Security attributs problems!!

Wed, 12 Jul 1995 11:27:35 +0000 (GMT)


We use X500 to store and retrieve certificates and other security attributes.

The access to directory is based on LDAP. The client interface is based on PC.

2 Problems occur:

I can't modify the crossCertificatePair with LDAP (I can read it without problem!).I think that there's
some textual syntax problem !!

The Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is automatically encoded is an ASN.1 string in the EDB files even
if I use the textual form to store it. So with LDAP, I can't obtain the textual form.
The CRL used by quipu is the X509(88) version, witch is obsolete now.

Does somebody already test these things. I'd be very happy to receive your comments and answers.

