
Note: Office hours are on the Help page.

Christian (Instructor)
Christian first started programming on the IBM System/34 in the programming language RPGII. He is Associate Professor in Communication Studies and the School of Information. He previously spent time as a visiting researcher, consultant, or employee at Microsoft, Intel, MCI, MIT, Oxford, and Harvard. He has worked in software engineering for a search engine start-up company, a Fortune 500 company, and a regional government. Sandvig's reseach about the future of the Internet and social media has appeared in/on The Economist, The New York Times, and National Public Radio. He has personally met Grumpy Cat.
Kitior (Graduate Student Instructor)
My name is Kitior and I’m completing a Ph.D. in Communication here at Michigan. My work focuses on social media technologies and television, exploring the changes emerging in the television industry as social media is increasingly emerging as a tool for interacting with television. Studying the integration of social media and television stemmed from my strong interest in television, but also in talking about television. As social media increasingly became the venue where these conversations began to migrate, I was curious to understand and explore the changing dynamics this posed for marketing, advertising and categorizing audiences. My work consequently explores the television industry in combination with audience practices. Besides television, I have a strong interest in technology and the Internet more broadly. I have experience in Python programming, Web programming, and Web design. Prior to grad school, I worked as a Data Analyst for a Fortune 500 company, and in my spare time I used to experiment with filmmaking and film editing, hobbies I have regretfully given up due to the demands of grad school. Fun Fact: I taught myself to write with my left hand and I’ve become quite adept switching between hands.
Judy (Curricular Research Assistant)
Hi! I’m Judy, a senior majoring in Communication Studies, formerly an Art & Design student who has additionally taken courses in programming, psychology, and interaction design. Currently dabbling in Web design and development on the side, as well as exploring new music, particularly electronic music and its subgenres.
Kelsey (Curricular Research Assistant)
My name is Kelsey and I am a junior majoring in Communications and Statistics. I spent my summer down in Alabama as an intern in the sales and development department of Today’s Class, an online learning tool specializing in career technology. There I worked with material specialists, web designers, and game developers and learned a lot about what goes into Web-based programming and advertising. I’ve worked in C++, Python, html, and CSS and created a “Web Schedulizer” Web site that pulls Course Guide information to facilitate in class planning. I also work in PR for the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association and am fascinated by innovations in technology and marketing strategies.

Photo credits: midorisyu, pixabay, izismile, growld.