LDAPResult structure

Eric NISOLLE (Eric.NISOLLE@ed.nce.sita.int)
Fri, 16 Feb 96 10:58:55 PST

We have tested a Ldap Server that sometimes gives results like :

resultCode = 1 (operationsError)

errorMessage = "ENTRY EXISTS"

As the "errorMessage" field is optional, we think that the result should be :

resultCode = 68 (entryAlreadyExists)

errorMessage = empty (in this case)

Reading the RFC 1777, my interpretation is that the resultCode provided by the Ldap Server should be as precise as possible
(and that may seem obvious to some of you!).

I mean that the resultCode value "operationsError" should be used only if there is no more precised code defined
in the RFC.

However, this point needs maybe to be clarified in the RFC (even if quite obvious).

What do you think ?


Eric Nisolle

Name: Eric Nisolle
E-mail: Eric.Nisolle@pc.nce.sita.int
Date: 02/16/96
Time: 10:58:55