a Cross Certificate problem!!

DASSER_S (dasser_s@vptt.ch)
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 14:54:44 +0000 (GMT)


We have developed our own LDAP Client, based on the LIBLDAP.DLL from U of Mich. This client runs on PC
with windows. It's used to store and retrieve certificates from X.500 directory.
When I try to modify or add a cross Certificate Pair, the information is not accepted and this attribute
remains empty. I don't receive any error in this case.

Thanks in advance for your help.
any suggestion will be welcome.


Saida Dasser P_T T_
Swiss TELECOM PTT |_ _| Ph 41 31 338 87 48
FE 322 |_| Fax 41 31 338 99 03
Zentweg 27 SWISS TELECOM email dasser_s@vptt.ch
3000 Bern 29 X400 C=ch, A=arcom, P=vptt,
Switzerland O=telecom, S=dasser, G=saida