Ergonomics ----- Personal Protective Equipment


Detailed Checklist For Manual Material Handling Risk Analysis -- This checklist will reveal if your task is hazardous, if your task may be hazardous, or if your task is not hazardous relative to manual material handling ergonomic risk. This checklist will also guide you to the most appropriate manual material handling tool for further analysis of your task. By the University of Utah Research Foundation.
ErgoWeb -- Their tool box, case studies, and information resources can be accessed using their search engine or index.
Ergonomics Society -- Contains definitions, publications, and other ergonomic links. Hosted by the School of Health at the University of Derby.

Personal Protective Equipment

Safety_Products -- Safety product suppliers listed by Yahoo!
Personal Protective Equipment General Requirements -- General standards for personal protection in the workplace from Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Hosted by OSHA.
Protect Yourself with Personal Protective Equipment -- Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Fact Sheet No. OSHA 89-08.
AgSafe Project: Protective Clothing: Script -- Although this is for agriculture, there are usefull tips for all workplace environments.
Protective Clothing -- From SafetyOnline.

Eye Protection

Eye Protection in the Workplace -- U.S. Department of Labor's Program Highlights Fact Sheet No. OSHA 92-03. Hosted by Oklahoma State University.


DOE Allows Contact Lenses with Respirators -- Environment, Safety & Health Bulletin of November 1986 from the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, & Health allowing contacts to be worn with full-face respirators.
Respiratory Regulations -- Standards for respirators from Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations.Hosted by OSHA.

Hand Protection

Hand Protection -- Standards for hand protection from Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Hosted by OSHA.

Safety Shoes

Occupational Foot Protection -- Standards for footwear from Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Hosted by OSHA.

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