other items in the era. It also has several useful graphs and charts.

Wiles, R.M. Serial Publication in England Before 1750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957.

Professor Wiles investigates the highly successful serial publication industry of the first half of the eighteenth century. He offers an in-depth perspective on why these serials were so popular and on how the booksellers made so much money off them.