author topic: got a suggestion for my indigestion?
Mr. Liver posted: 02-14 1794: got a suggestion...

  I was feeling perfectly fine during my morning stroll in Covent Garden, when I was suddenly hit with the most unpleasant feeling in my liver. Oh, I cannot begin to describe the throbbing pain and dizziness that accompanied such an affliction! My condition has prompted jests and jeers from my less understanding, rakish friends.

Can you help me?

Mr. Rymer posted: 02-14 1794: re: advertisement!



A principal officer in the East-India service, labouring under obstructions of the liver, indigestion, wind and heart-burn, yellowness of the eyes and countenance; low spirits, tremors, and other nervous affections (which he attributes to the climate and manner of life here in India) began to take the Cardiac Tincture on the 14th instant; and declares, this day, that it has done him the most essential service; and that, compared with the medicines he has been taking during the twelve months last past, as prescribed to him by eminent men of the Faculty, it is superior to any one of them.

He authorizes Mr. Rymer to refer any gentleman to himself, who may desire further particulars" (1).

John Adams posted: 02-14 1794: re: testimonial




By taking your Cardiac Tincture according to your directions, the disorder in my liver, the yellowness of my skin, and dropsical swellings in my legs, are entirely cured; and I now enjoy a good appetite, and regain my former strength" (2).