Re: webgw500 on alpha

Steven E. Newton (
Wed, 28 Aug 1996 09:02:45 -0500

At 12:02 AM 8/28/96 -0400, you wrote:
>> I wondering if anyone has seen this strange problem with webgw500 2.0
>> beta on Alpha/Digital Unix. Everything works fine, except that there
>> is always some extra web browser information show up at the top of
>> each page, like this
>> ...
>> These info should (and were indeed) sent to the webgw500 server, but
>> I cannot figure out how they are also shown up in the output of the
>> server.
>This is because the c library routine which reads the input from the
>socket is "echoing" it back (like terminal echo). One solution is to
>fdopen() a second fp and use it for input only with fgets() while
>using the original fp for output. I did this quite a while ago
>and it worked.
>I think this is because of a quirk in the Digital Unix C runtime.
No. The easiest way to do it in web500gw 2.0b is in web500gw.c, on line 585
(about) change the #ifdef (__hpux) to #if defined(__hpux) || defined(__osf__)
because the alpha needs the fflush, not the rewind.


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                                |    Nobody else speaks for me,
       Uh oh, no Boom.          |    and I speak for no one else.
                                |     +     +     +     +     +     +