Date: Wed, 24 Mar 93 00:44 CST From: Shekhar.Govind@UTXVM.CC.UTEXAS.EDU Subject: [*] inexpensive-midi-resource.txt (Mac-MIDI report) Please replace the old archive file at sumex-aim: info-mac/report/inexpensive-midi-resource.txt with this newer version. Comments to (J R Evans), the author. Cheers - Shekhar Govind ======================================================================== From: (J R Evans) Subject: Draft FAQ : Inexpensive MIDI resources for the Macintosh Date: 21 Mar 93 11:07:35 GMT Organisation: British Geological Survey, Edinburgh Note: I've received few comments on the last draft, so hopefully this document has reached a stable enough to deserve FAQ status; let me know if you disagree! ======================================================================== What is this posting? --------------------- The Macintosh is an excellent platform for music-related applications, most of them interacting with electronic sound production systems via MIDI. Your Macintosh dealer, your instrument dealer, and mail-order suppliers such as MacLine and MacWarehouse will all provide you with ample information regarding commercial products, but information about the many excellent freeware and shareware products which are available is somewhat harder to come by. This posting is an attempt to gather together that information. How do I use it? ---------------- The posting is in three parts: this preamble, intended to make you aware of the resource; a short list of basic questions relating to the Mac and MIDI, with pointers to those products which may be helpful to you; and a directory of free or inexpensive products, brief reviews and details of where they may be obtained. You can either browse throught the document, or use your newsreader's search facility (or a text editor) to navigate it. Look at the list of questions which follow, and use the search facility to get to the answers which interest you; most answers include a list of references; use the search facility to find the items referenced. ========================================================================= 2. Some questions and answers: ------------------------------ Q01: What is MIDI? / How do I connect my Mac to my synthesiser? Q02: Which Mac is best for MIDI applications? Q03: Is there a free- or shareware sequencer for the Mac? Q04: Is there a Mac-based patch editor or librarian for my synth? Q05: How do I write a MIDI application for the Mac? Q06: How can I obtain the applications described? Q07: Who is responsible for this, and how can I correct mistakes? Q01: What is MIDI? / How do I connect my Mac to my synthesiser? --------------------------------------------------------------- An extensive discussion of MIDI is beyond the scope of this document. See the FAQ posting regularly offered by Craig Latta in the newgroup, or available by ftp from Briefly, MIDI is an agreed group of electrical and digital protocols which describe how music production systems and computers can exchange information. There is a degree of relationship with the RS-232/RS-422 protocols used routinely for serial data communication between computer equipment. The RS-422 protocol is produced by the Mac's serial ports, and the Mac is capable of producing and receiving these signals in a form which can be easily converted to true MIDI. A simple electronic circuit is required to achieve this. Most users find it easiest to purchase one of the many standard interfaces which are available, and music production systems are now beginning to appear (e.g. Yamaha TG100) which incorporate Mac/MIDI interfaces. However, it is entirely possible to produce a Mac-MIDI interface using a handful of inexpensive parts from your local electronic hobby store, and there are several documents which explain how to do so. Search for "MAC-midi" and "mac-to-midi-interface" for information about them. Q02: Which Mac is best for MIDI applications? --------------------------------------------- All Macs come equipped with the necessary serial port hardware, but reasonably capable applications (sequencers in particular) require a fairly large memory allocation, and a 1-Meg system running a System version prior to 7 is probably a practical minimum capability. As usual, a machine running System 7 or later will demand much more -- 4Mb is now generally accepted as a practical minimum for any System 7 machine. MIDI data rates are comparitively leisurely by computer standards, so most of the applications described below, as well as most commercial MIDI applications, run quite adequately on 68000 based machines. The Powerbook 140 and 170 have problems accepting large amounts of MIDI input, and are probably a poor choice; Apple's Technical Note M.DV.PollProc gives their account of the problem and offers a workaround which programmers can adopt. Nick Rothwell ( has written a number of articles on the subject and can offer a user's viewpoint. There have also been reports of problems with the IIvx; Apple have issued an updated version (1.0.1) of System Enabler 001, which is claimed to fix the problem. May now be available from, and copies are circulating by email. Q03: Is there a free- or shareware sequencer for the Mac? --------------------------------------------------------- Yes; Altech Systems MiniTrax (see below). The CMU MIDI Toolkit, CSound and Lime also have some capabilities in that direction. The commercial demos are all very constrained, but are well worth examining, so that you have some idea of their relative strengths and weaknesses if/when you decide to purchase! Q04: Is there a Mac-based patch editor or librarian for my synth? ----------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest that you browse through the following notes in search of your particular model; a number exist. If all else fails, Altech's Bulk Sysex Utility can be used with many synths/samplers to provide a basic librarian facility. The HyperMIDI and MIDIControl shareware programs provide the means to build your own editor from a provided kit of parts, and both are very easy to use. If what you want isn't available, try out that option -- the great beauty of shareware is that you can 'try before you buy', but don't forget to pay the programmers for their efforts if you do find them useful! Q05: How do I write a MIDI application for the Mac? --------------------------------------------------- A full answer is beyond the scope of this document, but a number of sources of helpful information are available via the net. Brian A Miller ( is preparing a document on MIDI programming which will be posted to comp.sys.mac.programmer and; a draft is available from him by mail. A lot of requirements can be met easily by using HyperMIDI or MIDIControl, which provide LEGO-like toolkit environments. The CMU MIDI Toolkit, and Altech Systems' MIDIBasic/ MIDIPascal products move a step beyond that, providing more capabilities at the cost of being embedded in a traditional programming language. The recommended method of interfacing a full-blown Mac application to the MIDI hardware is through Apple's MIDI Manager. Full documentation plus a copy of the program and its supporting components are available from APDA (refer to "MIDI Manager" for details). Finally, for those who want to see what is involved in coding at the hardware level, the CMU MIDI Toolkit includes a functional hardware driver in source; I have a small collection of simple examples, including Craig Ruff's MIDI Driver which provides a simple skeleton which could be used within a patch editor or similar application. The CMIDI library will be invaluable to programmers using the Think C class library. Q06: How can I obtain the applications described? ------------------------------------------------- Most of the applications and documents are available via ftp over the Internet; the listing below gives sites from which they can be obtained, and I have propagated copies of the most recent versions to (although they do not appear to have shown up in the application directories at the time of writing this). If you do not have access to ftp facilities, a number of sites offer an ftp-by-mail service. Send a message containing the word 'help' to for information on one such. Information on ftp procedures and file formats is available in the Usenet introductory messages (newsgroup news.announce.newusers) and in the news.answers and rec.answers groups, as well as other FAQ postings to comp.sys.mac.* and* groups. If you have received this document by some means other than Usenet, I can only suggest that you ask those from whom you obtained it for help in gaining access to the Internet. Q07: Who is responsible for this, and how can I correct mistakes? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Russ Evans ( prepared this, and has been helped by corrections and reviews offered by a number of others, as mentioned in the text. If you have more up-to-date versions of these programs, additions or corrections, please let me know. It would be helpful to mention which edition you are commenting on -- see the copyright notice at the foot of the posting. ========================================================================= 3. Directory of inexpensive MIDI resources for the Mac ------------------------------------------------------ Altech Systems MIDIBasic/MIDIPascal toolkits Source: Altech Systems, 122 Faries Indl Pk Dr., Shreveport, LA 71106 phone (318)-868-8036 Status: Commercial software; free demos! Description: Libraries supporting rapid construction of MIDI applications. A number of the utilities listed here are demos for these products; I haven't been able to determine current prices, but Ralph Ritchey confirms that Altech are still in business. Bulk Sysex Utility Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/sysex_util.hqx Status: Free [demonstration of Altech Systems' MIDI library] Description: A very nice sysex tool -- can handle dumps of up to 128k. Includes MIDI through and basic play-from-keyboard capabilities. A 'must have'! CMIDI Source: /mac/think-c/classes/cmidi.hqx Status: Free Description: Class library for Think C which provides support for Apple's MIDI Manager. Only of interest to programmers. CMU Midi Toolkit Source: /pub/mac/CMU_MIDI.sit.hqx (this version has some minor problems on current systems) Status: Free Description: The Carnegie-Mellon MIDI Toolkit is a suite of programs for experimental computer music education, composition, performance, and research, which runs on a variety of platforms. CMT includes a compiler for a simple text-based music language and software for recording, replaying and computing MIDI data in real time. It has three major attractions: flexibility, availability of source code, and low system cost. The principal author (Roger B Dannenburg of the CMU Studio for Creative Enquiry) presently has version 3 in a beta stage of development, and it looks most attractive. Let us hope that he will be able to make it available for ftp soon. Csound Source: Status: Free Description: Port of major ongoing project for description and genesis of sounds, which operates on a number of platforms. Encompasses sampling and signal processing capabilities as well as MIDI interfacing; will require application to master, but the effort will be well worthwhile! Complementary approach to CMT and Lime. CZ Librarian Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/cz_librarian.hqx Status: Free Description: A patch librarian for Casio CZ101/1000/3000/5000 synths. The application wouldn't even start on my Macs running 7.1, but Josh Brandt ( reports that it works on system 6.0.4. He describes the interface as 'slightly odd'. Includes four banks of useful voices. D110 Rhythm Source: /pub/mac/D110R.sit.hqx Status: "Beta software, not to be released" !! Description: Basic Hypercard based editor for D110 rhythm parts. ESQ-1 Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/esq1_librarian.hqx Status: Free (Demo for Altech Systems' MIDIBASIC) Description: I couldn't get this to run on my system 7.1 Macs. HyperMIDI Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/HyperMIDI.sit.hqx Status: Shareware Description: A well written, extensible Hypercard stack providing a bit of everything - dumps, recording, analysis, play-keyboard and programmable patch editor [DX7 version included]. Version 1.0 available on the net is dated 1988. Blanche Cohen ( reports that HyperMIDI is now "semi- commercial" and available at $125 from the author, Nigel Redmond. Widely recommended. Lime Source: /pub/lime/... Status: Free demo; inexpensive license Description: A very capable score writing program with some MIDI sequencing capabilities. The demo is almost completely functional (it is limited to scores of up to three pages) and the cost of the full version is nominal -- $160. Lime can do things no fully commercial program I've seen can handle. I have just two reservations about it: a) it is very, very slow. Response is leisurely on my IIvi (16MHz '030); on my SE, Lime is all but unusable; b) it can't export or import standard MIDI files. In all other respects, an amazing piece of work! Comes with copy of MIDI Manager, Patchbay, and notational fonts. What's more, David M Cottle (, the consultant on the project, provides first-class support. KAMIKAZE DX Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/kamikaze_dx.hqx Status: Unknown Description: Wouldn't even start on my systems running 7.1. Megalomania Source: /pub/mac/Megalomania1.0.sit.hqx Status: Shareware $22 Description: This looks like a really imaginative idea. A MIDI-based effects processor with a graphical patch interface. Without time to explore, it's impossible to assess its value, but it comes with a promising looking manual and a heap of example patches. Worth investigating? MidiControl Source: Joe Ciarcia Status: Shareware $35 Description: A promising general purpose patch editor. I had it driving my VFX in a matter of minutes without reading the manual. Plenty of examples for DX7's and relations. I preferred it to (an old version of) HyperMIDI, which is its most obvious competitor. MIDIDriver Source: Craig Ruff or myself (mail to Status: Free Description: After posting a request to the net for a MIDI driver, Craig Ruff sent me two simple drivers he had written some time ago, one in assembler, one in C, for the Aztec compiler. I have rewritten them both for Think C, and the assembler version works (at least to the extent I've been able to test it). Unless Craig has any objections, I'm willing to share this code; it is *very* basic, but at least demonstrates the way in which the Zilog SCC has to be prodded in order to transmit and receive MIDI bytes. In addition, Ralph Richey ( has forwarded to me public domain routines originally written by Kirk Austin and others. We will no doubt find an ftp site for this material, but in the meantime, it's available by mail from Ralph or myself. MidiScope 1.5 Source: umich /sound/midi/midiscope1.5.sit.hqx.Z Status: Free (PD, advertising Kurzweil) Description: Allows you to monitor MIDI traffic in great detail. Definitely a 'must have' in anything but the simplest setup. Note that version 1.1 (present at some ftp sites) is buggy! Blanche Cohen ( reports that MidiScope has been superseded by MIDIKeys, a shareware application, but archie doesn't list a site offering that program. MiniTrax 1.54 Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/minitrax154.hqx Note also: umich has /sound/midi/minitrax1.55.cpt.hqx Status: Free (PD demo for Altech Systems MIDIBASIC) Description: As it's the only free (or even cheap!) sequencer that I've seen for the Mac, I have to say this is a good deal! Compared against equivalent offerings for the Atari ST, it's very commendable. Tidy interface, simple to use, but limited editing capabilities. Music Fun Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/MusicFun.hqx Status: Shareware Description: Only tangentially a MIDI application. Provides ear-training exercises (identifying intervals, chord qualities, inversions) -- a useful tool. offers what is probably an updated version in /mirrors2/info-mac/Old/demo/music-fun-20.hqx.Z SY77 Voice Librarian Source: umich sound/midi/sy77voicelibrarian.cpt.hqx Status: Free Description: A voice librarian for the SY77/TG77 series, written by Ralph Ritchey ( Runs on system 7 or later (it's not clear to me whether that's a requirement). Source code available from author. Miscellaneous documents ----------------------- MAC-midi Source: /pub/midi/software/mac/MAC-midi Description: How to build a MIDI interface for a Mac mac-to-midi-interface Source: Check archie, or mail me Description: Another way to build a MIDI interface for a Mac Apple MIDI note [pollproc] Source: Description: Apple's technical note describing the official assessment of the infamous Powerbook problem, and a procedure which developers can embed in their applications to work around it. Of interest to Powerbook programmers only. Apple MIDI Manager Source: Order from APDA ( Description: The official word on how to construct MIDI programs for the Macintosh; includes a program disk and 44 page manual. MacTutor articles Source: Order from MacTech ( Less than USD12 Description: Ralph Ritchie (urritche@edu.drexel.mcs) reports that a series of articles from MacTutor are available and recommends the following: Vol 1 no 12 p 30 "MIDI In Assembly" by Kirk Austin .. Sound lab MIDI discussion.. Vol 3 no 12 p 71 "MIDI in Assembly - a MIDI demo for the Mac" by Kirk Austin .. MIDI routines.. Vol 3 no 7 p 41 "MIDI in assembly and Pascal" by Kirk Austin ..A MIDI library for Pascal .. MIDI is explained Vol 5 no 11 p 10 "MIDI in C" by Don Veca .. a look at Apple's MIDI Manager routines Ralph says the above are all "really really good"; he or I can supply machine-readable copies of the code by e-mail. Other sources of Mac MIDI software ---------------------------------- I haven't yet had time to investigate the following items turned up by a recent archie search: /mirrors2/info-mac/Old/sound/program/small-midi-interface.hqx /mirrors2/info-mac/Old/demo/dr-t-beyond-midi-206.hqx The UK magazine Sound On Sound distributes PD, shareware and demo disks for MIDI and related applications. They list the following items which I've not been able to locate on the networks: MIDIStix -- shareware drum pattern sequencer MIDIMagic -- 32k bulk dump librarian M1 MIDI Concrete -- shareware editor/librarian for Korg M1 and demos for the following products: Turbosynth -- waveform synthesiser Steinberg Cubase 1.0 -- sequencer Intelligent Music M -- composition aid (?) Opcode Vision -- sequencer Opcode Cue -- sync to picture tool Passport Trax -- sequencer Passport Pro -- sequencer Hyperstudio -- studio management aid Coda Finale -- scoring/notation program Passport Notewriter -- notation Passport Encore -- notation with MIDI sequencing Their address is Sound On Sound, PO Box 30, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4QX, UK, fax +44 480 61786. Disks priced at UKL7 plus UKL0.85 per order for mailing outside UK. If you get any of these, please place a copy on or some other archive site, so that we can share it! Amongst the magazines circulating in the UK, I find SOS offers the most information relating to Macintosh applications. Soho Soundhouse kindly provided me with demos of Steinberg Cubase 1.8 (the current version is 1.8.3), and of Passport Encore. These demos will not save or restore files, although in all other respects are fully functional. Useful to anyone considering a purchase. Copies have been posted to Copyright J R Evans ( Permission to copy is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. This document is copied only in full and without alteration 2. No charge is made other than reasonable costs of materials or connection services. Edition of: 1993 March 20th