Re: Aliasing?

Eric Rosenquist (
Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:11:09 -0400

On 14 Jul 96 at 13:12, Greg Rolan wrote:

> I understand that LDAP (as of 3.3) doesn't support aliases in the DIT.
> Are there any plans for alias support, some hackology that may be done,
> or something obvious that I have misssed?

What makes you think it doesn't support aliases? The standard X.500
"alias" object class is handled the way it would be for a DAP client,
i.e., you get back the DN of the aliased object and de-reference it
yourself if you're 'reading' an entry. The LDAP 'search' operation
provides alias handling similar to what you would get with DAP.

What specifically were you looking for?

Eric Rosenquist, Strata Software Limited
Email: Tel: 613-591-1922 Fax: 613-591-3485
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