Web Project Sources
Black, Maggie and Deidre Le Faye.  The Jane Austen Cookbook.  Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1995.

In addition to providing many recipes, this cookbook provides other information about the eating habits of people in the English upper class.  The book contains information about meals for various occasions, such as to whom certain meals were served and why certain meals were served.

Camporesi, Piero.  Exotic Brew.  Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994.

Camporesi describes various facets of food in 18th century England.  However, he gives great detail to a discussion about the proliferation and use of meat, especially in the upper class.  The book also contains an interesting chapter about the importance of smell, taste, and appearance of the food to be eaten.

Clair, Colin.  Kitchen & Table.  New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1965.

This contains a wonderful, witty, anecdotal account of eighteenth-century British culinary disasters and delights.  These are the kinds of details that that are enjoyable as well as essential to the understanding of the history of English food.

Hartley, Dorothy.  Food in England.  London: Macdonald & Co. Ltd., 1962.

Hartley studies the types of food eaten in England and their importance in British diets over centuries.  She thoroughly discusses categories of food such as “meat” and “eggs” as well as food preparation techniques and recipes.

Hunt, Peter, ed.  Eating and Drinking: An Anthology for Epicures.  London: Ebury Press, 1961.

Hunt has compiled excerpts from various books about wine, food and consumption from various times and places.  The book contains information about types of food kings in 18th century England ate as well as poetry about food and the experience of eating.

Kisban, Eszter. “Food Habits in Change: The Example of Europe.”   Food in Change.  Alexander Fenton and Eszter Kisban, eds.  Edinburgh:  John Donald Publishers, Ltd., 1986.

This article discusses food around the world from 1300 to 2000.  It talks about how food relates to societal changes and problems.

Lane, Maggie.  Jane Austen and Food.  The Hambledon Press, 1995.

This describes the roles food played in Austen’s life. By specifically analyzing the eating habits of Austen and the characters in her novels, the book describes the mealtimes and menus of people in upper class England. Lane also provides some historical information about the use of certain foods or ingredients.

Mennell, Stephen.  All Manners of Food.  New York: Basil Blackwell, Inc., 1985.

This book discusses the kinds of food that have been eaten and the kinds of food that have been highly valued in France and England.  It begins with the Medieval period and extends to 20th century trends.

Palmer, Arnold.  Movable Feasts.  London: Oxford University Press, 1953.

This meandering, nostalgic, little book may remind its readers of Sterne at times.  It specifically focuses on dining habits of the upper classes in eighteenth and nineteenth century England.

Strutt, Joseph.  A Complete View of the Dress & Habits of the People of England, from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the Present Time.  Vol. 1.   London: Henry G. Bohn, 1878.

This anthology is a comprehensive study of the fashions in England.  This book provides a thorough description of the components of women’s dress in the eighteenth century.

Tannahill, Reay.  Food in History.  New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1989.

Tannahill traces the origins of food and cooking to the beginning of human civilization.  The discussion of changes in food preparation and eating habits caused by the Industrial Revolution is particularly relevant to eighteenth century British studies.

Tannahill, Reay.  Food in History.  London: Eyre Methuen, 1973.

Earlier, Great Britain publication of above work. Illustration from p. 284 used.

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